Boo can now fit on the surface of a dime by him/herself. Just a week ago it would take two babies Boo's size to cover a dime. It's so amazing to read what is happening each day and how quickly parts form. At just 6 weeks 1 day Boo's arms are already growing and his hands are looking more like paddles than flippers, and his leg buds have appeared and are forming flippers for the feet. Babies really are miracles.
So after missing two days of work last week for bedrest, I got to thinking about what I would do if I end up on extended bedrest at some point in my pregnancy. I don't want to borrow trouble, but there is a very decent chance that I least a better chance than if I had a normal, non-high risk pregnancy. I did some research at work and found since I've only got 6 weeks left of short term disability and FMLA, I am kind of screwed if bedrest happens since I wanted to take the 6 weeks after Boo is born. I mean regardless of how much time I want to stay home with my baby, I really don't think it's even feasible to come back any sooner than six weeks.
The best case scenario would be if I end up on six weeks or less bedrest, and then hope they give me some sympathy since I will be eligible for "new" time after March 24, 2014. Since my due date is so close to when I began my leave this year, they might give me a break and extend job protection a little longer if I will be accruing more time soon after.
But, if I were to go on bed rest at like 20 weeks, or even 30 and be on for the duration, it is unlikely that they would be so generous. My brother is adamanet that they cannot fire me, that it is illegal, but I talked to HR the other day. You only get a certain about of time required by law and after that, well, what can you do? It's not like they would be "firing" me under bad terms because I am a shitty employee. But if I need to be off work for 20 weeks plus 6 post postpartum, it is highly unlikely that they would shift things around to cover my job while I am gone. It would be different if I was one week why and they said sorry, too bad for you. But I understand they are a company and they need to run their business.
When I am ready to come back, if my job was somehow still availble or if they had something else open I am sure they would take me back, but it's not a guarantee something would be available. I was really worried about this at first, but I've decided whatever happens happens, and we'll deal. Worst case sceanrio, I go on bed rest at 20 weeks. I am still paid and have job protection for six weeks. After that I terminated because I can't come back to work. So I go on Cobra, which isn't amazing of course but better than not having any insurance and we live off our savings for a while to replace my salary. Then I can attempt to relax on bed rest and have one less thing to worry about.
Then once Boo comes, I can take the 12 weeks that I wished I could have had, and then figure out what to do about a job. Staying home forever is not an option, but we are blessed to have the ability for me to stay home for the 12 weeks plus however long it takes to either find a new job, or get back in at my company. I love the company I work for and I like my job well enough, but since getting my Master's Degree, I really should be making more money and doing something more in line with what I went to school for. I've gotten too comfortable at my job and don't feel like going through the stress of making the switch. But if the choice is made for me, it could be that blessing in disguise to give me the push I need to find a new job.
I am not wishing for bed rest....a strong healthy cervix would be # 1 best case scenario, and after just two days I can imagine how horrible bed rest it, I really don't want to experience it for weeks on end and I don't hope I lose my job. But I'm looking for the silver lining should that happen.
My family is kind of freaking out, telling me not to worry. I don't think I am worrying, I am finding out my options. I can't imagine being told out of the blue that I have to go on bed rest and will likely lose my job. THAT would make me worry. Melissa emailed me a bunch of articles about how bed rest isn't even considerd necessary anymore and how it's an outdated solution.
I have so much guilt over my body failing Kayla and that wasn't even my fault. So if I were put on bed rest but ignored it and we lost the baby, I would never ever forgive myself, nor should I. And for what, a job? My baby and my peace of mind is way more important than a job.
For the bedrest I was on last week. I did follow my doctor's orders, but I honestly don't believe bed rest at 5 weeks does any good. I don't think it hurts, but if you're going to miscarry, I don't think laying down will change anything. But for someone with high bloodpressure in their second or third trimester? Big difference. Not moving around too much, not being stressed out over usual stressors like work would definitely come into play with bed rest. And especially for my situation. As far as I understand it, an incompetent cervix is basically like a trapdoor that gives way once too much weight is on it.
Which explains why many women with IC and a singleton pregnancy go into labor around to 20-24 week mark which is right around when the baby weighs about one pound (plus fluid and placenta weight) and the weight must become too much for a weak cervix. Being verticle and gravity working against you puts weight on the cervix, so being horizontle and taking weight off makes sense.
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