Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas pic-27 wks 3 days

I had a nice day today.  First I went to my dad's, and he made me one of my favorites for lunch, fried bologna!  I've tried making it at home, but it's just not the same.  I'm not exactly sure what makes it so good, the fact that fried bologna is good, or the mere fact that someone else made it.  That is probably the biggest thing I miss about living at home is having someone to make me food.  I love Ryan with all my heart, but the man doesn't cook.  No scratch that, he grills very well, his ribs are to die for.  But there is no place else you can sit on the couch, make a cute puppy dog face and say, "will you make me a sandwhich" than at your parents house.

So then we went out to the cemetery to decorate the tree my dad had already taken out there for my mom.  We got a bunch of small ornaments from the dollar store, and he bought some red tinsel like stuff to wrap around it.  It looked really nice, especially among the millions of wreathes that other graves have.  So then we went over to my grandparents' grave.....a few months ago my dad made a clip that he attached to their stone (they're in a mausoleum) so we can clip cards and stuff to it.  I printed off wallet sized pics of my two favorite pics of them so I clipped them to their stone.  Now everyone who sees it can see what an adorable couple they were.

I actually had a dream about them the other night.  First I dreamed about my grandpa; he looked really good, like maybe how he looked ten years ago.  I told him about Boo and he was really happy.  Right around then Ryan came to bed and it woke me up, so in my sleepiness I told him, I dreamed about grandpa!  He said that's good, it's like he came to see you in your dream.  So then I fell back to sleep and dreamed about my grandma!  It was nice to see them, I miss them a lot.

So after we got home I went to my best friend's house and we exchanged gifts.  I got her a Target gift card and the DVD Hours....we were both big Paul Walker fans so I knew she'd love to have his last movie.  I also got outfits for her boys, which I was please to see they were still excited about.  I'm waiting for the year that her oldest (he's 4 right now) catches on that clothes suck for christmas presents and throws them back at me and wants to know where his toys are.  His reaction was a little less excited than last year, so I'm thinking next year is the year.  Her youngest was still really excited though, so I have a little more time for him.

She got me yoga pants which I plan to live in for my entire maternity leave, and also an adorable little footy pajama for Boo.  It's got owls on it, she knows how much I love cartoon owls.  I wanted it for Boo's room but Ryan shot it down, so we both agreed on monkeys.  

So I realized, sometimes I complain a little in here about my pregnancy....which is something I couldn't stand to hear before I got pregnant again and especially right after we lost Kayla.  But the truth is, I would puke every single day, I would take the fatigue, the discomfort, I'll gladly take all of it in order to meet her and take her home in March.  So I try not to write about it in a complaining way, but I do want to document my pregnancy, especially if we decide to do this again.  It would be nice to be able to look back and say oh, so morning sickness starting at that many weeks, and oh yeah, I really started to get uncomfortable around this many weeks.  For the most part, I love being pregnant, I want to be able to remember all the details.  Maybe I can even let Boo read some of this someday.

So Ryan had to go to work for a few hours tonight, and I was bored, so I decided to play with my new camera.  Here is the result.....cheesy or nice?  I think it's pretty nice, but I'm not entirely sure.