Monday, June 6, 2016

Poop, and the F word

Well, we've been so busy lately I haven't had time to update.  So going in the potty is still going great.  We made it to 10 days straight with no accident, which I think is pretty good.  I think it was right after we walked to and from the grocery store.  It's about a 30 minute walk each way, but I needed to go for a walk and grocery shop so I figured I'd combine the two.  So we walked there, did about 15-20 minutes of shopping and then walked home.  As soon as we got home I let her play in the backyard while I put groceries away.  When I was done I went out to find a big wet spot on the concrete.  I don't know if she was calling to me that she had to go and I didn't hear her, or if she was just too excited to be outside.  Oh well.

When we went up north a week ago, she had a couple accidents, but I think they coincided with pooping.  Aside from the one time she pooped at Nana's house (I think she sat down to pee and just coincidentally had to poop as well) and once when she begged to get her diaper off to poop, she has been having a hard time telling me she has to poop, and just goes in her pants.  I'm not sure if pooping on the potty still freaks her out, or if she has to go too bad before she can tell me or what...but I think issues with pooping in the potty are pretty common for new potty users.

The one day we were getting ready to go for a bike ride, and it had already taken forever because I had to assemble the bike trailer, hook it up to the bike, and air up all the tires.  I was just about ready to put her in the trailer when she said pee pee.  Our yard is completely private, so I figured eh, this one time can't hurt, so I went to pull down her pants so she could pee outside....and I stuck my hand in poop!  She doesn't tell me she has to poop, she says pee pee, and as in this case, it's usually once she has already went.

So I had her walk quickly through the deck (since the dog was out on the deck) to get in the house to clean her up.  When she poops her pants she complains that there are "balls" (poop balls, haha) in her pants.  So we get to the bathroom, but the poop ball that was hanging out of her pants was gone.  Great, I figured it dropped off in the house somewhere, but I couldn't find it.  Yep, it fell off outside, the dog ate it.  ACK!  As if eating her own poop isn't bad enough, she has to eat the baby's poop too.  Dogs are vile creatures.  So we get her all cleaned up and off we go.  It was a good ride, our first of the season, and she will actually wear her helmet now.  Except, once I put the netting up over her on the trailer, her helmet is right against the netting so she has troubles lifting her head against it.  So the entire ride she had to look down at her feet.  Not very enjoyable.

So for the second lap around the neighborhood I took her helmet off.  Our city has no laws about helmets, she's in the trailer, I am very diligent about looking for traffic, we ride on the sidewalk, and even if my bike fell over, the trailer stays upright, so I am not too worried about it.  Maybe next time I won't put the netting up at all, it shouldn't be that windy for her, and I would like her to get used to having to wear it all the time.

On our way up north last weekend I wasn't sure about what to do about the potty for the drive.  It's a 3.5 hour drive, and I was fine with stopping so she could potty, but she often falls asleep for most of it and I was worried about her wetting her seat in her sleep.  So I just put a pull up on her, but she never went in it.  She didn't sleep that much, and when we stopped for food I had her try to potty and she did!  She amazes me every day.  You just don't know how much I was dreading potty training and I am so happy she is doing so well.  I got a fold-able potty seat from Amazon to use when we're out in public.  She often has trouble going on commercial toilets because they're so big, she's afraid she'll fall in.  But this thing is great, it folds up to about 5X5 inches, and comes in a rubber bag.  It fits right in my diaper bag so we always have it.  Best purchase ever.

I think we made a break through with poop today.  The good news is, without even telling me she had to, she went to the potty and pooped all on her own.  The bad news is, when she came to me needing help putting her underwear back on, I didn't realize she had pooped so I sat her poopy butt on my bare knee.  Yuck.  But, what's a little poop on your knee while you're eating lunch, compared to your kid pooping in the potty all on her own!  I was very excited.  And, I guess it was better that I had shorts on instead of getting poop on my pants.

Another unseen perk of being potty trained....without the bulk of a diaper, last summer's shorts still fit her.  She has several pairs of 12 month shorts, and they still fit her perfectly now that she wears underwear.  Win win!

Lately I have noticed she has been getting a little lazy with her speech.  She has a huge vocabulary, and she says many words crystal clear, and she is starting to link two words together, but she isn't speaking in sentences yet, and quite often will just say one word to tell me what she wants.  Like she'll say milk, or night night, or ath (bath).  So I am trying to get her to add to that some, like mommy milk please, or take an ath.  Whenever I am eating something she wants, she comes up to me with her mouth open and says ahhhh.  It's so cute, like a baby bird, but with her vocabulary she really should be speaking more in sentences, so I've taught her to say bite please.  She sometimes forgets from one day to the next, but if I remind her once, she will usually say it for each bite she comes to me for after that.

