Tuesday, November 11, 2014

We have a crib napper!

 Until last week, Emily always napped in her swing, snuggled on the couch with me or occasionally on the floor with a blanket.  Despite sleeping great in her crib at bedtime since day one, she wouldn't nap in her crib.   It's like she had to let sleep sneak up on her.  Sleeping in the living room wasn't ideal anymore because I couldn't do much while she was napping for fear of waking her up, and lots of noises out of my control could wake her up, like the UPS man knocking on the door.  A friend of mine said her son wouldn't nap in his crib till he was older, and I thought about that last week so I decided to give it a try again.

It worked!  It only takes her anywhere from 2-15 minutes to fall asleep (vs the 30-45 in the swing) and I have at least 30 minutes free time and I don't have to worry much about noise.  It's nice.  I do wish she would nap a little longer, but 30 minutes isn't bad.  She's probably getting a better sleep than she ever did in the swing and we can stick to a schedule better since it doesn't take forever to go down anymore.

So google tells me nobody really knows if handedness is genetic.  Some articles say it could be, some say it probably isn't.  However we've noticed that if you hand something to Emily, she most often reaches for it with her left hand, so I am anxious to see once she is older if we are right (no pun intended) and that she will be a lefty.  Both her mama and daddy are mixed-handedness.  Ryan is mostly left handed but there are several things he does with his right hand rather than left.  I am right handed when it comes to writing and playing tennis, but everything else I do with my left hand....eating, brushing my teeth, talking on the phone, etc. 

I never realized it was weird until one Thanksgivng when I was a teenager my grandpa commented, "Amy I didn't know you are left handed".  I said I'm not, and I looked around the table and everyone held their fork in their right hand, mine was in my left.  Huh, whatdoyaknow.  So Ryan said the other day that if she does seem to be a lefty, he said we should encourage her to use her right since he had a hard time as a lefty growing up.  But I don't want to do that and he agreed when I told him why.  I honestly believe you are born being a right hander or a left hander.  I write extremly weird with my right hand....I hold my pen very strangely, my pinky finger sticks out, my hand hurts after just a few words and I have terrible handwriting (though I blame that on typing, the better typist I became, the worse my handwriting got).  When I was little I used both hands for everything, and a teacher told my parents to encourage me to use my right since it is a right handers' world.

I really think I should have been left handed, or maybe even mixed handed like I am, but I should have learned to write with my left.  It feels comfortable to hold a pen in my left hand, and I hold it correctly in my left hand, but I just can't write left handed because I haven't done it all my life.  I've tried to teach myself but I get impatient and give up.  I do agree it is a right handers' world, but what is harder, being a left hander in a right handers' world, or being a lefty who is forced to be a righty in a right handers' world?

So Emily will be whatever she wants to be.  Right handed, ok fine.  Lefty, great (I admit, I would kind of like her to be a lefty because they are so uncommon and therefore special) or mixed handed like us.  That would be funny to have a whole family of lefties/mixed handed. 

In other news, I am 35 years old and I am forcing myself to become a coffee drinker.  I've always HATED coffee, never like the smell, taste....I don't even like coffee drinkers.  Especially at work, whenever I had to train someone that drank coffee they would have their nasty smelly coffee on my desk and they were all crazy...."I HAVE TO GET MY COFFEE".  There was even a group of women that would take turns picking up coffee for themselves and others from Tim Horton's and they would come in EVERY morning complaining about how horrible the customer service was and what they got wrong today, but they would still go there every day.  And I don't know what the IT dept did to their coffee, but it smelled terrible, I hated walking past their department.

So in case it wasn't clear, I hate coffee.  But, I need something to get me going in the morning.  Monday I could not get out of bed and I ended up snoozing both in bed and on the couch with Em until like noon.  That's terrible.  I felt like crap and while I did get everything done yesterday, it took until 10pm.  I also late laying in bed forever trying to fall asleep on nights that I slept too much that morning.  So I dusted off my little one cup Mr. Coffee that we got as a wedding present for company and got some Dunkin Donuts coffee ( I love their hot chocolate so I thought maybe I could stand the coffee).  So once I loaded it with three sugars and three creamers, it's tolerable and I can choke it down.

I'm hoping the remaining coffee taste is an acquired taste and I will someday like it.  I do like tea, but tea doesn't make itself so coffee it is.  It also seemed like the lesser of the evils like pop, or energy drinks.  I think I might ask Santa for a Keurig though so I can experiment with different flavors and teas and hot chocolate and stuff.  But, I got up at 6:30 and wasn't tempted to go back to bed since I was wide awake, so nasty as it may be, it did its job.

So I was reading my entry about Emily's birth story today, and I was reminded about a moment after she was born that I don't think I have ever written about.  The OR was pretty packed with med students and interns and such.  Once I was in recovery my nurse was taking my vitals and getting me comfortable since I was freezing after my C-section and couldn't stop shaking.  There were still a few med students milling about, so my nurse asked one of the young men to help clean me up....basically a sponge bath below the waist. 

Another female med student kept saying she could do it, but the nurse was like no no, he can do it.  Now, I am fine with male doctors but this kid looked so horrified and embarrassed to have to do this.  He was young too, couldn't have been older than early 20s.  So because he was uncomfortable about it, it made me uncomfortable.  It didn't seem like this male, medical professional was doing this, it felt like they just called in some random guy off the street to clean me up.  So awkward.  For his sake and his career choice, I hope he gets more comfortable and professional with that.

I bought Em a bath sponge today....holy moly I love that thing.  It's such a simple concept but it made bath time so much better.  It is a big sponge made to look like a ladybug that she sits on in the tub.  I am bathing her now in the big tub and I no longer get in with her since she can sit now.  But it was kind of hard because I worried about her falling over before I could catch her and cracking her head on the tub floor, and her little butt was pretty slippery in the tub, and sometimes for those awkward spots I have to lay her down in the tub....she likes to lift her head a lot and look around, and she would not lay her head back down gently.  But the sponge solves all those problems.  It keeps her from sliding around, she won't hit her head if she topples over and it's nice and comfy for her to lay down on.  Yay bath sponge!

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