Friday, October 31, 2014

Em's First Halloween

 Well Emily's first Halloween wasn't very successful.  We went to my MILs for dinner and then trick or treating with her two cousins.  It was cold and rainy though, so Ryan and I called it quits after 5 houses.  If she were older we would have toughed it out, but all she knew was she was stuck in this weird outfit where she couldn't move her legs, it was dark out and this cold wet wind was blowing on her face.  Of the five houses she only scored two candy bars, two bags of chips and fruit snacks.  Come on people, we want candy!

But we got to put her in her cute costume, which was a lady bug by the way.  I hadn't planned on buying her two, but I was at Once Upon a Child hoping maybe I could score her banana suit there when I came across the lady bug, and it was only 5 bucks.  Luckily the weather last weekend for the Zoo Boo was beautiful.  So we headed back to the house while my niece and nephew and BIL and SIL went on.  It was nice, Emily and I just relaxed and chatted with my MIL, and she had plenty of candy so have no fear, I am sure I ate my body weight in sugar today.  Plus she made dirt cake, AND I brought Red Lobster biscuits for dinner.  Ugh, I better not eat at all tomorrow.  MIL is coming tomorrow to help me clean the garage so hopefully I can work off some of those calories.

It was so cute, at dinner Emily sat next to me in her Bumbo chair and I fed her some applesauce while we ate.  I knew she was tired because she had only napped for about 30 minutes today despite my efforts to get her to sleep more (must have been excited to go get mommy some candy).  So she started doing her "nodding yes" thing, but the nods started getting longer and slower until she would just hang her head down....then she'd snap her head back up and then her eyes would close and her head would droop again.  It was so cute and funny, and all of us meanies just sat there laughing at her until my SIL took her out of her chair and snuggled her.  Ok, it was less than 30 seconds that we laughed at her.

Speaking of laughs, OMG Emily's laughs just make my soul smile.  I swear her laughter could cure cancer and make the meanest most miserable person happy.  And the things she laughs at....the other day she busted out laughing because I zipped up her jammies.  And she loves to be scared, she cracks up when daddy growls at her, and tonight Ryan had one of those plastic hands with a bag for candy attached and he kept acting like he was going to scratch her face with it and she was laughing and laughing.  How dull my life must have been before she came along.

I was watching the 19 Kids and Counting episode when Jill got married and her parents were talking about what a good baby and kid she was.  They were like if we had had her first, we would have thought wow, we've really got this parenting thing down.  Haha, that's kind of how I feel.  Sometimes I think wow, I'm a really good mom, this parenting thing isn't so hard, I really know what I'm doing.  Then reality sets in and I realize I just have a really really good baby.  Sometimes I like to think that she is our reward for what we've been through.  God couldn't save our Kayla, so he gave us an extra special baby in Emily.  I hope He thinks we've been through enough to get TWO extra good babies if we decide to have another.

I bought Emily some Puffs today....the container says she should be crawling, but I figured it couldn't hurt.  But I tried one first and was surprised that they don't melt in your mouth as quickly as I expected.  I don't think I am quite ready to test out my Heimlich skills just yet, so I think we'll wait a little bit on those.  Speaking of food, we have about one bottle worth of breast milk left and then my freezer stash is gone.  I'm so glad we were able to use it after all, it was a lot of hard work pumping for that long, especially when I wasn't sure if she would ever be able to drink it, so I am really happy it didn't go to waste.  

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