Thursday, April 9, 2015

I just cant....

Why do I read the comment section of articles?  Why?  Why do I do that to myself?  It literally drives me insane how stupid people can be, but yet I voluntarily read them over and over.  I must be a masochist.  I was just reading how Heathrow Airport took Alyssa Milano's breast milk because it apparently exceeded the limit of liquids she could take on the plane.  Ok, I get it, check the rules before you fly.  Yeah yeah.  But I have to say, I sympathize with her.  Pumping SUCKS, and to have that 10 oz of liquid gold taken and just tossed out is so frustrating.

Especially since I am reading that there are strips they could have tested it with to make sure it was fine.  I know rules are rules and normally I am all for it, and I really don't think celebrities should get away with things just because they're celebrities, but come on!  It's Alyssa Milano!  Little Samantha Micelli!  What are the chances Alyssa Milano is going to blow up an airplane with her breastmilk?  Seems like the TSA agent was just a little full of himself.  I mean somehow people are getting actual dangerous weapons and shit on planes all the time, but oh no, sound the alarms, there is a nursing mother with breast milk and she is not afraid to use it!

So anyway, regardless of whether she was right or wrong, the people commenting were so stupid.  It's fine if you don't know how nursing works, it would be kind of weird for a guy with no kids or a wife who didn't nurse to know all about it, but if you don't know anything about it, keep your mouth shut.  People saying she should have just whipped her boob out and fed her kid the "normal" way (Um, the kid wasn't with her, which is WHY she had to pump.  And I pumped for six months because my kid wouldn't eat "the normal way").  People saying haha, she walks through with milk but no baby, I wonder why it was taken from her.  Again, that is WHY she pumped, because her kid wasn't there and she would have gotten engorged (I think that is my second most hated word, second only to moist).

Then a woman of all people says why didn't she just wait until she could feed her kid.  When someone explained to her why women have to pump, she said oh, well I don't have sympathy for her, if mommies can't follow the rules then mommies should stay their ass at home.  Yeah sure, like that is feasible.  Damn you, you feed your child so therefore you have to stay at home.

I get it, people who don't have kids look at parents and their kids as evil little snot producers.  They seem to think all parents are on a mission to piss off everyone around them who don't have kids.  But we don't want the world handed to us because we have kids, we just want our lives to be a little bit easier, and if it doesn't affect anyone else, then who the hell cares?  One day I was searching for a movie theater that had a bring your baby matinee (whenever I see that written I always think it says bring your baby manatee.  I'm like manatee?  Do people have those as pets now?).  I found a yahoo question or something asking if there are any theaters with this, and one person responded, who the hell would want to see a movie with a baby?  Parents think they are so special because they have kids.  Uhhh, whut?  First of all, it is a matinee....the only people that go to matinees are, ahem, parents with small kids, and old people.  Or people like us who liked to save money on the movie even before we had kids.

So it's not taking up any theaters that you probably want to go see a movie at, and hello, it's a movie FOR parents and their babies.  Lights are turned up a bit, sound is turned down a bit, and parents, babies, and strollers are welcome.  This is not a regular movie that just any old Joe would go to.  It's FOR parents and their babies.  Why does this piss someone off that some theaters want to make money off stay at home parents that want to get out in the world and see a movie now and again without having to get a babysitter?  I am just baffled on how this could be offensive.

So anyway, we're planning a trip with family to Disney next year, so it will be our first flight with Emily.  Quite frankly I am terrified.  She's not on formula or breastmilk anymore, but between our regular packing and the hooplala of getting to the airport on time (not to mention the fact that my husband is a complete spazz when he flies so he will likely be more work to get on the plane than Emily) and making sure we've packed everything we'll need for Emily, worrying about getting her through security and entertained through out the flight so we don't piss off everyone around us with a cranky annoying child, I can totally see messing up something like taking something through security we're not allowed.

I was really nervous going to Vegas last year with my insulin and my syringes, so had I somehow messed up and took the wrong stuff through/wrong amount and it got taken away, I would have been pissed as hell.  I know more breast milk can be pumped unlike trying to find a pharmacy in another state to refill your prescription when it's not time to refill it.  But like I said, pumping sucks ass and you don't know how long it took her to pump 10 oz.  If that were me, that would have been about 4 days worth.

On a different subject, Em and I went to the mall today, ran a few errands but mostly to walk around.  She must have really needed to get out of the house, she was so happy at the mall, she kept looking back at me and smiling, and she'd hang over the side of her stroller and watch the floor go by.  She's saying mama a lot more, and I think it is more so in the correct context.  It melts my heart, I just love hearing her sweet little voice say mama.


  1. I know I don't comment much - I loved your entry yesterday (day before?) about viability - and agree with all your points made.

    I also saw the article about Alyssa Milano and her BM- I did not read the comments, but hearing about them now - I'm glad I didn't. I was mad that the TSA threw her milk out without testing as well, but can't believe how self-righteous other people (non parents) seem to think parents are!
    (also - we flew with my son at 4 months old - complete with breast pump (he wouldn't eat "the normal way" either!) and 6 -8oz bottles packed on ice... it was actually alot easier getting through security than I imagined!)

  2. Thanks Kate, I wondered if I were crazy for not agreeing with changing the viability, thanks for sharing your opinion.

    That's good to know about flying. Luckily my inlaws will be with us too, so that will help with some of the stress.
