Thursday, February 28, 2013

Gender Reveal- 18 wks 6 days

We finally got to do our gender reveal with the cupcakes last night.  Lol, I say finally like it was way more than just one day later.  But it felt like it.  We went to my MIL and FIL's first, we only stayed for like 10 minutes, long enough for them to eat their cupcakes and hug and be excited, lol.  I had texted an ultrasound picture to my MIL earlier in the day and she said everyone at her work was making guesses based on the picture (you couldn't see the goods in the pic) and they all thought boy, hehehe, we fooled them.

So they were happy, especially my MIL.  She's very girly so I know she'll be excited for another little princess.  But she would have been equally as thrilled about a boy.  I think my FIL would have liked a boy, out of their 6 grandchildren now, only two are boys.  Plus there is the whole passing on the name thing....My FIL is one of three boys, and his brothers all had girls.  My husband is the only one left with a chance of passing on the name.  But I have a feeling our next one will be a boy.  It's a very loosly based theory mind you, but my best friend has two boys, my other friend has three girls, and my husband'a s best friend has two I think we'll get one of each.  I told you it was a loose theory, but a theory nonetheless.

So then we were off to my SIL's, they were still eating dinner when we got there so we ended up staying about an hour....which was about 50 minutes longer than we had intended, but it was fun.  After dinner we broke out the cupcakes for dessert and of course the kids were excited.  So they all got their cupcakes, my BIL bit to the pink first and he covered it up before anyone else could see it, and then my SIL got to hers and then my nephew.  My poor neice, she's almost 4, she was taking such little baby bites, so she kept whining that hers didn't have any pink, lol.

So my SIL asked the kids what they thought this meant and my nephew said um, princess?  She was like sort of; do you think this means Aunt Amy is having a boy or a girl and they both yelled girl.  Then they asked my neice if she wanted a little girl cousin and she yelled no, lol!  She's so smart though, I showed her an ultrasound picture on my phone, and she said we have a picture too and she showed me the 8 week ultrasound pic I gave them at Christmas.  I think that's pretty genious of her to know those are the same kind of pictures, esspecially considering the baby looked like an upside down rubber ducky in the 8 week one.

So then we stayed and chatted for a bit, talked about baby plans and such.  My SIL gave me a huge tote of her old maternity clothes, score!  I'm wearing one of the shirts today, I'm so excited to go through them more.  As we were getting ready to go, my neice gave me a hug and her head comes right about to my belly and she asked if the baby is in there.  I said yep and she asked why she can't feel her.  I said she's still really tiny, and I showed her with my hands about how big she is.  How cute!

So finally we went to my brother's house.  Of course he doesn't follow rules, so instead of biting it he just pulled off the bottom of the cupcake and then covered it up so his girlfriend wouldn't see.  So as she was trying to bite hers (they were big cupcakes) he kept flashing the pink to the camera when she wasn't looking.  It was pretty funny.  I don't know why it didn't dawn on me to take video the entire time, but at my MIL and FIL's I only took pictures, and of course none of them are good since they are like mid bite, or making a funny face because they weren't expecting to get their picture taken.  But at least I have video of my SIL and her family and my brother and his girlfriend.  It will be fun to watch them someday with Kayla and she can see how excited everyone was to find out she is a girl.

My brother and his girlfriend were very excited....his GF has already been collecting books and until now was going crazy seeing cute outfits she couldn't buy, not knowing which to get.  This baby is going to be very loved.

My dad and his girlfriend already know, but we're going over for dinner tomorrow night and to give them their cupcakes, so I'll have to make them act surprised so we can do a video of them too.  Bah, now I'm even more bummed I don't have video of my inlaws.  Oh well. 

On the way out last night, I told him Ryan I wasn't sure if he was wavering on the name since he asked me what other names I had thought of, but that I want her name to be Kayla, and he responded very quickly with an enthusiastic "ok", lol.  He said he just wanted to make sure I was really happy with it, which is really sweet.  The fact that he loves the name so much, but would have considered others if I wasn't completely happy, just makes me want to go with the name even more.  Once we got done with our trip around the world last night, we announced on facebook.  Such a fun night!  Now I can't wait to start decorating and shopping.  I had really wanted a pink and brown nursery, but Ryan vetoed it, so we both agreed on pink and gray.  I think I actually like it better....we'll probably do light gray walls, with pink accents like curtains, bedding, some wall art, etc.  I was thinking maybe we'll paint the closet doors the same color as the walls, and then outline the middle with pink....I'm not sure what it's called, it's like the grooves that form the six panels on the doors.  Anyway, I think it will be beautiful, I can't wait.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Cabbage Patch Dolls- 18 wks 5 days

There are still some things in the nursery-to-be that I need to clean out and find a home for, and one of them is a bag of stuffed animals.  I think I'll get rid of most of them because they are kind of random and old, but I am pretty sure my Cabbage Patch Dolls are in there.  I know I have three, but I might have a fourth....and my husband had a boy one that he thinks he still has somewhere.  I just have to say, I think him having a cabbage patch is the cutest thing ever.

