Monday, December 30, 2013

Hospital Bag-28 wks 4 days

I'm still too superstitious to pack my bag.  Last time I packed it at just over 20 weeks (I am an insane planner and I love to make lists and cross things off as I accomplish them) and I ended up needing it a week and a half later.  So this time, I refuse to pack it any earlier than 34 weeks.  I feel like that is "safe", so to speak.  It's plenty of time just in case I were to go before my induction date, but it's not so insanely early that it would be very scary.  Ok, little tangent here....I think it's interesting how everything is relative. 

I am sure to anyone whose only had term babies, going into labor anytime before 37 weeks is scary as hell.  But when you've gone at 22 weeks, you have a different definition of very scary.  To me, while not ideal, 30 is doable, 34 is pretty good and 37 is wow, you made it so long.  I wish I didn't have to have that viewpoint....but Boo, are you listening?  You can go till your induction date, that would be fine by me.  I never used to think a scheduled birth sounded appealing, that just going into labor and ending up with whatever birthdate you get was the way to go.  Now let me clarify, I am not looking forward to pitocin, and if it wasn't medically necessary I wouldn't choose to be induced, but I have to say, it's kind of nice to be able to say, my last day of work is March 14th.  And my husband and I have that last weekend together and I'll hopefully feel up to a date night while we have the chance, and it sounds nice to just wake up, gather our things and go to the hospital on my scheduled day. 

We've already done "rush to the hospital in the middle of the night" thing, so I don't mind not doing it this time.  So anyway, back to the bag.  So I was feeling ok enough to write out the list yesterday of what I want to pack.  It's so funny how much shorter the list gets the second time around.  I thought I was doing good the first time because I nixed about half of what was on the hospital's list, but I think this time my list is about half the size of my first list.  And, the hospital really needs to update theirs, they still have "phone numbers and change for calling family" as one of the things to bring. 

What a day- 28 wks 4 days

I am exhausted, mentally and physically.  It was one of those days where everything that could go wrong, did.  I have 10 hours of mandatory overtime this week, so I went in an hour early, worked through lunch and stayed an hour late.  Since we have Wednesday off for NYD and I leave early Thursday for a doctor appt, I have to squeeze in the extra hours where I can.

So my husband was just getting home from work when I was getting ready, and I was talking to him while I was getting my stuff together.  Apparently I cannot talk while gathering things....I forgot my insulin, thankfully realized when I was halfway down the street and went back.  But when I went to eat my PM snack today, I realized I forgot to put in a fresh ice pack so my yogurt and cheese was warm.  So much for my PM snack.  Just like the last few weeks, I was crazy busy today and my boss keeps calling me to his desk to explain some numbers to him, some of which I've explained several times already.

Part of it isn't his fault, he has audit on his ass wanting to know what all these high dollar amounts are, so he has to come to me for explanations.  But I want to scream at him, the more you take me away from my work to explain the out of balances, the longer they will stay out of balance.  My co-worker called off today after having all of last week off.  Now I know, it happened to me once where I got sick the night before going back to work after a vacation....but given the fact that she left me all alone last week during the busiest time of the year, she may be leaving at 2 tomorrow and we have Wednesday off, she had better have been very very sick to not come in.  If she just wasn't feeling well, she really should have sucked it up and came in.  I was told today that we have to do the 10 hours OT during the week, but even after that we may still have to work this weekend.  Honestly I don't think I should have to.  Her being off all this time is what put us so behind....yeah we would be busy still, but of course two people is better than one and we wouldn't be so far behind.  If OT is needed this weekend, I think I should get a pass.  Especially considering all of my OT will only be straight time because of the holiday. 

We have our 3D ultrasound this Saturday morning and I am NOT rescheduling, so if I do have to work this weekend they'll just have to deal with me coming in when I get in, which likely won't be till noon or later.  So I had planned on staying an hour late tonight to get caught up and put in my OT, but everything went to hell and I spent that last hour finishing my regular work.  One of my programs crashed, then I went to print the first page of a spreadsheet but I forgot to put in 1 of 1....ten minutes later I went to the printer to find a half of a ream printed out, it was trying to bring all 1300 pages of the spreadsheet.

I canceled all of the print jobs on my computer, I hit stop on the printer multiple times but nothing was working.  Finally 200 pages later I figured out how to go into the printer itself and cancel the job.  Ugh.  This day can suck it.

My bellybutton is getting closer and closer to being flat....I give it another week or two.  Ewwwww, I hate belly buttons.  I don't want it to go flat, but that would be better than popping out.  I seriously want to puke when I think about it popping out, belly buttons are so gross. 

My dad is so funny....I was telling him how our garage is so tight....we can fit both our cars in and get in and out, but that's about it.  When my husband is home, I cannot get my door open wide enough to get a carseat in.  So I decided I'll have to put Boo on my husband's trunk in her car seat, back out a little bit and then put her in the car, and the same thing in reverse when I come home.  So my dad says, well what are you doing to do when Ryan isn't home....haha, then I can just open my car door all the way, silly.  He was like oh yeah.

