Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Growth scan- 26 wks 5 days

Another great appointment today.  M cervix is long and closed....I didn't bother asking the measurement this time.  It's nice seeing the progress not only with my body, but with my mind.  At 17 weeks through 22 I always needed to know the measurement, but now just knowing it is long and closed is good enough for me.  It's nice to have a little less crazy Pgal brain. 

The growth scan was a nice surprise....I knew I'd be having one coming up but didn't realize my first one was today.  After they check my stitch they always switch to abdominal so I can see her, but that's usually just a quick peek, so it was fun to see her flipping around and trying to eat her toes as always for several minutes.  That girl loves her feet!  But I guess she has limited options of things to do in there, so she's got to make do with what she has.  She's weighing about 2 pounds now, right on track.

I came up with a plan of how to handle requesting my favorite doctor for the induction.  If the appointment in which we schedule it is with Dr. Plymel (my favorite), I'll ask her when she's on and see if we can schedule it for then.  If that appt is with Dr. Garmel, I'll say I want her or Dr. Plymel and ask when they're on, and then pretend it works best for Ryan's work schedule to do it on Plymel's day.

Like I said, Garmel would be perfectly fine too, but if given a choice, I just feel more comfortable going with the one who has already delivered me once.  I don't know how it works though, it's not like I'll give birth an hour after induction starts.  So if my doctor is in on Wednesday, do I choose to be induced on Tuesday in hopes of delivering Wednesday?  Eh, I'm over thinking it....there is always a chance I'll go into labor on my own before that, or like she said today, they could always decide to start a week prior if my blood pressure or NSTs don't look good or something. 

I can't believe Christmas is a week from tomorrow....and my shopping isn't done yet.  Mostly, just a few more things to pick up.  I'm looking forward to Christmas but a part of me isn't.  She'd only be about 5 months, so she wouldn't know what's going on, but it should be Kayla's first Christmas.  We should be shopping for her presents and getting so excited for family to spend time with her....everyone loves having babies and little ones around at Christmas.  Instead there is just a small tree at the cold dark cemetery, and an ornament on our tree bearing her name.  It really isn't fair.

But we are so thankful for Boo.  She's my sun, my bright spot in my life.  Without her I think I would be in a very deep depression right about now and hating everyone and everything around me.  Both her and Kayla are our little miracles.  Things may not have gone as we thought they would, but holding her tiny hand, being in awe of her itsy bitsy fingernails, seeing my features on her little face....she was a miracle, no doubt about it.

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