So I got to thinking about them, and how excited I was when I got my first one....she was a toddler one, with long brown hair and I renamed her Kristen.  I don't remember much about my very first one, but I didn't have her parents couldn't afford it from a store, back then they were very popular and expensive, so they somehow got me one from somewhere else, a bootleg cabbage patch if you will, lol.  But I only had her for a few weeks and they found out these dolls bought from this place had some kind of toxic chemical on them or something so they took her back.  I was soooo ridiculously sad, you'd of thought my friend died or something.  But give me a break, I was in kindergarten.  A few days after they returned her we had show and tell at school and I was so sad not to be able to take her.

A little while later, my mom picked me up from school and when I got in the car, there was my new doll, Kristen, buckled into the front seat.  I was sooooo happy, I loved her so much.  I am guessing my parents saw how heartbroken I was and decided to pay the money for one.  So thinking back on that, I just can't get rid of them.  But they're pretty old and dirty.

So I decided I'll give them a bath, and go buy them new outfits and give them to Kayla.  My husband suggested she might like a new one, which I would be happy to get for her, but I think when she's a little older and can know what she's getting would be better.  For now I'm so excited to make over mine and give them to her.  I hope she likes them.

On another note, after telling several people the name we had chosen yesterday, out of the blue my husband says, so what other names did you have on the table?  What?  I've been in love with the name Emily since I watched The Corpse Bride for the first time, plus I think Emily Kathryn sounds sooooo pretty, but I had accepted that it would be Kayla, told several people and NOW he is wavering on it??  Now don't get me wrong, I never hated nor do I dislike Kayla.  But there are names I like better, cough, Emily, cough.  Plus I am a little worried Kayla will be a bit immature for her as she gets older, but really, there are a lot of names like that.

But now that he's wavered a little, I feel more strongly that her name should be Kayla.  I know how much he loves the name, I mean he said it on our second date for God's sake.  Yes I like Emily a lot, but he's loved the name Kayla for years and years.  Plus we've been referring to our until now make believe daughter as Kayla for years, so it just feels like her name.  I don't know if it was reverse psychology or what, if so well played, well played....but since he said that, I am more sure than ever that Kayla Kathryn is her name.  It even makes me feel a little sad to think of not naming her that, lol.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

It's a..........- 18 wks 4 days

Girl!  I'm so excited, and so surprised since I had such a strong feeling it was a boy, but we couldn't be happier about our little baby girl.  She is perfectly healthy head to toe, everything looks great.  I was still so nervous this morning, despite listening to the heartbeat last night and feeling a few tiny kicks in the waiting room.  She was quite wiggly but the tech was great and got all the measurements she needed in under ten minutes.

She gave us a disk with the pictures on it, I can't wait to get home and look at it since my husband took it home with him.  But I am quite sure she got some very nice pictures, including a thumb sucking one.  She kept putting her hands on the side of her face, and the tech got some cute feet pics too.  The doctor is very happy with my weight and she said my sugar levels have been great and that I should be very proud of myself.

It looks like our plans are skewed for the night, we were going to take the cupcakes around to our family so they can find out the sex, but with the snow storm coming it it's looking like my husband will have to work.  But hopefully we can do it tomorrow, and I am just so happy and feeling so blessed that we have a healthy baby.  I did call my dad and tell him, I know he doesn't really care if he finds out via cupcake or not, him and his girlfriend were very happy, and I also called my best friend and I told everyone at work.  I can't believe in less than 22 weeks, our little Kayla Kathryn will be here!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

18 weeks

It's not often when I actually like my weekly picture, so when I do I figured I'll share.

So now we have another wrench in the gender reveal plan.   There is a big snow stormed predicted for Tuesday afternoon into the evening, so if that hits, Ryan will have to work and we won't be able to make the rounds and announce to our family.  But, it's not the end of the world, we'll just have to do it some other day.  But I'm hoping the weather people get it wrong again and nothing hits....well, the money would be nice, so let's hope it does hit, but maybe Wednesday afternoon instead....Ryan has a dentist appointment that morning and he's already had to reschedule twice ;)

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Ryan and I went to Yotsuba in Ann Arbor tonight., it was so good.  This is coming from a person who two years ago would have never even gone near sushi.  Ok, well an ex did drag me to a sushi restaurant a few years ago...I begrudingly had a few pieces and then he got me Arby's on the way home since he promised he would still feed me as long as I tried the sushi.