I had a thought this morning when I got up to pee for the second time....I can pretty much stumble to the bathroom, turn on the low light and then stumble back to bed.  But in a few months, getting up will take much longer as I'll be feeding Boo.  I can't wait till she's here, but man sometimes I'm really scared of how things are going to change.  But then again, at least during the first few months I can go back to bed after feedings since I won't be working.  Hopefully our little girl will take after her mommy and be a wonderful sleeper.

For Christmas we made a donation to St. Jude in Kayla's name, and when you make a donation in remembrance of someone you can fill out a card to send.  So even though the card was from me, to me, I cried when I read it.  The card said "St. Jude Children's Hospital has received a gift in honor of Kayla.  The gift will continue to give hope to the children of St. Jude today, tomorrow, and beyond.  We love you Kayla, love mommy and daddy!"

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Sleep- 28 wks 3 days

They should rename third trimester to, "can't sleep for shit".  I spent most of yesterday at my brother's open house type gathering, so when I got home I was exhausted.  'Cause ya know, just being upright and breathing is exhausting these days, so I slept on the couch for a couple of hours in the evening.  So I didn't go to bed until about 2am, I wasn't super sleepy because of my nap and I couldn't get comfortable.

I am lucky that even up until just a week or so ago I was still sleeping fairly well.  Yeah I woke up everytime I rolled over, or got up to pee, but when I was in bed I was asleep and quite comfortable.  Last night, nothing got me there.  I laid there for a while before I even fell asleep, and everytime I rolled over it was apparent how uncomfortable I was.  Even when I got up to pee early this morning, coming back to bed just wasn't comfortable.  Uusually my bed somehow gets 100% more comfortable in the morning when you're supposed to get up, but not today.

So because I am not sleeping well, I want to sleep longer because I'm so tired.  Yesterday I got up around 10:30 and today it was 11:30.  Blah.  I don't like sleeping my day away.  When I was single, it was a pretty regular thing for me to sleep in till noon, 1 or even 2pm...I could sleep in like a champ!  But Ryan has always been a pretty early riser, and in the last several years I've seen the merit in getting up earlier.  I don't hate my job, I just hate going.  If I could wake up feeling rested, and snap my fingers and be there without dealing with traffic every day, I'd be quite happy.  But I cannot, so I cherish my weekends when I don't have to do any of that crap.

So I of course want my weekend to last as long as possible.  Getting up at 8:30 or 9 is ideal for me, you can sleep in a little bit but it's still early enough to enjoy most of your day.  But lately that just isn't happening.  We've been really busy at work with year-end stuff and my boss asked me on Friday if I wanted to come in this weekend.  No I don't want to come in this weekend, I'm pregnant, tired, and grumpy, you're lucky I come in when I have to let alone on the weekend.

He said depending on work load, we may have 10 hours of mandatory overtime this coming week.  Great, we're off Wednesday for New Year's Day and Thursday I am leaving at 3 for a doctor appointment, so I have to squeeze working 10 extra hours into a week where I am only working 30 instead of 40....not to mention the fact that it won't be time and a half, just extra straight time.  You have to already work 40 hours to get anything extra at time and a half, and it seems the only time I ever get an opportunity to get overtime are on holiday weeks when it won't actually be paid as time and a half.  And here's a thought, maybe you guys shouldn't have let my counterpart have almost the entire week of Christmas off.  Maybe then we wouldn't be as behind as we are.  I'm not a happy camper at work right now....maybe if we try for another baby in the future, we can plan it so that I'm on maternity leave for this time of year, hahaa.

So yesterday my dad and I were talking to my future SILs mother, and since I am visibly pregnant and I am sure they all know of my journey, of losing Kayla and being pregnant pregnancy was kind of the talk of the day.  Especially when meeting new people, what better thing to ask about then the fact that I have an obvious baby bump.  We somehow started taking about grandchildren and my dad mentioned that he's just now getting his first where as his brother has 8 already.  Ugh, hearing him say that kind of felt like taking a bullet.  Boo isn't his first grandchild, Kayla is. 

I wanted to correct him, but I was taken off guard and we were surrounded by new people....I'm hoping it was just an in the moment faux pas.  Despite my dad being very social, it can still be a little nervewracking meeting a whole room full of new people and maybe the words came out before he could stop them.  It's not like he never talks about Kayla, he's come to events for her, and he made her that little Christmas tree.  A couple months ago he said he stopped by the cemetery to visit his he must know she is his first and the slip just happened.

So far it hasn't really come up, anyone whose asked me if this baby is my first, I've somehow mentioned that we have lost two prior....but I am sure there will come a day when I slip and am uncomfortable and say yes, Boo is my first.  That doesn't mean I don't acknowledge Kayla as my first child, so I shouldn't get too down on my dad for what he said.  But I have to say, in that moment it did hurt. 

Friday, December 27, 2013

Daddies- 28 wks 1 day

I wanted to share this poem, it makes me cry my eyes out, but I think it's so important to recognize that the dads are hurting just as much as we are.  I sent this to my husband the night we got home from the hospital.

It must be very difficult
to be a man in grief,
Since "men don't cry",
and "men are strong",
No tears can bring relief.

It must be very difficult 
to stand up to the test,
And field the calls and visitors
so she can get some rest.

