Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Cabbage Patch Dolls- 18 wks 5 days

There are still some things in the nursery-to-be that I need to clean out and find a home for, and one of them is a bag of stuffed animals.  I think I'll get rid of most of them because they are kind of random and old, but I am pretty sure my Cabbage Patch Dolls are in there.  I know I have three, but I might have a fourth....and my husband had a boy one that he thinks he still has somewhere.  I just have to say, I think him having a cabbage patch is the cutest thing ever.

So I got to thinking about them, and how excited I was when I got my first one....she was a toddler one, with long brown hair and I renamed her Kristen.  I don't remember much about my very first one, but I didn't have her parents couldn't afford it from a store, back then they were very popular and expensive, so they somehow got me one from somewhere else, a bootleg cabbage patch if you will, lol.  But I only had her for a few weeks and they found out these dolls bought from this place had some kind of toxic chemical on them or something so they took her back.  I was soooo ridiculously sad, you'd of thought my friend died or something.  But give me a break, I was in kindergarten.  A few days after they returned her we had show and tell at school and I was so sad not to be able to take her.

A little while later, my mom picked me up from school and when I got in the car, there was my new doll, Kristen, buckled into the front seat.  I was sooooo happy, I loved her so much.  I am guessing my parents saw how heartbroken I was and decided to pay the money for one.  So thinking back on that, I just can't get rid of them.  But they're pretty old and dirty.

So I decided I'll give them a bath, and go buy them new outfits and give them to Kayla.  My husband suggested she might like a new one, which I would be happy to get for her, but I think when she's a little older and can know what she's getting would be better.  For now I'm so excited to make over mine and give them to her.  I hope she likes them.

On another note, after telling several people the name we had chosen yesterday, out of the blue my husband says, so what other names did you have on the table?  What?  I've been in love with the name Emily since I watched The Corpse Bride for the first time, plus I think Emily Kathryn sounds sooooo pretty, but I had accepted that it would be Kayla, told several people and NOW he is wavering on it??  Now don't get me wrong, I never hated nor do I dislike Kayla.  But there are names I like better, cough, Emily, cough.  Plus I am a little worried Kayla will be a bit immature for her as she gets older, but really, there are a lot of names like that.

But now that he's wavered a little, I feel more strongly that her name should be Kayla.  I know how much he loves the name, I mean he said it on our second date for God's sake.  Yes I like Emily a lot, but he's loved the name Kayla for years and years.  Plus we've been referring to our until now make believe daughter as Kayla for years, so it just feels like her name.  I don't know if it was reverse psychology or what, if so well played, well played....but since he said that, I am more sure than ever that Kayla Kathryn is her name.  It even makes me feel a little sad to think of not naming her that, lol.

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