A couple years ago we were out for Chinese that also has sushi and Ryan had me try a few pieces of crunchy crab roll.  I thought it was really good, but ever since I got pregnant I've been dying for it.  We went out to that same chinese place a few months ago but it was rather unsatisfactory.  The waitress, working in a chinese/suishi restaurant couldn't help us order what we wanted.

So anyway, we went tonight.  The crunchy crab roll was good, the cucumber roll was so fresh and good, we also got something with bbq chicken and I think shrimp, and we got some kind of dynamite roll, I forget what all was in that but it was good.  But just for myself because my husband doesn't like it, I got a coconut shrimp roll.  Even outside of the sushi category, it was literally one of the best foods I've ever had in my entire life.  I think if we ever go again, I'll have to get two rolls, and then just maybe a few pieces of cucumber roll and crunchy crab roll.

So, for the first time in a few weeks I just kind of ate whatever I wanted at dinner.  I mean, I tried looking up how many carbs were in the crunchy crab roll, but we really had no way of knowing what we were going to order ahead of time, and I don't even know if we could find a universal  nutrition information because some of the rolls might have been more exclusive to that particular restaurant.

So anyway, I just ate, enjoyed it and figured one meal wouldn't kill me.  So I did test two hours later, wowza!  I believe my BS should be anywhere from 120-130 or below.  Most meals it is in the 110-115 range....the highest it's been was right at 130 but that was when I messed up and had a peice of sugar free candy an hour between dinner and testing.  So today's reading was 170!  I guess sushi is worse for me than I realized.  Probably the only thing that's bad for me is the rice, and I didn't think it was much since each piece has so little, but honestly I probably ate the equivalent of like 3 I guess that is probably a lot of rice.  Oh well like I said, one meal won't kill me.  When dealing with something like diabetes, you have to learn what you can do and what you can't and some days there will be a special occasion and you can only do you're best.  Clearly we won't be going out for sushi every week or even every month.  In fact I wouldn't be surprised if we don't eat it again for the rest of my pregnancy.

Friday, February 22, 2013

It's Friday!

I just have to get through the rest of today, which shouldn't be bad since all of my work is already done.  The weekend always goes too fast, but it was be enjoyable and then I've just got to get through one more work day and then my A/S is Tuesday morning!  I ordered the cupcakes the other day, so I'll pick them up on my way home from work, then we'll go to my MIL and FIL's, then my SIL's and then my brother's.  It's working out perfectly that everyone will be home from work and available when we need to stop over.  Now I just hope B cooperates, otherwise we'll have a lot of cupcakes for no reason, lol.  I wonder how long they keep for.

I'm just so excited to see the baby again and make sure everything is ok.  And I am also dying to know the sex....I can't wait to call it him or her instead of it, and to call it by it's name.  I am glad picking the sex isn't up to us.  Sometimes I want a girl really badly, and then other times it's a boy that I really want, so I am glad the decision is made and I'll be so thrilled either way.  I get emotional when I think about the moment they say which it is.

I am doing so awesome on my diet.  The only time I "cheated" was Tuesday night, I had a pepsi with dinner, but that was only because I found this awesome pasta that looks and tastes like white pasta.  It does have 41 carbs per serving but 5 of them are fiber so you can deduct that, and then 31 of them are non digestible carbs, leaving only 5 grams of carbs that are digestible.  I am not quite sure what that means, but I assume it means I only count the 5 grams, this brand was recommended to me by my dietician.

I tested my blood sugar two hours later and it was right at 130, which my BS is usually in the 110-115 range, but it was skewed because I tried two pieces of sugar free candy an hour after dinner.  So I think I will try it again next week but this time eat nothing in the two hours after like I am supposed to and see how I do.  If I could have one pepsi a week, that would be fantastic.  I picked up McDonalds for my husband the other day for lunch (I got myself GD diet friendly arabic food) and I had a sip of his coke on the way home.  I am a pepsi fan, but oh Lord it was so heavenly. 

I just can't believe my will power.  Last weekend at my Godson's first birthday, I limited myself to two small skinny slices of pizza, no breadsticks, a bowl of salad, water, and I cut my slice of cake in half and only had the one half (though I have to admit, it was a huge slice to begin with).  In the past if I were just trying to eat better to lose weight, I would have declared it a special day, probably had two or three regular size slices of pizza, at least two breadsticks, maybe some salad, a couple of pops and I would have ate that whole huge slice of cake.

