Monday, December 2, 2013

Stress lowered- 24 wks 4 days

I don't know if it's a coincidence, or if it really was physical manisfestations of emotional stress, but ever since we passed our loss milestone, and V day, I feel so much better, both emotionally and physically.  I've been less tired, I've barely felt any cramping and I just feel so full of hope.  I'd say it's probably a little of both, stress can do some nasty things.

Boo has also been kicking a lot harder lately, it just started the last couple of days.  She has her "evening kicks" where it's a quick jab higher up on my stomach and then her "all day long kicks".  These ones are funny because they aren't quick jabs or feels like she just has her feet on me, and then moves them around so I feel constant pressure for a few minutes here and there, kinda like the way someone might put their feet on the seat in front of them at the movies.

I giggle when I picture it, I see her with her feet on me, just kind of pushing away at me while she marvels at her hands or something like that.  Ryan and I finished our registry on Sunday...I am glad I did most of it online because it wasn't as fun this time.  But it's done, so that's another thing I can cross off my list.  I'm shocked at how big and bulky the jogging stroller is that we wanted....but I do want a jogging stroller and we're kind of partial to Graco.  So it's a good thing we're also getting the stroller frame for everyday use, and then we can just use the big stroller once she is too big to be in the bucket, and for stuff like going to the Zoo.  I could always get an umberalla stroller too for the days when I don't want to haul the big one around.  It seems like a waste to have all of these different strollers, but I do thing the jogger will be really nice for when we do need it.  It's got huge air filled tires, so if we ever go someplace outdoors without sidewalks we won't be those people trying to push the little plastic wheels through gravel.

I ordered the crib and mattress today...I was hoping for a good cyber Monday deal, but it was only about $10 cheaper than usual.  The dresser was more deeply discounted, I think about $70 off, but I'm more excited about getting the crib right now.  It will be so weird to have a crib in our house.

My shower planners set the shower date for February 1st....I'm so excited for it.  I also finally found a dress.  It's a cowl neck (I hate that term) jersey dress.  These swollen piggies aren't getting into heels anytime soon, and it looks like the perfect dress to wear with black tights and a chunkier heel.  I got it the other day and it fits great and is so comfortable!  I can't wait for my shower. 

I see my doctor tomorrow....I've done well going two weeks in between instead of going weekly, but I'm ready to go back.  I just wish it was for an ultrasound so I could see my Boo.  But Ryan and I decided to do a 4D ultrasound in January, so if I don't see her again until then, at least we'll have that to look forward to.

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