I know some kids aren't even speaking very much at this age, but still, I know she can speak in more complete sentences, so there isn't any reason why she can't if I just encourage her more.  What is cute and isn't a problem at 2, can easily turn into a big problem at 3 and 4.  Speaking of speaking, she has become rather fond of the word fuck and fucking lately.  We tried to just ignore it, but in her toddler wisdom, she still somehow knows it is a naughty word, and therefore enjoys saying it.  The other day I forgot we were watching American Pie on HBO and would therefore have cuss words.  She perfectly imitated the one kid by throwing her arms up in the air and repeating "fuckers"!

I am trying really hard to not say bad words, but I know I am not succeeding all the time, but her daddy is really bad.  We'll continue to try to keep her from hearing cuss words, but today I decided to start time-out for saying it.  I firmly believe that while we should limit how much she hears the words, she also needs to learn that some words are not appropriate for her to say, and just because she hears an adult say them, doesn't mean she gets to.  So the first time-out was short, just to get her attention that saying the word will result in time-out.  When she said it a little while later, I put her back in time- out.  She kept asking for a kiss (little stinker) but I kept saying no, not until after time-out.  Finally she made it to 30 seconds without interruption.

I really don't get how kids learn so quickly how to manipulate.  I've noticed she claims she has to pee pee whenever I make her do something she doesn't want to do, and she knows I cannot not believe her, because one of these times she will really have to go, and not just crying pee.  But tonight, she mistakenly claimed she had to pee pee the second I put her in time-out for the second time.  It was a gamble, but I decided to call her bluff.  Man, we really need to forget about Trump, Clinton, and Sanders and just elect a toddler as president.  They're slick, conniving and play dirty, all the qualities of a president right?

 Ever since we were up north her sleep schedule has been all messed up.  Unless I have to get up for something specific, I just let her wake me up.  Well the past week or so we've been sleeping till 9:30 or later; today we didn't get up until 11:30!  But she's been going to bed late each night too, I put her down at 8 like usual but she often doesn't fall asleep until 10 or 11.  When we were up north, we stayed up late most nights and some of the days she didn't get a nap, but she was still waking up at normal time, so I guess she is trying to catch up on sleep.  I don't have to leave the house till 11 tomorrow, but I'll try to get us up at 8 just to try to get back on schedule.

So when she gets up so late, I don't put her down for nap at 1, and like today I was going to just keep her up all day so she could go to sleep at the usual time.  But today around 5pm she crawled up in my lap, leaned back, put her hands behind her head and fell asleep.  I cannot say I minded though, I love when she snuggles with me.  She slept on me last week too, and she fell asleep on my dad when we were up north, but he had to go do something so he put her in my arms and we got to snuggle for 2 hours.  I miss my daily naps with her.

Work is still going great, I haven't had to commute in a couple weeks, it's been nice.  But tomorrow I have to go to this mandatory training class.  I was kind of annoyed about it, because it deals with clinical stuff, and I do not do any of that, so why do I have to go?  But the main reason I don't want to go is it's a 3 hour class, and there is no prior registration, so you have to get there super early to hopefully be one of the first 50 to get in.  This sucks, but I have a pretty wide open schedule, I don't have to work at any certain time and it's pretty easy for me to get a sitter.  But this is still a pain in the butt for me, so I cannot imagine for someone who has time constraints, to set aside time to have to go to this, not knowing if they'll be able to get in or not.  I don't see why they can't do registration, but tell people who could not get in the class to show up anyway in case one of the registered doesn't show.  Then they shouldn't have to deal with running classes for less than 50 people.  Hopefully being there an hour before hand is enough time to be one of the 50.  But the silver lining is, I discovered this place is right down the road from our favorite sushi restaurant, so I'm going to get carry out for dinner.  Hmmm, and we were just talking today about cutting down on our restaurant expenses.  Oh well, I just cannot be 50 yards away and not get food from there.

Then Thursday my boss wants me to come to her house so I can meet the other new girl.  I kind of don't want to, but I have a doctor appt that morning anyway that I need a sitter for so I can talk with my doctor in peace.  So at least it will be worth the while to get a sitter since my stepmom can just watch her all afternoon too while I'm at work.  My boss also said I can go up to 15 hours some weeks if I feel like I have too much work to do.  Since I will be spending 7.5 hours this week commuting and at class, I will definitely need to take advantage of working up to 15 to get the rest of my work done.  It's always nice to have a bigger paycheck!

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