The sugar free candy my husband bought me the other day is in the cupboard, it's a bag of fun size hershey chocolate and fun size peanut butter cups.  You can tell a little they are sugar free, but for the most part they are pretty damn good.  Ordinarily I would probably take a few pieces while making dinner, maybe a few after, maybe another few at the end of the night.  Basically both bags would be gone in just a few days.  But now, I had the two pieces the night we first got them, and last night I calculated that I was a few carbs short with dinner, so I took two peices of chocolate and one peanut butter cup.  I put it on my dinner plate and when I was done with dinner I had my little dessert and the thought of getting up for more never crossed my mind.

This is seriously the easiest diet I've ever been on.  I like it a lot better than having to count calories or even weight watchers points.  I am almost never hungry or feel deprived because I am eating almost every 2-3 hours.  I am supposed to be eating a certain amount of fat and protein as well, but mostly I've been focusing on my carbs.  My numbers, aside from the candy spiked one, have been excellent so I figure some meals I might not get enough fat and or protein, but in others I go over so it all balances out.  It's also a lot easier to avoid the bad fats, when you also have to avoid the yummy carby goodness they are usually wrapped in.

My nurse agreed that now that I have my glucometer, I don't have to go to the lab once a week for blood draws, but she does want me to go one last time tomorrow and test with my glucometer as soon as I am done just to make sure I'm getting the same readings.  I did test last week, but I did my fasting BS right when I woke up, and it wasn't drawn at the lab until about an hour or more later, so I am fine with going one more time. 

The only thing I do miss is binge eating, which isn't good for me anyway.  But on friday nights I always looked forward to sitting down in front of a good movie or something and just eating what I wanted with no restrictions.  But if I'm being honest with myself, it probably hurt me more than I acknowledged.  It often messed up all the good I did all week, and I think once you allow yourself to eat so much and so poorly, it just makes you want to do it more.  So as much as I always said my binging would just be on Fridays, it often continued into the weekend as well.  I can still have bad stuff, I just have to do it in moderation.  Like at McDonalds I can still have a 10 piece nugget and a small fry (no pop though), at Long John Silvers I can have three chicken planks and two hush fries, cole slaw or pop, but really the chicken and the hushpuppies are the best part of going there.

Of course in addition to eating moderated servings, I will only eat those things on Fridays....but it's nice to know we can still do our Friday night out.  Last week and this week I'm keeping it pretty healthy since my numbers on Saturday are sent straight to my doctor, I am too nervous to eat McDonalds, even in moderation the night before a blood draw.  So last weekend I had a medeteranian salad with steak and a little bit of pasta and a roll, tonight I am likely having a chicken carver sandwhich and green beans from Boston Market.  Still yummy, but still healthy.

I lost another pound this week, so since I started this diet I have lost almost 2 pounds, making my overall weight gain this pregnancy so far just 5.8 pounds.  I know as I get further along I might start gaining just due to baby weight and fluid and such, but I think it's very well feasible that I won't gain anymore "fat weight".  Even if I only have a 7 pound baby, which isn't too likely given our genes and the GD, that puts me at almost 13 pounds gain, plus figure in blood, placenta, fluid, etc, so I should be able to keep my overall weight gain to 20-25 pounds which I should basically lose it all when the baby is born.  I also started walking four times a week and adding in yoga twice a week.  I am feeling really good...I think the second tri energy has finally appeared.  I still have moments of fatigue, but overall I am feeling much more energetic.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Whoa- 17 wks 5 days

I went from a flutter here and there to an apparent party in my tummy.  I was just sitting on the couch and it started like fireworks for like 5 minutes straight.  Its calmed down now but there is still a kick or two every few minutes.  Its awesome, but also a little unnerving at the same time...the constant ones are weird feeling, but it makes it all so real, like holy crap, there really is something in there.  Its hard to say since im feeling it inside at the same time but im pretty sure there were a couple i could feel from the outside as well.  Pleaae excuse any tyypos, im laying in bed, writing this on my phone, wondering if B is going to let me sleep tonigjt.

Lots on my mind- 17 wks 5 days

It seems my pgal brain has shifted a little into overdrive this week.  I think there are a few reasons for that.  I went to my Godson's first birthday party on Saturday and it was the first time seeing my best friend's family since I got pregnant, so the day was full of congratulations and asking questions about the baby and my pregnancy.  I've found that any day that is really focused on baby gets my paranoia up...this happened any time we announced to anyone new as well.

We also find out the sex in 5 more days....I always thought gender reveal events were attention whorish, but we decided to do something small with just our immediate family with pink or blue filled cupcakes.  We don't want to wait the extra five days it would take to place the order the day we find out, so we just went ahead and ordered a dozen with pink and a dozen with blue and we'll just have leftovers of whichever color is wrong.  Once we pick them up, we'll head to my inlaws, then my SIL's and then my brother's house.  My dad is getting home from a trip to Tennessee that night, so we'll have to wait until the next night to drop by his house.  We haven't told them what exactly is going on, just that we're stopping over with a surprise.  I am sure they know it's to announce the sex, but the cupcakes are a secret and I think will be a cute surprise.