They always ask if she's alright
And what she's going through.
But seldom take his hand and ask,
"My friend, but how are you"?

He hears her crying in the night
and thinks his heart will break.
He dries her tears and comforts her,
But "stays strong" for her sake.

It must be very difficult 
to start each day anew.
And try to be so very brave-
He lost his baby too.

(By Eileen Knight Hagemeister)

My husband was so amazing during and in the hours, days, weeks and months following our loss.  Our family and friends were very good to us both, but it makes me so sad that society in general tends to gravitate toward the women in situations like these.  Just because my husband never cried (that I know of) doesn't mean he wasn't absolutely heartbroken.  We sat hand in hand at Kayla's funeral, and I could feel his body tensing and relaxing, tensing and relaxing, desperately trying to hold back the tears and I know it was for my sake.  I love him so much for this, but I am also so heart broken that he felt he had to do that.  Yes I went through the physical pain of giving birth to her, and the emotional pain on losing something that was a part of me, but I am not sure which is worse....being in pain, or seeing someone you love being in pain.  My physical pain eventually subsided, but he will always have the memory of watching me go through that.

So 2013 is quickly coming to a close and 2014 is fast approaching.  The new year is bittersweet.  I look forward to 2014 being a happy year, filled with many blessing, the main one of course being meeting Boo and taking her home.  But I am also sad to leave 2013 behind.  Right after our loss, the first of each month was so hard for me as it felt like we were getting further and further away from when we last held Kayla, when we were last happy.  Each month it got easier and easier until eventually the first of the month no longer fazes me, but I feel it again with the new year approaching.  I was pregnant with Kayla in 2013, I still had the hopes and dreams of her being our child, home with us every day, and it was in 2013 that I held her for the first and last time; I'm afraid of leaving her behind.  But this was posted on the bump today, and it is an absolutely beautiful way to think of it.

 It's hard to read, but says, "I have to remember that time is not taking me farther from you, but that it is bringing me closer to seeing you again.  That to you, we only will have been parted for an insignificant moment".

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Third Trimester!- 28 wks

Another milestone, third tri.  It feels good, like I have crossed the finish line of second tri and I am in the home stretch, 28 weeks down, 12 to go!  I am sure it won't feel quite like far my pregnancy has flown by, but since I am entering the uncomfortable stage, I'm thinking time might go a little more slowly, but we'll see.

Christmas was good...better than expected.  Dinner with my family on Christmas Eve was nice; my stepsister bought us a picture frame that we can put Boo's pictures in, one for each month of the first year.  I also got an Amazon gift card that I might use to buy something off our registry, but I'll wait till after my shower and see what's left.  Dinner with my inlaws last night was good SIL and BIL got us a gift card to a cool restaurant near their house, so they suggested we go this summer when we can eat outside, and drop Boo off at their house on the way so they can watch her while we go to dinner.  I'm so thankful we have so much family that not only volunteers to babysit, but ones that we trust too, haha.  They are wonderful parents and I wouldn't hesitate to leave her with them from day one.

Now my brother on the other hand....jk, he'll be great with her when she's a little older and he can take her fun places, but I am not too sure he'll be comfortable watching her when she's tiny.  But then again, I doubt we'd have the need to leave her very often in the first 6-10 months.  But I would assume his fiancee would also be watching her, and she's got baby experience.  I just know my brother would be a worry wart and be afraid of breaking her when she's too little.

My MIL hangs all of our stockings on the mantle, and I'm not sure if I've ever noticed before that there is a tiny could be the dog's, but it was next to mine so I have to wonder if it was for Kayla.  That makes me very happy if so; and it probably was since she also got us a little angel girl ornament with her name on it.

Ryan came up with a new plan for Kayla's stuffed bear.  We were going to keep it at home during the winter and put it back at our grave in the spring, but he suggested we get a new one each year.  So each fall/winter we'll "retire" the one that is out there, bring it home, wash it and keep it at home.  Boo will be allowed to play with them, but she'll have to know that they're Kayla's and cannot be taken outside and she'll have to be careful with them.  Then for Christmas, we'll buy Kayla the new one for the year, that way she can have something in her stocking.  I love this idea and I love that he came up with it.  I love that he thinks of ways to keep her memory alive and still do things for her.  Aside from a few differences earlier on, our grief has pretty much been on the same page and I am thankful for that.  Sometimes losses like these can tear a couple apart, and that makes me so sad because it's the time we really need each other, and no one else on this earth knows what I am going through like my husband does.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

9 months- 27 wks 5 days

It's been 9 months exactly since my baby girl was born.  I miss her so much and I wish I could hold her again.  I hate that this happened to us, and I hate that it happens to others.  It just breaks my heart. 

Today also would have been my grandpa's 86th birthday...hopefully he and Kayla are snuggling together in Heaven.  There is a picture of my grandpa holding me when I was 13 days old....I know because in the picture my mom was blowing out her birthday candles.  He had the look of complete joy and just ooozed "proud grandpa" as he held me.  I picture him with the same look on his face as he holds my daughter.

I'm looking forward to tonight, my family is coming over, we're hosting dinner and opening our presents with them.  We were going to go to church, but I get off work at 5 and church is at 5:30....I would make it on time, barely, but work has been insanely busy lately.  I keep getting stress headaches, and the idea of having a busy hectic day and then flying to get to church on time wore me out.  So instead I'll just go home and get dinner ready for our company. 

