Saturday, December 7, 2013

Should I just dump my food straight into the toilet?-25 wks 2 days

I'm so tired of throwing up.  All through out this pregnancy, except for when I had the norovirus or whatever that was, I threw up about once a week.  Once I was well into second tri, it lessened to about once every one to two weeks, but it seems to be picking up again lately.  Today was the third time this week.

Not that I enjoy throwing up, but it's over pretty quick...the nausea hits and either goes away quickly or I throw up and it's done.  But there is so much pressure on my face when I puke, the blood vessels in my face break so I am all blotchy for a few days after.  It kind of looks like I have a 5 o'clock shadow all over my face.  I thought maybe it was the pop.  When I first was diagnosed with GD I gave up the pop since one can has the same amount of carbs that I can have for a meal.  But I'd keep pepsi max on hand so when I really wanted a pop, it would suffice, so I'd have maybe one a week.

Well for the past month or so I've pretty much had a pepsi max each night with dinner.  So I decided to stop and see if that made an impact on my throwing up, thinking maybe it wasn't exactly morning sickness, but more like the pop was aggravating my acid reflux.  I don't think I had any on Thursday and none today, but I did have one last night with dinner since we went out, and there were no other carb free options...well ok, I guess I could have had water.  But I don't know if drinking pop last night would make me throw up tonight.

I won't drink any more though and see if it makes any difference.  I do have a prescription for Zofran that I never had filled....I hated the idea of taking yet another daily pill when I was only throwing up every 1-2 weeks...but if this multiple times a week thing is going to be the new norm, I just might have to fill it.  Wow that was a lot of talking about throwing up.

My dad made Kayla a little Christmas tree so I took it out to the cemetery today.  I felt fine on the way there, but as soon as I got to her grave I lost it.  I cried a little at her grave, but when I went to leave, I just sat in my car and sobbed for a while.  It's so unfair, I shouldn't have to take my daughter a christmas tree at the cemetery. 

Here is the tree, it's so adorable, despite how sad it makes me.

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