Saturday, December 14, 2013

A little of this, a little of that- 26 wks 2 days

Baby classes are done, so we can check that off the list.  We went to an infant care class on Wednesday and then I went to the nursing class on Thursday, I gave Ryan a pass on that one.  It was pretty mixed, about half couples and half just the women so at least I wasn't the only one there alone.

Both classes were really informational, especially the nursing class.  I do feel a little less worried about it now.....before I was more worried about nursing than I was delivery.  I know it will be different this time, but I have been through labor and delivery before so that's comforting at least.  After class I asked the instructor about the fact that my milk didn't come in with Kayla but she said it's not indicitive at all that I will have problems with my supply with Boo.  She said it was likely the combination of being so early and all of the stress I was under.  She said even if I were to have supply issues this time around there is a lot they can do to help things.

Also got good news from my insurance company, they cover any breastpump except for the heavy duty ones which I assume means hospital grade, so it sounds like I shouldn't have any issue getting the double electric Medela.  So excited, those suckers are expensive so we're very lucky to have a good one covered.

There is a childbirth class today but it's like all day so we decided to skip that one.  I didn't even want to take it last time because I figured, I knew what I knew, and what I didn't know I didn't want to know.  So most days, Boo is pretty mellow during the day, she kicks low and light while I'm at work, but then she puts her party shoes on and really kicks at night when I am relaxing.  So she was pretty mellow both nights I had class, I think because I got home so late both nights so I was pretty much in work mode during the times I would be relaxing.

I knew this and felt ok that night, but by the next morning her lack of movement the night before started to bother me.  I usually don't feel her in the morning until I am at least on my way to work, but by the time I got out of the shower I was pretty worked up and worried so I used my doppler before I went to work.  Cue panic when I couldn't find her HB at first.  I've barely used it since she began kicking on a regular basis, but I assumed at this point I wouldn't have to look for it, I figured she's big enough by now that I'd be able to hear it anywhere I placed the doppler.

So it was only a few seconds before I found it, but I can't even say the array of bad thoughts that flashed through my head in those few seconds.  So even with the doppler my Pgal brain has been in overdrive the last few days, but last night I got home at my usual time and she did not dissapoint.  It was party time again and Ryan even got to see my stomach jump finally.  One of the jumps it looked like she must have completely rolled over.  So I'm feeling better now.

I had a dream about her last night, she was a toddler and so giggly and we were cuddling.  She was such an adorable little girl too...the bond I felt with her just in that dream was incredible.  I've always loved little kids (well, most....not a huge fan of noisy annoying kids out in public) but I can't wait to experience that bond between me and my own child.  I just got this overwhelming urge the other day for it to be March so we could meet her, I just cannot wait.

But in just a few weeks we're having an elective 3D ultrasound so I'm excited to get a sneak peak at her little face.  I know it won't be entirely the same, but it's better than just the black and white profile on regular ultrasounds.  We're inviting the grandmas to come see her....I think they're really excited.  The grandpas are invited too but I am kind of hoping it won't be there thing....even though it's just my stomach, I feel like it might be a tiny bit uncomfortable to have the grandpas there, but if they want to come I don't want to deny them seeing their granddaughter.  We've all been through so much pain this year, we deserve some blessings.

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