I'm kind of irritated though that my brother and his fiancee have also decided to bail on church since I'm not going, and now my dad isn't going either since nobody else is going.  I know he would have liked to have fact up until a couple years ago we never missed church on Christmas Eve. I am a little sad that I can't go tonight, if I got off work earlier, or wasn't so busy this time of year I would still go....but there really isn't a good reason my brother isn't going aside from the fact that I bailed.  I get the feeling my dad would have liked to have gone, but doesn't want to by himself. 

It's probably just as well that I'm not going...the really religious Christmas songs, especially Hark the Harold Angels Sing really chokes me up lately.  And my first Christmas Eve without my mom I had a hard time at church, and suspect tonight would have been similar.  I'd rather not be fighting to hold back the tears at church.

I can't wait to give my dad and Brenda their gift tonight....I got them each a smaller gift, but my brother and I went in together and we're sending them on an Alaskan Cruise.  Haha, they're going to be pissed that we're spending so much.  But I always said if I ever was in a position to do so, I would send my dad on a vacation, and Alaska is something he's been talking about for years.  We're totally going to make Brenda cry.  They're such wonderful dad is amazing, the best dad in the world, and I couldn't have asked for a better partner for him than Brenda.  She's been a blessing in our lives and they both deserve this trip.  I also made her cry on her birthday....since she's not technically my stepmom since they're not married, I wanted her to know that I not only accept her in our family, but that I think of her as family.  So the card that I got her started with, you're like family to me, but I crossed out the "like" and I saw she got teary while reading it :)  Not that I enjoy making people cry, but I am glad she liked it.

I'm starting to get reaaaalllly uncomfortable.  Every movement hurts...I put my foot up on the toilet seat this morning after my shower to dry my leg and I got the worst cramp in my pelvic area.  Standing up, sitting down, laying down, rolling over in bed, getting in our truck....I cannot do any of that anymore without grunting or making some other kind of annoying noise.  I am still sleeping fairly decent, but when I first get into bed I'm uncomfortable as hell, and rolling over during the night always wakes me up.  I'm frightened of how I am going to feel in another month, or two or three. 

I think my least favorite new symptom is how I feel after I eat.  It's not about overeating, because with GD I can rarely eat so much that I can say wow, I'm stuffed.  But after I eat, my bump, not my actual stomach, feels super tight and full, like it's going to burst.  I assume it's because as my stomach gets food in it, it pushed everything else up to make room.  It's a really gross feeling....ahhh the joys of pregnancy that nobody tells you about.

Just one more day until third trimester, and another milestone!  Boo is still moving frequently, but I notice her kicks and jabs aren't quite as forceful....maybe as she gets bigger and there is less room, she can't put as much elbow grease behind her punches.  My news years resolution is going to be to get her nursery ready before the end of January.  I know there is still time, but my shower will be here before I know it, and we'll have more stuff to pile in there.  It makes me anxious to see junk still scattered in there and her crib still in the box.  Too bad I cannot drink a 5 hour energy drink, then it would be done within a couple hours.

I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas tomorrow!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas pic-27 wks 3 days

I had a nice day today.  First I went to my dad's, and he made me one of my favorites for lunch, fried bologna!  I've tried making it at home, but it's just not the same.  I'm not exactly sure what makes it so good, the fact that fried bologna is good, or the mere fact that someone else made it.  That is probably the biggest thing I miss about living at home is having someone to make me food.  I love Ryan with all my heart, but the man doesn't cook.  No scratch that, he grills very well, his ribs are to die for.  But there is no place else you can sit on the couch, make a cute puppy dog face and say, "will you make me a sandwhich" than at your parents house.

So then we went out to the cemetery to decorate the tree my dad had already taken out there for my mom.  We got a bunch of small ornaments from the dollar store, and he bought some red tinsel like stuff to wrap around it.  It looked really nice, especially among the millions of wreathes that other graves have.  So then we went over to my grandparents' grave.....a few months ago my dad made a clip that he attached to their stone (they're in a mausoleum) so we can clip cards and stuff to it.  I printed off wallet sized pics of my two favorite pics of them so I clipped them to their stone.  Now everyone who sees it can see what an adorable couple they were.

I actually had a dream about them the other night.  First I dreamed about my grandpa; he looked really good, like maybe how he looked ten years ago.  I told him about Boo and he was really happy.  Right around then Ryan came to bed and it woke me up, so in my sleepiness I told him, I dreamed about grandpa!  He said that's good, it's like he came to see you in your dream.  So then I fell back to sleep and dreamed about my grandma!  It was nice to see them, I miss them a lot.

So after we got home I went to my best friend's house and we exchanged gifts.  I got her a Target gift card and the DVD Hours....we were both big Paul Walker fans so I knew she'd love to have his last movie.  I also got outfits for her boys, which I was please to see they were still excited about.  I'm waiting for the year that her oldest (he's 4 right now) catches on that clothes suck for christmas presents and throws them back at me and wants to know where his toys are.  His reaction was a little less excited than last year, so I'm thinking next year is the year.  Her youngest was still really excited though, so I have a little more time for him.

