Sunday, September 11, 2016


I haven't done Emily's stats in a while, I think the last time I wrote about them was her birthday.  Since she is just a week or so away from being 2.5 (how is that possible?!?) it seems like a good time.

Weight: 28.6lbs
I don't remember what she was last time I weighted her, or when it was.  According to her baby book, she was 26.8 on her birthday so she's gained just shy of 2 pounds since then.  Not bad considering the girl almost never eats.

Height: About 34.5 inches, and on her birthday she was 33.5 so she's grown an inch.  I know it's not a ton, but I can definitely feel her weight and height progress when I pick her up.

Milestones and Memories:  It's been a busy six months.  Since her birthday she has dropped all bottles completely.  One day as I was laying her down for her nap a month or so ago she says, bubba?  No silly girl, you're a big girl and you've been off bubbas for months.  I do occasionally let her take a sippy of milk to bed, but it's very rare, so when she asks, I let her.  She is also in her semi-big girl bed.  Still in her crib, but the front rail is off to make it a toddler bed.  Probably after the new year but before she turns 3 we'll put her in her real big girl bed, a twin.  She is day-time potty trained; she does still have accidents from time to time, but she's never had an accident out in public (knock on wood) and I'll take the blame for many of her accidents at home.  We'll be working on night training soon.  When she is busy playing, I cannot trust her to tell me she has to go, so I should be just taking her to the potty more.  She's talking a ton now, making three and four word sentences and she just says the funniest things.  My SIl's dogs were play fighting one day and Emily pointed and said bad girls!  Too rough!  She mostly feeds herself, I help her if it's something really messy, and she can drink from an open cup, but since I don't want to waste, and clean up spilled drinks all the time, we still mostly use sippys.

Sleeping habits:  I was blessed with a wonderful sleeping child.  On the rare occasion she might cry at bed time or nap or take a while to fall asleep, but for the most part I read her a story, we say prayers, I hug and kiss her, tuck her in and say love you, and she said aye you, I tell her sweet dreams and she repeats it, I close the door and that is that.  I think she's gotten me up maybe 3 times in the last 4 months, I think it was a couple nightmares, and she fell out of bed one night.  She actually fell out again the other night....she must have been sleeping at the end that doesn't have the guard rail.  She was ok that time though.  She just sat there, looked around, got back into bed and went back to sleep.  She still naps once a day for about an hour and a half to two hours.  If she misses her nap, she isn't too incredibly cranky, but she's fighting to stay away come bed time.  She really is a blessing, I have it so easy with her.

Eating habits: This is where she is not so great, but I guess if she isn't starving and she's gaining weight, then she's good.  Most meals she eats ok, more often than not she'll occasionally take a bite or two and be done and on a rare occasion she'll eat like a horse who hasn't seen food in weeks.  I can usually get her to eat a decent meal with her favorites which are PB & J sandwhiches, mac and cheese, and hot dogs.  Anything else is iffy.  She likes fruit, like strawberrys (trawbies) and bananas, apples, and she loves tomatoes.  Grapes and raisins usually go down easily too.  She also loves her milk, and juice.  I try not to give her much juice, but now that she knows about it and can ask (demand) for it, I give in more than I would like.  She looooves chocolate milk.  The odd food she really likes is crushed lentil soup.  Love it, could eat an entire bathtub of it.  She'll also take the same amount of fruit smoothies.

Favorites: She still likes Minnie and the gang, and any princess, but lately she is all about Anna from Frozen (Elsa is ok, but she's an Anna fan), and Nemo.  Oh lord does this child love Nemo.  And Dory...we must watch Finding Nemo like 8 times a week, and that's with telling her no much of the time.  She calls cherry tomatoes baby Nemos (like the fish eggs in the beginning of the movie) and almost passed out when her big cousin ate one of her cherry tomatoes.  She also likes Blaze, and Paw Patrol (which she calls Pawtrol).  She's really liking Cinderella lately, and Beauty and the Beast which she calls Tea Pops (Tea Cups).  She loves to carry around junk.  She's all about trinkets.  Yesterday we went to her daddy's 5K and she insisted on bringing with her a penny, a Dragon head (that we got out of a Kinder egg, she loves that damn dragon head), a barrette, and one of those hair ties with the colorful plastic balls on them.  She'll gather up a bunch of little crap and trinkets and put them in her toy SUV and drive them all over the place.  She's definitely got a good imagination.  She loves nail polish and getting her nails painted, and she loves playing with her Nana's jewelry.  She likes to play with her dog, though she prefers there to be a door or gate between them.  Nalah is still a baby herself and tends to lick Emily's face and knock her over if they're in the same room.  She's still trying to win over our cat's heart.  She sometimes slightly succeeds.

Discoveries and accomplishments: She can put her own shoes on, and usually gets them on the correct feet.  She can put on her undies and her pants by herself.  We're still working on shirts but once I get it over her head she is usually good.  She can do all of her wooden puzzles.  She's now realized that her cousins are two different people...she used to just combine their names and call them each that.  She knows all of her immediate family members by name, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousin...  Her carseat in dad's truck is still in the middle and it's high up so I have trouble getting her in.  If I set her on the seat, she can climb into her carseat and put her arms through the straps.  She can go up and down any staircase.  She gives me a heart attack but she can go all the way up and down Nana and Papa's stairs and she holds on to the railing.  She can go get just about anything, if you ask her she'll say ok and she'll run off and go do whatever you asked her to do.  She speaks very well, but she understand everything you tell her.  She can count to 13 but she sometimes gets stuck, or just likes to start at 9.  She knows her colors, red, blue, green, brown, black, white, purple, yellow, orange, pink....the only ones she's not sure of is different shades of colors, and things like silver and gold.  She's super polite, always says please and thank you, sometimes she'll even say thank you much, and she almost always says bless you mommy when I sneeze.  She's the sweetest, smartest little girl and I am just so in love with her.

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