So all the talk and anticipation over finding out the sex has made me a little paranoid as well.  I also did a prenatal yoga DVD last night for the first time.  I liked it I guess...I am not super into the "new age, connect with the earth" stuff but the actual work out was fairly easy and the end was relaxing.  My back felt a lot better today too, so I am hoping it's due to the yoga.  However the last time I did a new work out I spotted the next day, and I was feeling a bit extra crampy last night and today, so all day I've been doing the panty check.  So far so good, but it still makes me nervous.

Finally, I think some of my paranoia comes from what happaned to a good friend of mine.  We have actually never met, but over the last year we've gotten to know each other pretty well through the bump, facebook and texts.  We were both dealing with infertility which is what got us talking in the first place, then her experience with her RE was what really helped me get the courage to see an RE and we both ended up pregnant within weeks of each other.  It was great having someone to shriek to after a good ultrasound or hitting a new milestone, and also having someone who knew exactly what it felt like to be so paranoid since we had both experienced early losses.

Sadly, her journey ended last week when her worst fear was confirmed; after a trip to the doctor to hear the heartbeat to ease her mind, her missed miscarriage was discovered.  When she text me with the news my heart dropped into my stomach, I am so heartbroken for her.  No one should ever have to experience a loss, let alone more than once.  I feel so awful for her that she has to endure this pain.  Every tragedy in life is different of course, but the year or two following my mom's death was a very very hard, dark time in my life, and it pains me to know anyone is going through pain like that.

But, when I get too nervous and paranoid, I force myself to focus on something more positive, so I shall end this entry on a positive note.  I've started feeling what I am pretty sure is movement.  So far they just feel like flutters and very tiny tiny bumps, but I've never felt anything like it before and it's been happening many times a day for the last week or so, so I am almost positive it's movement.  It's a strange, yet wonderful feeling at the same time.  I'm excited about this weekend because I'm getting my hair cut and then my husband and I are going out for a belated Valentine's Dinner for sushi!  But I hope the next five days goes by quickly so we can get to Tuesday so we can find out what little baby B is!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Crazy hormones- 17 wks 1 day

I'm having one of those days.  Everything was fine until I sat down to eat lunch, and found Fried Green Tomatoes on TV.  I love this movie, but there is one scene in particular that usually sparks some tears, but today it was a full on, gates are open flood.  It's when Kathy Bates is coming out of the grocery store, that little punk is an ass to her and she drops her groceries all over the ground and starts crying.

That alone is tearjerking because I feel so bad for her, but in that scene she reminds me so much of my mom.  My mom was very sensitive and she would have responded that exact same way (though who wouldn't be sensitive to a complete jerkwad like that), plus she dressed that way, the floral shirts, and the red curly hair.  I always miss my mom, but in that instant I missed her so damn much it was almost unbearable.

I burst into tears and just bawled for like 10 minutes.  My husband just left for work so I could be as loud as I wanted without feeling crazy.  A good cry now and again is great, especially since after 8.5 years, sometimes it feels good to miss her.  I get so caught up in everyday life, and it's been long enough now that most of the time I remember her with a smile and not tears, but sometimes it feels too normal for her to be gone.  Getting upset makes me feel again, and makes me feel close to her again, because being ok with her being gone keeps me at an arms length from my emotions.  So a good cry over my mom isn't always a bad thing, but today it was like a crazy, hormones induced cry.

I was literally sobbing to the point that I dry heaved a few times and was seeing spots.  I miss her so much.  What I wouldn't give to see her, even in a dream, just for five minutes.  Especially now that I am pregnant, I am so sad my mom won't get to enjoy being a grandma.

My mommy, so beautiful :)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

AFP- 16 wks 6 days

Last week I had the final blood work done that was part of the NT scan and Downs testing.  This was the Alpha-fetoprotein screening....confession, I had to google it because the nurse rattled the name off so quickly I couldn't begin to retain what she said.  Anyway, she called today, the results were normal.  I have to admit, given our good NT scan and bloodwork results from the first test, I wasn't all that worried, but it's of course nice to get good results.  It was also very nice when the nurse called and left a voicemail, she said she had some wonderful labs to go over with me.  That kind of takes the edge off while I'm waiting to get ahold of her.  However if they always did that for good labs, I would freak if they didn't do it once.

