Monday, December 30, 2013

What a day- 28 wks 4 days

I am exhausted, mentally and physically.  It was one of those days where everything that could go wrong, did.  I have 10 hours of mandatory overtime this week, so I went in an hour early, worked through lunch and stayed an hour late.  Since we have Wednesday off for NYD and I leave early Thursday for a doctor appt, I have to squeeze in the extra hours where I can.

So my husband was just getting home from work when I was getting ready, and I was talking to him while I was getting my stuff together.  Apparently I cannot talk while gathering things....I forgot my insulin, thankfully realized when I was halfway down the street and went back.  But when I went to eat my PM snack today, I realized I forgot to put in a fresh ice pack so my yogurt and cheese was warm.  So much for my PM snack.  Just like the last few weeks, I was crazy busy today and my boss keeps calling me to his desk to explain some numbers to him, some of which I've explained several times already.

Part of it isn't his fault, he has audit on his ass wanting to know what all these high dollar amounts are, so he has to come to me for explanations.  But I want to scream at him, the more you take me away from my work to explain the out of balances, the longer they will stay out of balance.  My co-worker called off today after having all of last week off.  Now I know, it happened to me once where I got sick the night before going back to work after a vacation....but given the fact that she left me all alone last week during the busiest time of the year, she may be leaving at 2 tomorrow and we have Wednesday off, she had better have been very very sick to not come in.  If she just wasn't feeling well, she really should have sucked it up and came in.  I was told today that we have to do the 10 hours OT during the week, but even after that we may still have to work this weekend.  Honestly I don't think I should have to.  Her being off all this time is what put us so behind....yeah we would be busy still, but of course two people is better than one and we wouldn't be so far behind.  If OT is needed this weekend, I think I should get a pass.  Especially considering all of my OT will only be straight time because of the holiday. 

We have our 3D ultrasound this Saturday morning and I am NOT rescheduling, so if I do have to work this weekend they'll just have to deal with me coming in when I get in, which likely won't be till noon or later.  So I had planned on staying an hour late tonight to get caught up and put in my OT, but everything went to hell and I spent that last hour finishing my regular work.  One of my programs crashed, then I went to print the first page of a spreadsheet but I forgot to put in 1 of 1....ten minutes later I went to the printer to find a half of a ream printed out, it was trying to bring all 1300 pages of the spreadsheet.

I canceled all of the print jobs on my computer, I hit stop on the printer multiple times but nothing was working.  Finally 200 pages later I figured out how to go into the printer itself and cancel the job.  Ugh.  This day can suck it.

My bellybutton is getting closer and closer to being flat....I give it another week or two.  Ewwwww, I hate belly buttons.  I don't want it to go flat, but that would be better than popping out.  I seriously want to puke when I think about it popping out, belly buttons are so gross. 

My dad is so funny....I was telling him how our garage is so tight....we can fit both our cars in and get in and out, but that's about it.  When my husband is home, I cannot get my door open wide enough to get a carseat in.  So I decided I'll have to put Boo on my husband's trunk in her car seat, back out a little bit and then put her in the car, and the same thing in reverse when I come home.  So my dad says, well what are you doing to do when Ryan isn't home....haha, then I can just open my car door all the way, silly.  He was like oh yeah.

I had a thought this morning when I got up to pee for the second time....I can pretty much stumble to the bathroom, turn on the low light and then stumble back to bed.  But in a few months, getting up will take much longer as I'll be feeding Boo.  I can't wait till she's here, but man sometimes I'm really scared of how things are going to change.  But then again, at least during the first few months I can go back to bed after feedings since I won't be working.  Hopefully our little girl will take after her mommy and be a wonderful sleeper.

For Christmas we made a donation to St. Jude in Kayla's name, and when you make a donation in remembrance of someone you can fill out a card to send.  So even though the card was from me, to me, I cried when I read it.  The card said "St. Jude Children's Hospital has received a gift in honor of Kayla.  The gift will continue to give hope to the children of St. Jude today, tomorrow, and beyond.  We love you Kayla, love mommy and daddy!"

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