She got me yoga pants which I plan to live in for my entire maternity leave, and also an adorable little footy pajama for Boo.  It's got owls on it, she knows how much I love cartoon owls.  I wanted it for Boo's room but Ryan shot it down, so we both agreed on monkeys.  

So I realized, sometimes I complain a little in here about my pregnancy....which is something I couldn't stand to hear before I got pregnant again and especially right after we lost Kayla.  But the truth is, I would puke every single day, I would take the fatigue, the discomfort, I'll gladly take all of it in order to meet her and take her home in March.  So I try not to write about it in a complaining way, but I do want to document my pregnancy, especially if we decide to do this again.  It would be nice to be able to look back and say oh, so morning sickness starting at that many weeks, and oh yeah, I really started to get uncomfortable around this many weeks.  For the most part, I love being pregnant, I want to be able to remember all the details.  Maybe I can even let Boo read some of this someday.

So Ryan had to go to work for a few hours tonight, and I was bored, so I decided to play with my new camera.  Here is the result.....cheesy or nice?  I think it's pretty nice, but I'm not entirely sure. 

Friday, December 20, 2013

Candlelight vigil- 27 wks 1 days

We went to the candle light vigil hosted by the hospital last night.  It was nice.....Ryan and I went to dinner first and then headed over.  It was a very nice night for it, about 40 degrees so we weren't freezing.  Apparently the last two years the weather has been bad, so I was thankful for warmth on our first year. 

There were quite a few kids there, but the youngest one was about 2, so I'm thinking we'll either have to skip next year, or maybe Nana can come and sit with Boo in the car.  I think bringing a young baby might be hard for someone if their loss was very recent.  So first they handed out the candles and the chaplain said a prayer.  Then we went around the circle and lit our candles off each others' and as we lit our candle we all said our angel's name.  The chaplain read another poem and then we sang a few christmas songs....well, the chaplain and another lady sang, nobody else did.  I don't know about the others, but for me I didn't sing because it would have made me cry more than I already was.

After the songs I think she said another closing prayer....oh and before we started all that, they had ornaments so everyone decorated the trees and bushes in the baby garden, and we put a few decorations on Kayla's tree.  There was a good turn out, probably about 30 people...I wasn't sure how many people there would be.  The chaplain was by herself, usually she has another nurse and the counselor come help her, but she said there were two families at the hospital that night that were going through a loss so they were needed there.  That got me really choked up.  My heart hurts everyday for Kayla and I still cry almost everyday, but I'm almost 9 months out and I have another blessing on the way. 

It's not something I will ever get over, but I am in a much better place now.  Those first few days, weeks, and months were pure hell and you don't think you'll ever stop hurting so bad.  It hurts to hear of others who are at the very start of their pain, and know what a long road they have ahead of them, especially so close to Christmas.

My hospital room door had an angel sign on it so anyone coming into my room would know it wasn't a happy ending.  When I go to deliver Boo, I really hope I don't see any angels on doors....not because of how it will make me feel, but I just hope it's one less day that anyone has to be in that much pain. 

So......change of subject.  I'm getting huge.  My stomach literally feels like it's going to burst.  I'm not even in third tri yet, one more week....but how am I going to be next month, or in March?  Whew, I'm going to start waddling.  But I love it, I wouldn't trade it for the world.  Boo has been kicking a lot too....the night before last she didn't kick a whole lot, but since then she's really made up for it.  She must have needed a lazy night.

In two weeks we go for our 3D ultrasound.  I'm so excited, I cannot wait to see her little face.  We invited the grandparents too, so I'm excited to see their reactions, since I'm sure the 3D is a lot different from what they had in their day.  Hell even the regular 2D we have now is way better.  I know it will be nothing like meeting her in March, but it will be a fun sneak peek.  And we got some good news tonight....Ryan's friend whose wedding we went to in June just announced that they are pregnant, due in July.  So Boo will have a playmate in a few months, how fun!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

A good model- 26 wks 6 days

I was bored, and well....this happened.  He was very well behaved, he even let me carry him around the house for a while.  The carrier is pretty comfy too!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Growth scan- 26 wks 5 days

Another great appointment today.  M cervix is long and closed....I didn't bother asking the measurement this time.  It's nice seeing the progress not only with my body, but with my mind.  At 17 weeks through 22 I always needed to know the measurement, but now just knowing it is long and closed is good enough for me.  It's nice to have a little less crazy Pgal brain. 

The growth scan was a nice surprise....I knew I'd be having one coming up but didn't realize my first one was today.  After they check my stitch they always switch to abdominal so I can see her, but that's usually just a quick peek, so it was fun to see her flipping around and trying to eat her toes as always for several minutes.  That girl loves her feet!  But I guess she has limited options of things to do in there, so she's got to make do with what she has.  She's weighing about 2 pounds now, right on track.

I came up with a plan of how to handle requesting my favorite doctor for the induction.  If the appointment in which we schedule it is with Dr. Plymel (my favorite), I'll ask her when she's on and see if we can schedule it for then.  If that appt is with Dr. Garmel, I'll say I want her or Dr. Plymel and ask when they're on, and then pretend it works best for Ryan's work schedule to do it on Plymel's day.

