Thursday, February 14, 2013

AFP- 16 wks 6 days

Last week I had the final blood work done that was part of the NT scan and Downs testing.  This was the Alpha-fetoprotein screening....confession, I had to google it because the nurse rattled the name off so quickly I couldn't begin to retain what she said.  Anyway, she called today, the results were normal.  I have to admit, given our good NT scan and bloodwork results from the first test, I wasn't all that worried, but it's of course nice to get good results.  It was also very nice when the nurse called and left a voicemail, she said she had some wonderful labs to go over with me.  That kind of takes the edge off while I'm waiting to get ahold of her.  However if they always did that for good labs, I would freak if they didn't do it once.

So today is day 3 1/2 of my GD diet....I say half because I attempted to stick to it on Monday, but since that was the day I saw my dietician, I wasn't fully aware of how to calculate so I am sure my diet wasn't perfect on Monday, but I tried.  It's going so so....once I am at work, have all my foods in front of me and know what I am eating for what meal and what snack it's easy.  But at night when packing my lunch, or making a grocery list it is a little stressful.  Right now it's easy because I am eating the same foods pretty much....I know that a whole what english muffin with a teaspoon of butter and a hardboiled egg is the right amount for breakfast....but I am nervous about the day when I am sick to death of that breakfast and have to come up with something new. 

I plan to keep a list of all of the food combos that work, so when I get tired of one, I can find another easily.  However right now since I don't have my glucometer, I don't really know if anything I am eating is working...I am sticking to the guidelines, but until I can test, I won't really know how it's affecting my body.  But I am trying to just suck it up, and do what's best for my baby.  The diet really hasn't been that bad, and most times when I am overwhelmed, I am just being a baby about it.  Though I have to say, it's great for hunger....I am almost never hungry.  I was starving and felt a little sick Tuesday morning before breakfast because I chose a shitty bedtime snack.  Sure 7 tortilla chips and salsa was the right amount of carbs, but since I had no protein and no fat, I was sooooo hungry the next morning.

But since then, and also having my bedtime snack a little later than my dietician suggested, I haven't had that problem.  So basically I eat every 2-3 hours...usually I am not hungry when it is time to eat, or I am just starting to feel a little hungry.  The only time I actually feel hungry is between my afternoon snack and dinner since it's a longer amount of time than the others.  I've also been doing well with drinking my water; my dietician told me to use a styrofoam cup and write hash marks on it for each cup drank.  It's working, I have been drinking at least 8-10 glasses (plus milk at dinner and snack) a day and it's not as hard as it used to be.  Having a goal and marking off each cup drank appeals to my meticulous nature.

I'm excited to weigh in tomorrow to see if I have lost weight.  I am a little nervous since I feel like I am eating all.the.time, but the doctor swears if I follow it I will lose.  Today I realized I did not pack enough carbs for lunch, and my boss gave us all a little heart of chocolates for Vday so that was perfect, I had three of the five pieces and that got me pretty close to my goal.  I should be getting my glucometer in the mail today, I'm excited to see how my foods are affecting me.

I've been really achey and sore lately, I feel like an 80 year old woman.  I can't just bend down and pick something up anymore, I have to go down in steps, and stand up in steps.  This morning I got up and I was so sore all over, my knee was killing me and I felt like I'd been hit my a truck.  At a friend's suggestion, I ordered a prental yoga I plan on walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes a day on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday and Sunday, and add in the yoga both days on the weekend.  I'm really hoping the yoga will help loosen me up.

I got my Old Navy maternity jeans in the mail a few days ago, and my nursing bras yesterday.  I am a little dissapointed in the bras, the straps don't lengthen quite long enough...once it's on it's comfortable, but getting it on is a little ouchy.  Plus it is kind of scratchy...but I am hoping some stretching from use and washing it will help.  It's the kind that has the hook at the top of each cup so you can pull down the middle to nurse.  So of course I had to go show my husband, unhook it  and say wapaah (like Chandler's attempt at making the whip cracking noise on Friends) when my boob popped out.  That received a chuckle.  I need to find a good tailor....I used to go to a place in my hometown, but they have since closed and I don't know of any around me. 

I hemmed my black maternity work pants, but I have a gray pair and the jeans that need hemmed.  I would do them myself, but I hope to one day sell them back to a consignment store or something and I don't think they'll take them looking the way I hem....I do it well enough to keep my pants off the floor, but it's pretty ugly.  By the time I am done with them after two kids, I probably won't sell them back, but if I can find someone to give them away to, they should be properly hemmed.  Besides, hemming is a huge pain in the ass, and I hate doing jeans.

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