So today is day 3 1/2 of my GD diet....I say half because I attempted to stick to it on Monday, but since that was the day I saw my dietician, I wasn't fully aware of how to calculate so I am sure my diet wasn't perfect on Monday, but I tried.  It's going so so....once I am at work, have all my foods in front of me and know what I am eating for what meal and what snack it's easy.  But at night when packing my lunch, or making a grocery list it is a little stressful.  Right now it's easy because I am eating the same foods pretty much....I know that a whole what english muffin with a teaspoon of butter and a hardboiled egg is the right amount for breakfast....but I am nervous about the day when I am sick to death of that breakfast and have to come up with something new. 

I plan to keep a list of all of the food combos that work, so when I get tired of one, I can find another easily.  However right now since I don't have my glucometer, I don't really know if anything I am eating is working...I am sticking to the guidelines, but until I can test, I won't really know how it's affecting my body.  But I am trying to just suck it up, and do what's best for my baby.  The diet really hasn't been that bad, and most times when I am overwhelmed, I am just being a baby about it.  Though I have to say, it's great for hunger....I am almost never hungry.  I was starving and felt a little sick Tuesday morning before breakfast because I chose a shitty bedtime snack.  Sure 7 tortilla chips and salsa was the right amount of carbs, but since I had no protein and no fat, I was sooooo hungry the next morning.

But since then, and also having my bedtime snack a little later than my dietician suggested, I haven't had that problem.  So basically I eat every 2-3 hours...usually I am not hungry when it is time to eat, or I am just starting to feel a little hungry.  The only time I actually feel hungry is between my afternoon snack and dinner since it's a longer amount of time than the others.  I've also been doing well with drinking my water; my dietician told me to use a styrofoam cup and write hash marks on it for each cup drank.  It's working, I have been drinking at least 8-10 glasses (plus milk at dinner and snack) a day and it's not as hard as it used to be.  Having a goal and marking off each cup drank appeals to my meticulous nature.

I'm excited to weigh in tomorrow to see if I have lost weight.  I am a little nervous since I feel like I am eating all.the.time, but the doctor swears if I follow it I will lose.  Today I realized I did not pack enough carbs for lunch, and my boss gave us all a little heart of chocolates for Vday so that was perfect, I had three of the five pieces and that got me pretty close to my goal.  I should be getting my glucometer in the mail today, I'm excited to see how my foods are affecting me.

I've been really achey and sore lately, I feel like an 80 year old woman.  I can't just bend down and pick something up anymore, I have to go down in steps, and stand up in steps.  This morning I got up and I was so sore all over, my knee was killing me and I felt like I'd been hit my a truck.  At a friend's suggestion, I ordered a prental yoga I plan on walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes a day on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday and Sunday, and add in the yoga both days on the weekend.  I'm really hoping the yoga will help loosen me up.

I got my Old Navy maternity jeans in the mail a few days ago, and my nursing bras yesterday.  I am a little dissapointed in the bras, the straps don't lengthen quite long enough...once it's on it's comfortable, but getting it on is a little ouchy.  Plus it is kind of scratchy...but I am hoping some stretching from use and washing it will help.  It's the kind that has the hook at the top of each cup so you can pull down the middle to nurse.  So of course I had to go show my husband, unhook it  and say wapaah (like Chandler's attempt at making the whip cracking noise on Friends) when my boob popped out.  That received a chuckle.  I need to find a good tailor....I used to go to a place in my hometown, but they have since closed and I don't know of any around me. 

I hemmed my black maternity work pants, but I have a gray pair and the jeans that need hemmed.  I would do them myself, but I hope to one day sell them back to a consignment store or something and I don't think they'll take them looking the way I hem....I do it well enough to keep my pants off the floor, but it's pretty ugly.  By the time I am done with them after two kids, I probably won't sell them back, but if I can find someone to give them away to, they should be properly hemmed.  Besides, hemming is a huge pain in the ass, and I hate doing jeans.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Wow- 16 wks 3 days

Gone is the girl who ran/walked her first 10K and blew away the time she had estimated to finish in, and the girl that regularily rode 10-25 mile bike rides during the summer.  Hell, I walked 5 miles the night before I found out I was pregnant.  At my dieticians urging, I walked on the treadmill tonight.  I thought, I can do this....I have a nice cozy gym in the basement, I popped in the first disc of Friends and I would just walk while I watched one episode.  Easy peasy right?  Not so much.

Within minutes I was sweating like a buffalo, my heels hurt (wtf?) and at just 3.1 MPH I got that cramp in my side again and had to slow down to 3.0.  Pathetic.  I was watching the time the whole way, dying for the 30 minutes to be up.  I know I have barely worked out in 3 months and I have a little passenger now, but I didn't think walking would be so exhausting.  But I did it, and despite being tired, 30 minutes really isn't that bad.  And I only have to do it four days a week.  Maybe once I have done it for a couple weeks and I have been on my diet longer, it will get easier and I'll feel better.

