Thursday, October 23, 2014

Funny kid

Emmy is so funny, she cracks me up every day.  The other day she was in her jumper and my husband went to hand her her puffy cell phone.  Instead of taking it from him, she leaned forward and chomped her gums a few times, trying to bite it and grab it with her mouth.  She looked like a little shark.  She's getting much better at sitting now, she can sit for a couple minutes and she sometimes corrects herself if she starts to fall over, but she still falls way too often to let her sit without being right there.

I try to surround her with pillows but she has this amazing ability to fall where the pillow isn't.  She fell forward, and I thought she was catch herself with her hands and go into tummy time position but she just face planted, and then cried of course.  Poor baby.  She's been crying a lot lately.  Sometimes she'll do like a whine cry, like if I leave the room for too long or something, but this past week she'll be playing just fine, and then suddenly just bust out into full "I hurt myself" cry, but I can't see how or where she did.  I wonder if she's got a tooth or two coming soon because almost all her behavior has been pretty strange lately.  The last couple times my dad has had her, she just stares at him like she doesn't know him.  She's been taking a while to warm up to other people recently, and she looks for me a lot when other people have her (but I have to say, I love that).

My MIL takes her on Wednesdays and she told me she seemed like she missed me the other day.  She didn't really say why, she just said she felt like she was missing me.  Awwww.  Sunday night she didn't fall asleep until 10:30, almost 11 which is soooo weird for her.  She's normally in bed by 8 at the latest.  Monday during her midnight bottle she woke up fully and then wanted to play.  Normally she sleeps and dream feeds, or she wakes up slightly and goes right back to sleep after.  Though she did need a diaper and full jammy change, so maybe that was too much activity and woke her up.

She's been really hard to feed too.  She'll drink a couple of ounces and then either push it away or she'll grab the bottle and play with it, pinching the nipple and squirting herself in the face.  It's quite comical, but frustrating when I just want her to eat.  Every day since I've eventually gotten all of her bottles down, but Sunday she refused quite a bit and then got constipated as a result.  I think that may be possibly from not feeling well if a tooth is coming in, or just that there are so many other things she would rather be doing.  If one of the cats or daddy comes into the room, forget it, she's all done.  She'll stare at those cats for hours if she could, and she loves to "pet" Vinny.  So far he has been very tolerant of her pulling his fur, but Zoey won't go near her.  She'll probably be 5 years old before she is ever able to even touch Zoey.  He's a fraidy cat.

She loves the Bubble Guppies.  I have to admit, it is a pretty cute show and I like that it is educational for when she's a little older.  She was in her jumper the other day and it came on and she just stopped what she was doing and watched it for like 20 minutes.  Last weekend we went to some friends' house for dinner and their two boys were playing with her.  They asked if she likes to watch anything and I said the Bubble Guppies, so they brought a show up on their tablet and the three of them were laying there on their tummies watching it.  So adorable.  And, I will say it, I see nothing wrong with TV as long as it is in moderation.  Of course I don't want her watching much TV now, or hours of it in the future, but some here and there is no big deal.  Besides, there are some really educational, thought provoking, inspirational TV shows and movies.  It's not all Jersey Shore and Real Housewives.

She's been saying dadadada lately, which makes Ryan happy to no end.  Whatever, she doesn't know what she's saying.  I'll be pissed if after taking care of her all day every day while he's at work, she says daddy before mommy.  But that will be my mom used to try like hell to get me to say mommy and I would just laugh and say daddy. 

Normally while I am getting her bath ready I put her in her crib naked so she can dance around and "air out".  Today I left her in her diaper and when I came in to get her for her bath, I found that she had a dirty diaper.  Oh my God, thank goodness I left her diaper on.  That would have been a nasty mess otherwise.  Or had she gone in the tub, ick!  We haven't used her baby tub in a month or more, it's just so much easier in the big tub, but since she can't sit on her own yet, I just get in the tub with her.  I'm thanking my lucky stars she didn't poop in the tub.  I like bathing with her but I'll be happy when she can sit on her own and I won't have to.  Once she can do that, I think we'll make bath night an every night thing as part of her bedtime routine.  Right now it's too much hassle to bathe her everynight.

For the past few months I had been using California Baby shampoo since it's really good for her cradle cap, and since it is shampoo and body wash I just washed her with it too.  But tonight I decided to use her Johnson and Johnson stuff.  Ahhh, she smelled like a baby again.  Maybe it's just me, but since she smelled like the soap, it felt like it got her cleaner than the unscented California Baby.  And her hair wasn't quite as fuzzy afterward. 

Earlier this evening we were doing sitting time and I gave her that toy, I'm not sure what it is called, it's got 5 animals that pop up when you push/twist/turn the right button.  She is now able to push the animals back down when I pop them up, and a couple times she did push the buttons to get them to pop, but I am not sure if that was more of a lucky accident.  I love watching her learn and do new things.  Oh, and she rolls onto her side to fall asleep now and she's just all over her crib. 

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately, it's easier to say "Daddy" or "Dada" than "Mommy" or "Momma." Pretty much every baby I know says "Dada" first, including a single mom friend's baby. :P Silly babies.
