Saturday, February 28, 2015

A baby no more

In less than three weeks my baby will be a toddler.  How is that possible?  I know everyone says the time goes by fast, but seriously, I blinked and her first birthday is almost upon us.  It's like she is growing up so fast just overnight.

I don't think she is ever going to do the traditional crawl...she is getting around very well with her belly crawl.  Unless at some point she decides she needs to go faster, I think the belly crawl will suffice for her.  The day she turned 11 months she started waving, she did it several times but now has only done it once since then.  She by far prefers clapping.  She will even clap when she hears clapping, like on TV.  To test the theory further, I played an applause track on my comptuer and she looked up and got all excited and started clapping.  Damn I love that little girl.

Unless she is surrounded by my snoogle, she cannot go from sitting up to crawling, so lately she has learned to just scoot her butt across the floor, like when dogs scoot their butts on the carpet, lol.  She gets into everything now!  She has a few bins of toys in the living room and now that she can get to them they are all dumped out all over the floor every day.  She also likes getting into the DVD cabinet, I may have to put a lock on that because the DVDs are all pulled out every day.  She also likes turning on and off the DVD player.  I don't mind that, but she occasionally turns off the cable box while I am watching tv.  The one day I said no no Em, turn it back on and she did!  I think it was just a happy coincidence though.

So now I tell her no every time she goes for the cable box, but I'll say her name and say no and she'll turn around fast and be like who me?  No, I wasn't doing anything....and then she'll go for it again and then I'll tell her no again.  She does it like four times before she finally gives up and realizes I am going to tell her no every time.

My family came over last night for dinner and she was going to bed when they were all leaving.  She gave Grammy and Grandpa a kiss and then they were like do you have a kiss for your uncle so she leaned over and gave my brother the sweetest little kiss on the cheek.  He looked like he was going to cry, it broke my heart.  I know it is because he loves her so much, but also because it is still unknown if they are going to be able to have kids, and I know he wants them so bad. 

She can sit up from a laying down position now if she is on a pillow, or on our bed or in our crib.  I woke up this morning and could only see her foot on the monitor, so I panned over and there she was, sitting up in the corner of her crib.  Her one foot was sort of bent back and stuck in the slats, so she would try to get it out but couldn't, so then she would clap....then she would try something else to get unstuck but failed, so then she clapped again, lol.

Today was a big day for doing new things.  She's loved to stand for a long time now, but today all day long she kept holding out her arms to me, wanting me to stand her up.  Then she'll try to push my hands off her, not knowing that she'll fall down otherwise.  So she was doing a lot of walking around holding on to me, so I went and got her Vtech toy that she can push and use as a walker.  So far she wouldn't walk with it, she would just use it to stand there, and if she pushed it forward at all she wouldn't take steps to catch back up with it, she'd just stand there bent over like oh crap, now what do I do.  But today she walked a lot with it....she wasn't all over the house or anything, but to go from not walking at all to taking several steps, I think she did great.  Then I had her standing up holding the bars of her crib, and she tried to let go and walk to her vtech which was just about three feet away but she fell over and I caught her.  Who knows, she may be walking by her birthday.

So also has more teeth coming in, currently her fourth and fifth ones are on their way in.  Such a little lady.  I've got to get going on her birthday party....I made all these plans months ago but now that we're getting close I am a little stressed that I need to execute them.  But it's really no big deal, the decisions are all made, just got to do it when the time comes.  Invitations are done, just waiting until next weekend to mail them out, we know what we are doing for food...we're still a little iffy on the cake but I think going there and talking to them will help us figure out what to do.  Her Cabbage Patch came the other day.  Since we already gave her the easy chair, we wanted to get her something else to open on her birthday so we got her a Cabbage Patch doll in a ballerina dress and we gave her a custom name and gave her the same birthday as Em.  I think she will really like that when she gets older that they have the same birthday.  We named her Amelia Marie.  When I suggested it Ryan was like are you sure you aren't going to want that for a kid's name someday.  I was like no I don't think so, but now I'm like crap, I kind of like it.  But I don't know, are the names Emily and Amelia too similar?  Eh it doesn't matter.

My MIL has a family friend that takes pictures.  She does charge for them, but I don't think it's like a business, she just does them as a hobby.  So as part of their gift to us she is going to book her to come take pictures for Emily's party.  That's really cool, then we can just relax and enjoy the party and not have to worry about getting pictures of this and that.  I need to hurry up and finish my photography crash course so I can take her one year pictures.  I plan to do them a week or two early so if they don't turn out well we still have time to take her to a studio, so I really only have about a week to do that so I can get going on taking them.  I really hope they turn out well, I am tired of paying hundreds of dollars at a studio. 

I am in desperate need of a mommy make over.  I blow dried my hair last night and did my make up and it felt so good to look human again.  So I've decided I need a new hair cut.  Most of the ones I want are too short for Ryan's taste.  I don't want short short hair, but maybe something I little shorter than I normally do, but I also don't want Ryan to hate it.  So I have something in mind that I think might work but it will still be on the longish side.  He and I are going out for some sushi with some friends next weekend.  I'm so excited, we're going to my favorite restaurant, and I'm going to see if my stylist can get me in earlier that day.  I always try to get my hair cut on a night that I am going somewhere so I can get some miles out of it looking nice.  My stylist always does it so nice and you can see all of the layers and it looks so good....then the next day I wash it and blow dry it and it looks nothing like how she did it.  So it's nice to go out looking good for one day anyway.  Maybe I'll get a mani pedi too.

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