On the plus side, I realized I haven't gained as much as I thought I had.  My doctor has been saying I gained 11 pounds, and they only want me to gain 15.  But then it dawned on me, not only do I weigh in there with my clothes on, it's of course different outfits each time, some of which can be heavier than others plus shoes, and some appts are in the morning wheras others are after lunch.  That's hardly accurate.

When I weigh in at home, I weigh in every Friday morning, naked, after using the bathroom and before eating.  According to my scale, I have only gained 7 pounds.  I would say that's much more accurate.  So actually, the idea of only gaining 15 sounds very doable, especially if sticking to this diet makes me lose weight which the nurse says it will.  Speaking off, I am off to find a snack, and make a grocery list.

Dietician-16 wks 3 days

Ok, so I'll eat my words (they're low carb right?), the dietician was helpful.  This is unlike any diet I have ever done in the past, so I definitely learned a lot.  It sounds a bit overwhelming, but I think I can do it.  I'm just really scared about those special days, like when we go out for sushi in a couple weeks.  I am sure it's going to be hard to find nutritional info on sushi, but I'll have to do my best.  Although it can't be too bad, there is very little rice wrapped around them, and most have veggies or fish which is protein.

I had to cancel my WW account, which I am sad about.  I really liked it, but she said it just wouldn't work with this.  It would be like apples and oranges....I have almost drank my required amount of water for the day, I just have two and a half more cups to drink at home, but it makes more sense to spread it out.  Besides, I am tired of running to the bathroom, I just went 20 minutes ago and I have to go again.

I am stopping at the store on my way home today to buy a little notebook to keep track of my food.  I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow so I need to study my paperwork she gave me tonight so I can make a list of foods I need to get.

The nurse didn't think a glucometer would be covered by my insurance since I am not on insulin, and if that was the case I would need to go get my blood drawn TWICE, EVERY Saturday for at least the duration of my pregnancy.  I was like ah, no.  So I spent all morning back and forth with the doctor and my insurnace and finally found that a glucometer is covered, whew!  So I got it ordered, that is 100% covered and I ordered 3 months worth of test strips and lancets which was a co-pay of $25/month, which isn't bad.  My insurance is changing in April so I am glad I got the glucometer in case it isn't covered by my new insurnace, and hopefully the supplies are covered still.  Is it weird that I am a little excited about testing?  Yeah, I am a nerd.

I guess I just need to get really serious and know that it isn't just me I am hurting if I don't follow the diet.  I assume I can still go out to eat, I just have to be smart about it.  On Friday night instead of 4 pieces of pizza and 4 breadsticks and a pop, I'll just have to stick to probably one peice of pizza, one breadstick and load up on salad and water.  Cutting back to make sure I am within my carb allottment is better than giving it up altogether.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Funny story- 16 wks 2 days

As one of our registries, we are likely using  So I have the button "Add to my registry" on my toolbar and anytime I find something I want, I just click the button and it add it to our registry, like how you pin something to pinterest.

So my husband and brother and I were talking about the 50 Shades movie and I was telling them the people that are rumored to be in the running for Christian.  I was saying how I would loooove for it to be Ryan Gosling, especially based on how he acted in Crazy Stupid Love.  He was very controlled, a little bossy and very clean cut and tailored all the time, so I think he would make a perfect Christian, but I wondered if he is a little too old.  He is a year younger than me, so that would make him (don't do the math of how old I am) 6 years older than how old Christian is supposed to be.  So I IMDB'd him make sure I was right on his age.

Since Ryan (my husband, not Gosling unfortunately) was sitting right next to me, I intended to go to our registry page to show him the furniture that I love.  Instead I accidentally clicked the "add to my registry" button, and it asked if I wanted to add Ryan Gosling to my registry.  I am not quite sure where we would put him in the nursery, but yes please!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Cuteness of the day- 16 wks 1 day

My brother text me today and said "How pregnant are you now?  In other words, how much longer do I have to wait for your baby"?  Awww, he's so excited to be an uncle.  He also freaked out when I told him about the GD.  I feel bad, maybe I shouldn't have told him, I know he is a worrier.  However he would find out eventually, either my dad or husband would say something, or he'd see me checking my blood sugar.

I went shopping today for my friend's son's first birthday.  I got him two outfits and two books.  When my husband saw the bag, he was like ooooh, what's this, baby clothes?  He sounded all excited.  Then he looked sad when I said they were for Nolan.  I never pegged my husband as one to get all excited to see baby clothes, it was really cute.

