Sunday, June 26, 2016

Fun summer weekend

We had a fun, busy weekend.  Friday night we packed up the truck and took Emily to see Finding Dory at the drive in.  She went to her first drive in last summer, but she didn't really care about it and was asleep about 15 minutes in.

I felt like we were packing for a road trip.  We put an air mattress in the bed of the truck, brought pillows and blankets, we brought a cooler with drinks, brought some snacks and picked up McDonald's on the way for dinner.  We also had to stop and buy a radio, since our truck's back window doesn't open, we wanted to make sure we would be able to hear the audio.  We also had to bring her potty.  Despite putting her in a pull up and her jammies, she often still wants to pee in the potty.  Who knew the drive in required so much stuff?

The people next to us were even more prepared.  This obviously wasn't their first rodeo.  They had chairs in the bed of their truck (which probably would have been more comfy for me and Ryan), homemade wooden steps to get into the bed (I made it in, but the jump was not very graceful) and a big speaker on a stand for the audio.  We took notes.

However we did think to bring a mosquito candle.  There are three screens at this drive in, two are out in the open and one is back in some wooded area.  This time we were at one of the open ones, so I don't know if we were just in a less mosquito infested area, or if the candle worked.  But last year sucked.  The truck we had at the time had a cap instead of the easily removable hard cover so sitting in the bed wasn't a good option, so we took the Equinox.  We underestimated the roominess of the cargo area so it wasn't that comfortable to hang out in, and the bugs were eating us alive.  Plus it was very hot still, so we turned the car around and sat in inside with the air on.  More comfortable, but not the drive in experience I was hoping for.

But this year was so much better....despite being very hot that day, by the time we got there at 8:30 the weather was very comfortable and within an hour we needed sweatshirts.  The bugs were almost non-existent and the air mattress was mostly comfortable.  Em had a great time running around the truck bed and just being up and out at that night of night and eating snacks.  Once the movie started she excitedly said Nemo and Dory a few times, but this was all too new and fun to sit and really pay attention to the movie.  But it is a good way to go see movies since there is no way she is ready to go to a theater.  About ten minutes till the end she finally settled down in my lap and then fell asleep, so we had a nice easy bed time when we got home, just carried her in and put her to bed.

I'm excited that Frozen 2 is set to come out in 2018; she'll be 4 by then and I think ready for her first movie theater movie.  Hopefully she still likes Frozen by then.  We plan to take her to the drive in again for The Secret Life of Pets when that comes out.  Even if she doesn't pay much attention to this one either, I am excited for this one.  I could have waited till Dory came out on DVD...Finding Nemo has never been my favorite movie.

Saturday morning we met my best friend and her boys at the park so they could play.  It was nice because the kids went off to play and we could actually sit and have a conversation, unlike when we go out to eat or to the mall.  I love that Emily has all these big brother type friends to play with her and make sure she is ok.  Last week we went to one of Ryan's 5Ks and they had a bounce house, so our friend's son who is 10 I believe, took her in and made sure she didn't get trampled by any of the big kids.  Most all of our friends have boys, so she'll have a lot of big brothers to look out for her over the years.

I got to check out the splash pad too, it's right next door to the playground.  I was going to take her the day before, but I had never been, and again wasn't sure if there would be a lot of bigger kids running around.  But it was pretty deserted when we first got there, and even when people showed up, they were mostly younger kids and they weren't too rowdy and crazy.  Gotta make sure things are ok for my tiny princess.  We had packed lunches and ate at the park too, it was a nice afternoon.  The kids got filthy though!  Not sure why that playground was any dirtier than others, but they had dirt all over the hands, arms, legs, it didn't help that it was sticking to their sunscreen.  As I was cleaning Em's hands she was concerned that it would take her polish off her nails.  My sweet little girly girl.

After that we just went home and took a nap.  I should have gotten stuff done while Em napped, but I was so tired and it was hot out so I laid down in my bed with the fan blowing on me, and of course I fell asleep.  I need to get on a better sleep schedule, and get more done during the week so I can relax on the weekends without feeling guilty.  Especially now that I am working too.  I try to only work on weeknights, so I can feel like I have a real break on the weekends.  Working from home, I am always tempted to log on and check my emails, but that will inevitably lead me to working all hours of the day and on weekends.  I purposefully keep myself logged out of my work email on my computer when I am not working, and I haven't linked it to my phone so I won't be tempted to take care of things as they come in.  I should maybe start working more on Wednesdays though while Em is at her Nana's, and maybe some during her nap too.  Then I wouldn't have to work so much at night after she goes to bed.

When she got up, we took her out in the yard to swim, and we blew up those water balloons that you attach to the hose and blow up like 50 at a time.  They were pretty cool and most all of them blew up like they were supposed to.  So we were all throwing water balloons at each other and every time Ryan would pop one over Em's head she would scream and yell like she was mad and then she would laugh.  Today we didn't do much, just relaxed, and then watched a couple hours of Shark Week.  I had intended to go out and either get the shark week Slurpee from 7/11 or the ice cream from Cold Stone...but I didn't shower today, and my acid reflux was bad last night and made me throw up, so today I had puke face.  I did not want to leave the house looking like that.  I wish I could be like normal people and throw up and not look crazy afterward.  Or not throw up at all, that would be nice too.

I guess I am going to have to move up Em's night training a little.  I still have half a pack of pull ups left and I was going to start once we used those up, but last night, today at nap and tonight she took her diaper off.  Last night and this afternoon I went in and put it back on so she wouldn't pee all over herself, but it of course woke her up and then she cried it out for a while before she would go back to sleep.  I'll probably regret it in the morning, but so far I've decided not to go in tonight.  She'll likely take it back off during the night anyway, and I'll have woken her up for no reason.

I ordered her new dresser today.  I think this week I will get her furniture moved around.  The place where the current dresser is, is not where the new one is going.  So I want to get her crib and everything else moved to their spots so when the new dresser comes in we're ready for it.  There is also a lot of other re-arranging I have to do.  Once I move the crib, there will suddenly be all this new stuff she can reach like pictures on the wall, small things on a shelf, so I've got to figure out where to move those items to.  The new dresser comes fully assembled, which is awesome, but I'm a little worried about getting it through the bedroom door.  But, I suppose the doorway is no smaller than most, and other people seem to get it in ok.

I'm off to go study up on how the heck to get this kid to be night potty trained.

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