Sunday, October 26, 2014


 We had a nice weekend.  Saturday morning Emily went to grandpa's house while Ryan and I took an Infant CPR class at the hospital.  It was a really good class, we watched it all on video and the instructor walked around and watched us practicing on the dummies.  I hope to God I never have to use it, but choking or something happening to Em has been a huge fear of mine, so it's at least a bit of a comfort to know what to do.  It's like, as she gets closer to one and the older she gets and more capable of moving around and stuff, I am not as insane with fear about SIDS like I was when she was a tiny newborn.  But now that she's on solids and will be mobile soon, now my worry will be choking, getting injured, and getting into something that could seriously hurt her.  Welcome to parenthood, where you will worry FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.

There was a mix up with the class, the instructor thought no one was signed up so someone else ended up teaching it and therefore we had to go to the OB conference room on the L&D floor.  After the class we walked out into the hallway and there were both of my OBs talking.  I waved and they finished their conversation.  Dr. G kinda glanced at us and ran off....I assume it didn't click with her who we were, and/or she had to get somewhere.  I mean, we had two doctors, and we were one of how many patients and we haven't seen them in seven months.  Plus, she's always been a bit weird.  I love her, but she's weird :)  Dr. P came over and talked to us, she asked us how we're doing and how Emily is.  She asked how old she is now and she was like wow, that much time has gone by.

It was so nice to see them, and be at the hospital.  It sounds weird, but I've actually missed that place.  I mean for 9 months I went there a lot....for the last 10 weeks I went twice a week, the doctors and nurses became my friends.  Seeing them made me realize I have to get new insurance, a plan that they accept so that if we decide to have another, I can go back to them.  I honestly don't know if I could feel comfortable having another baby and going to another doctor.  I am sure there are lots of other good doctors out there, but going to someone else is just outside of my comfort zone.  When I sent the picture and thank you note to Dr. G, I told her that I firmly believe that in the hands of someone else, that results could have been way different.  She is the one that did my cerclage, and Dr. P delivered both Emily and Kayla.  I thanked them both for getting our little girl here safely.

So after class we went to the cafeteria to have lunch.  We've had many "dates" at the hospital cafeteria.  I got a salad, they have a really good salad bar, and they had my favorite pudding cups.  So good!  Then that evening we went to my brother and sister-in-law's for dinner, and then the five of us went to the zoo for ZooBoo.  It's a Halloween event, we walked around, they had stuff set up, treat stations to get candy and stuff.  Ryan was a gorilla and Emily was his banana.  The costumes were a huge hit, everyone that saw us was like OMG, look at the ape and the banana!  Ryan would dance to the music, he'd run around acting like a gorilla, climbing on light poles and such.  People even posed with him for pictures, it was hilarious. 

Today the three of us, my brother and his wife, and my dad, stepmom and stepsister went to the park and took family pictures.  They came out pretty nice, but man was I grumpy.  I had a headache, the remote on my camera wasn't working right, nobody was listening to anything I said.  My dad and stepmom were running late so while we waited I took some awesome shots of Emily in the leaves.  She did so good too, she sat up all by herself for a good six or seven minutes until she fell over and face planted and cried her little heart out.  Makes me so sad when she hurts herself.

Here are some pics