Like I said, Garmel would be perfectly fine too, but if given a choice, I just feel more comfortable going with the one who has already delivered me once.  I don't know how it works though, it's not like I'll give birth an hour after induction starts.  So if my doctor is in on Wednesday, do I choose to be induced on Tuesday in hopes of delivering Wednesday?  Eh, I'm over thinking it....there is always a chance I'll go into labor on my own before that, or like she said today, they could always decide to start a week prior if my blood pressure or NSTs don't look good or something. 

I can't believe Christmas is a week from tomorrow....and my shopping isn't done yet.  Mostly, just a few more things to pick up.  I'm looking forward to Christmas but a part of me isn't.  She'd only be about 5 months, so she wouldn't know what's going on, but it should be Kayla's first Christmas.  We should be shopping for her presents and getting so excited for family to spend time with her....everyone loves having babies and little ones around at Christmas.  Instead there is just a small tree at the cold dark cemetery, and an ornament on our tree bearing her name.  It really isn't fair.

But we are so thankful for Boo.  She's my sun, my bright spot in my life.  Without her I think I would be in a very deep depression right about now and hating everyone and everything around me.  Both her and Kayla are our little miracles.  Things may not have gone as we thought they would, but holding her tiny hand, being in awe of her itsy bitsy fingernails, seeing my features on her little face....she was a miracle, no doubt about it.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Rant- 26 wks 3 days

I know this is probably going to sound stupid and nitpicky, and for those that have never been through it probably wouldn't think anything of it.  But a little ticker went across my TV earlier making sure to remind the world that today is Kourtney Kardashian's son's 4th if we would crumble not knowing that.  Anyway, she was quoted saying, "Happy 4th Birthday my precious angel".

It grates on my nerves, but if you're lucky enough to have a living child, please don't call them your angel.  Along with memories, it's all we've got of our babies.  They ARE angels, yours are not.  Don't take away the one thing us loss mommas have.  

Saturday, December 14, 2013

A little of this, a little of that- 26 wks 2 days

Baby classes are done, so we can check that off the list.  We went to an infant care class on Wednesday and then I went to the nursing class on Thursday, I gave Ryan a pass on that one.  It was pretty mixed, about half couples and half just the women so at least I wasn't the only one there alone.

Both classes were really informational, especially the nursing class.  I do feel a little less worried about it now.....before I was more worried about nursing than I was delivery.  I know it will be different this time, but I have been through labor and delivery before so that's comforting at least.  After class I asked the instructor about the fact that my milk didn't come in with Kayla but she said it's not indicitive at all that I will have problems with my supply with Boo.  She said it was likely the combination of being so early and all of the stress I was under.  She said even if I were to have supply issues this time around there is a lot they can do to help things.

Also got good news from my insurance company, they cover any breastpump except for the heavy duty ones which I assume means hospital grade, so it sounds like I shouldn't have any issue getting the double electric Medela.  So excited, those suckers are expensive so we're very lucky to have a good one covered.

There is a childbirth class today but it's like all day so we decided to skip that one.  I didn't even want to take it last time because I figured, I knew what I knew, and what I didn't know I didn't want to know.  So most days, Boo is pretty mellow during the day, she kicks low and light while I'm at work, but then she puts her party shoes on and really kicks at night when I am relaxing.  So she was pretty mellow both nights I had class, I think because I got home so late both nights so I was pretty much in work mode during the times I would be relaxing.

I knew this and felt ok that night, but by the next morning her lack of movement the night before started to bother me.  I usually don't feel her in the morning until I am at least on my way to work, but by the time I got out of the shower I was pretty worked up and worried so I used my doppler before I went to work.  Cue panic when I couldn't find her HB at first.  I've barely used it since she began kicking on a regular basis, but I assumed at this point I wouldn't have to look for it, I figured she's big enough by now that I'd be able to hear it anywhere I placed the doppler.

So it was only a few seconds before I found it, but I can't even say the array of bad thoughts that flashed through my head in those few seconds.  So even with the doppler my Pgal brain has been in overdrive the last few days, but last night I got home at my usual time and she did not dissapoint.  It was party time again and Ryan even got to see my stomach jump finally.  One of the jumps it looked like she must have completely rolled over.  So I'm feeling better now.

I had a dream about her last night, she was a toddler and so giggly and we were cuddling.  She was such an adorable little girl too...the bond I felt with her just in that dream was incredible.  I've always loved little kids (well, most....not a huge fan of noisy annoying kids out in public) but I can't wait to experience that bond between me and my own child.  I just got this overwhelming urge the other day for it to be March so we could meet her, I just cannot wait.

But in just a few weeks we're having an elective 3D ultrasound so I'm excited to get a sneak peak at her little face.  I know it won't be entirely the same, but it's better than just the black and white profile on regular ultrasounds.  We're inviting the grandmas to come see her....I think they're really excited.  The grandpas are invited too but I am kind of hoping it won't be there thing....even though it's just my stomach, I feel like it might be a tiny bit uncomfortable to have the grandpas there, but if they want to come I don't want to deny them seeing their granddaughter.  We've all been through so much pain this year, we deserve some blessings.