Friday, February 8, 2013

GD- 16 wks

The title stands for gestational diabetes, but how I feel at the moment it could stand for something else.  So it's official, I have been diagnosed.  The nurse said I flunked the3 hour GTT pretty bad.  Dammit, I was afraid of that.  So starting Monday after I see the dietician, I have a few weeks to control it through diet or I have to go on insulin.

I really don't want to go on insulin, but I'm very nervous about this diet.  I have been doing well on WW the last few weeks.  I've been eating pretty healthy, and can still afford a few treats.  My weight fluctuates a bit, but overall I have lost 1 pound, so I have been doing good.  However I know there is a difference between eating the right amount of calories to lose or maintaine weight, and eating good nutritional food.  Just because WW says I stayed within my points, doesn't mean my blood sugar isn't off the charts.

So I'm nervous because it sounds like there is a lot less wiggle room in this diet.  I can eat well all week on WW, have a Friday night pig out and eat eh, not so great the rest of the weekend and still do well.  But I doubt that will be the case on this diet.  I have to watch my carbs really closely.  And I know if I don't do well enough and have to go on insulin, I am going to beat myself up for it.  But being the geek I am, I am a little excited about using the glucometer.  For some reason it seems like fun to me.  I know, I'm weird.

On a better note, I think we may have finally agreed on a nursery theme if it's a boy.  My husband doesn't like the generic stuff, like a cartoon monkey or a cartoon truck, but I found a Lion King set at BRU that he likes.  The only bad thing is, we cannot do a blue room if we go with the Lion King because there is no blue in it.  It's browns, yellows and greens.  I am not a fan of yellow or green, so I am thinking a tan paint color would look nice.  But I am probably over thinking all of this, we don't even know the sex yet.  I shouldn't put too much thought into it until we know.

On a completely weird note, my boobs itch like a's my weird little routine, I come home from work, take off my bra to change into my jammies and I scratch my boobs for about half an hour.  The other day the scratching felt so good, it was like an orgasm.  That is all.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Emotional- 15 wks 5 days

Last night I stumbled across an episode of Snookie and Jwow (eyeroll) and saw the snippet of when Snookie was in labor.  The second the baby came out and they handed him to her, I burst into tears.  I get soooo emotional now when I see a baby born on TV, it never used to affect me like this.  I just can't wait to meet our little bug.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Maternity clothes- 15 wks 1 day

I made a killing today, I finally made it out to that maternity and baby consignment store today.  I got four shirts, a pair of jean capris, a pair of work pants and a U of M onsie all for $45.  I think that's awesome, especially considering the pair of work pants I got from Target was $35 just for that.  I'm so excited that I finally have some better clothes to wear for work.  I should get one more pair of work pants, then with casual Friday that means I only have to repeat one pair per week.

I was shocked at how many shirts didn't fit though, I took a ton in with me to the dressing room.  Though since they were used, I am thinking some of them were shrunk from wearing and washing since some of them did fit, but they barely covered my tummy now, let along in a few more months.

The onsie I got was so cute, it's a 3 mo U of M was only $5, I couldn't pass it up.  As soon as I got home I hung it in the baby's closet.  My best friend gave me a bunch of kids hangers that she didn't need so those came in handy.  She also has a huge bin of clothes she wants me to look through.  Even if I end up having a girl, I am sure most of her boys clothes will work.  A pair of fleece pants and a striped shirt will work for either.  I'm so lucky we have so many friends and family willing to give us stuff.

Despite trying a lot the other night, I couldn't find the heartbeat on the doppler.  I told myself before I bought it that I wouldn't freak out if I couldn't find it sometimes since I know the baby moves and can make it hard to hear, but I have to say it did bother me a little, though no major freak out.  So I did find it Thursday, but the baby must have been going crazy because I could never hear it for more than a couple seconds without some other loud noise interrupting it.  So I listened again last night....I found it within 5 seconds and it was so LOUD.  I was able to listen to it for a good 5 minutes...well I could have gone longer but I wanted to go to bed.  It was music to my ears, it was so steady and strong and loud.  I wonder if maybe the baby was sleeping, because that is a but unusual to be able to listen for so long without it moving.  It was like 1am, but of course the baby doesn't know that.  I can't wait to record the heartbeat with the teddy bear we bought.

15 Weeks

Since I actually blow dried my hair and did my make up today for the first time in forever, I actually like my "weekly" picture, so I'll post it.  Don't mind our crazy messy room, I had my clothes all picked up and neat a few weeks ago, but it never seems to last.  I think I mostly still just look fat, but I like taking the pictures every week so when I do start to show and get rounder, maybe I can see a difference from week to week.