Monday, December 9, 2013

The stork brought a present- 25 wks 4 days

There is a crib in our house!  It's still in the box, but it's still here regardless.  I'm dying to go rip into the box and put it together, but I need to clean some clutter out of the nursery, and it's probably a good idea to vacuum and shampoo the carpet before the crib is assembled.

I noticed it when I got up this afternoon (I called in today, stupid cold) and the brand name of the crib is Storkcraft, so I looked in the yard to see this big box that said Stork on it, haha.

And now for some cuteness, here is my kitty Vinny snuggling with Boo.  She kicked a few times while he was there, but he didn't seem to notice.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Should I just dump my food straight into the toilet?-25 wks 2 days

I'm so tired of throwing up.  All through out this pregnancy, except for when I had the norovirus or whatever that was, I threw up about once a week.  Once I was well into second tri, it lessened to about once every one to two weeks, but it seems to be picking up again lately.  Today was the third time this week.

Not that I enjoy throwing up, but it's over pretty quick...the nausea hits and either goes away quickly or I throw up and it's done.  But there is so much pressure on my face when I puke, the blood vessels in my face break so I am all blotchy for a few days after.  It kind of looks like I have a 5 o'clock shadow all over my face.  I thought maybe it was the pop.  When I first was diagnosed with GD I gave up the pop since one can has the same amount of carbs that I can have for a meal.  But I'd keep pepsi max on hand so when I really wanted a pop, it would suffice, so I'd have maybe one a week.

Well for the past month or so I've pretty much had a pepsi max each night with dinner.  So I decided to stop and see if that made an impact on my throwing up, thinking maybe it wasn't exactly morning sickness, but more like the pop was aggravating my acid reflux.  I don't think I had any on Thursday and none today, but I did have one last night with dinner since we went out, and there were no other carb free options...well ok, I guess I could have had water.  But I don't know if drinking pop last night would make me throw up tonight.

I won't drink any more though and see if it makes any difference.  I do have a prescription for Zofran that I never had filled....I hated the idea of taking yet another daily pill when I was only throwing up every 1-2 weeks...but if this multiple times a week thing is going to be the new norm, I just might have to fill it.  Wow that was a lot of talking about throwing up.

My dad made Kayla a little Christmas tree so I took it out to the cemetery today.  I felt fine on the way there, but as soon as I got to her grave I lost it.  I cried a little at her grave, but when I went to leave, I just sat in my car and sobbed for a while.  It's so unfair, I shouldn't have to take my daughter a christmas tree at the cemetery. 

Here is the tree, it's so adorable, despite how sad it makes me.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Classes- 25 wks 1 day

I'm sick's actually not too bad, I'm mostly just mildly conjested with the occasional runny nose.  Everyone is hacking at work, so I'm praying this doesn't turn into whatever they all have.  My biggest complaint though is that it's keeping me from sleeping.  The last two nights it's taken me forever to fall asleep and then I toss and turn all night.  I am really hoping it's from the cold anyway....everyone on my March board says how much trouble they're having sleeping, and quite honesty I never sleep better than when I'm pregnant.

Yeah I occasionally get woken up by round ligament pain or just the discomfort of having to roll over without actually rolling on my tummy, and getting up between 3 and 5 to pee...but other than that, I am often asleep within a minute or two of laying down, which almost never happens ordinarily, and I just sleep really well through out the night.  So if this recent development of not sleeping well isn't just due to my cold, and my amazing pregnancy sleep is over, I just may cry.  I know many sleepless nights await me, so I really want to sleep well for the next three months.

Ryan and I are taking some baby classes next week.  Well, I'm taking two, but I gave him permission to only do one.  The infant care class is already three hours Wednesday night, so I let him off the hook for the two hour nursing class the next night.  It would be nice if he came to both, but I really don't forsee a lot of men being at the nursing one and it would likely be very uncomfortable for him.  I'm pretty excited for the classes, I hope they're as useful as I anticipate them to be.  I'm curious to ask the teacher a question that has been nagging me.  After Kayla was born my milk never came in, and I always just assumed it was because it was so early.  But I've since heard from plenty of loss moms whose milk came in with deliveries even earlier than mine. 

It could still be hit and miss with delivery that early I guess, but I can't help but be a little concerned that it means I will have issue with supply this time too.  But we'll see what my teacher says.  I was laying here watching TV and Boo was kicking pretty hard, making my stomach jump, so I tried recording it so I could show Ryan.  She never does it when he's around.  So she must have known I was taping it to show daddy because she wouldn't do it while I was recording.  I would give up and a minute later she would kick.  Only 25 weeks in the womb and she's already a little stinker!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Will she be a St. Paddy's baby?-24 wks 5 days

I had a great appointment today, I got my favorite doctor.  The other one that I usually see is growing on me, but I still have my favorite, the one that delivered Kayla.  She's just so nice and comforting and down to earth.  The guy doctor that I don't like was like, don't cheat on Thanksgiving, don't cheat on Thanksgiving.  I get it, and I did very well, my numbers were great, but I cannot promise that Christmas will go as well.  My MIL puts out an amazing spread, and I just don't know if I will be able to avoid it all.

So I told my doctor that I did well on Thanksgiving, but a few days later wasn't great and she was like well, who doesn't cheat now and again?  She said I had a couple of elevated numbers but some fluctuation is normal, and it's probably diet related.  Plus I lost 2 pounds since my last appointment so she was very happy about that.  I forgot to weigh myself this past Friday at home, but as of the week before I am still down 7 pounds since I got pregnant.  I'm very proud of myself, I may make it the entire pregnancy without gaining any weight.

So she did a pelvic and said my cervix felt good and the stitch was relaxed.  For whatever reason the guy doctor didn't see the need to schedule me for an ultrasound today but she said she would like to get me back on the schedule of having an ultrasound and a pelvic every two weeks.  She also said they'll do a growth check ultrasound every 4 to 6 weeks, so I am happy to hear that I'll get to see Boo a few more times before she's born.

Speaking of, I found out today that since I am insulin dependent I will be induced in my 39th week, so the week of March 17th.  They induce Monday through Thursday so she said we can pick the doesn't really matter to me except I would really like her to deliver Boo, so when she is on will basically be our deciding factor.  I am a little nervous since I've heard contractions get stronger faster, and are closer together with pitocin...but I've never had any desire to go med free, so hopefully I can get an epi once they are too bad and I'll be one of the lucky ones that responds well to induction.

Though I have to say, it does kind of make me happy that we'll know when everything is happening.  It made me a little nervous to think of just working till the end, not knowing when it will happen and have to determine when to go.  It won't be scheduled until closer to the time, but I can pretty much say my last day of work will be Friday March 14th, and we can enjoy the final weekend just the two of us and then go in hopefully relaxed and calm whichever day we schedule it for. 

It's kind of cool knowing Boo's birthday will be March 17th, 18th, 19th, or 20th (or 21st I suppose).  The only downfall is we will definitely not make the deadline so that I'll get paid for the entire 12 weeks off work, I'll only get paid for 6.  But we can afford for me to not get paid for the last 6, and the amount of time I get off is more important....getting paid for the whole time would be nice, but it's not the end of the world, and getting Boo here healthy and well is the most important thing. 

And the best thing of today, I felt what I am pretty sure was Boo having hiccups for the first time.  At first I thought they were kicks, but by the 3rd or 4th rhythmic "kick" I was like, it's hiccups!  They lasted for about 2-3 minutes, so I am pretty sure that's what they were.  I knew you could feel your baby have the hiccups, but I hadn't yet so I wasn't sure I would know it, but it was pretty obvious.  I immediately texted Ryan to tell him, and he was like how do you know that??  He didn't know you could feel their hiccups.  My mom said I used to get them all the time when she was pregnant with me. 

Monday, December 2, 2013

Stress lowered- 24 wks 4 days

I don't know if it's a coincidence, or if it really was physical manisfestations of emotional stress, but ever since we passed our loss milestone, and V day, I feel so much better, both emotionally and physically.  I've been less tired, I've barely felt any cramping and I just feel so full of hope.  I'd say it's probably a little of both, stress can do some nasty things.

Boo has also been kicking a lot harder lately, it just started the last couple of days.  She has her "evening kicks" where it's a quick jab higher up on my stomach and then her "all day long kicks".  These ones are funny because they aren't quick jabs or feels like she just has her feet on me, and then moves them around so I feel constant pressure for a few minutes here and there, kinda like the way someone might put their feet on the seat in front of them at the movies.

I giggle when I picture it, I see her with her feet on me, just kind of pushing away at me while she marvels at her hands or something like that.  Ryan and I finished our registry on Sunday...I am glad I did most of it online because it wasn't as fun this time.  But it's done, so that's another thing I can cross off my list.  I'm shocked at how big and bulky the jogging stroller is that we wanted....but I do want a jogging stroller and we're kind of partial to Graco.  So it's a good thing we're also getting the stroller frame for everyday use, and then we can just use the big stroller once she is too big to be in the bucket, and for stuff like going to the Zoo.  I could always get an umberalla stroller too for the days when I don't want to haul the big one around.  It seems like a waste to have all of these different strollers, but I do thing the jogger will be really nice for when we do need it.  It's got huge air filled tires, so if we ever go someplace outdoors without sidewalks we won't be those people trying to push the little plastic wheels through gravel.

I ordered the crib and mattress today...I was hoping for a good cyber Monday deal, but it was only about $10 cheaper than usual.  The dresser was more deeply discounted, I think about $70 off, but I'm more excited about getting the crib right now.  It will be so weird to have a crib in our house.

My shower planners set the shower date for February 1st....I'm so excited for it.  I also finally found a dress.  It's a cowl neck (I hate that term) jersey dress.  These swollen piggies aren't getting into heels anytime soon, and it looks like the perfect dress to wear with black tights and a chunkier heel.  I got it the other day and it fits great and is so comfortable!  I can't wait for my shower. 

I see my doctor tomorrow....I've done well going two weeks in between instead of going weekly, but I'm ready to go back.  I just wish it was for an ultrasound so I could see my Boo.  But Ryan and I decided to do a 4D ultrasound in January, so if I don't see her again until then, at least we'll have that to look forward to.