Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Christmas and birthday oh my

It's not even November yet and I am done with Emily's christmas shopping.  Well...maybe.  Apparently shopping for Em was the one kind of shopping Ryan wanted to do, and now he says it's ruined since I did it all.  But I can probably get him out to buy another gift that he picks out.  I tried not to go too overboard this year since she won't rememebr it.  I got her a my first baby has like a rubber face but the rest of it is plushy and soft.  I debated on it, she's got TONS of stuffed animals already, but it was cute and I'm sure she'll love to hug it.  I also got her a crawling Minnie Mouse.  It plays music and I think she sings as she crawls along the floor.  I figure if she can't crawl yet by then maybe Minnie can teach her, and if she can she can crawl along with her.

I'm also just wrapping a box filled with tissue paper that she can tear into.  I'm so glad she'll be 9 months at Christmas.  Of course she won't get Christmas as much as she will when she's older, but she can participate, tear open packages, and I think she'll be excited for her presents.  I think it will be more fun for her to be older for her first Christmas, than if she was just a couple months old and just laid there.  She won't benefit much, but I am starting the tradition of her Christmas Eve box this year....well actually it will be a Christmas Eve Eve box since we have plans on Xmas eve.  So she'll get to open this present on xmas eve eve, and it will be a new pair of jammies, a movie and some snacks and candy for during the movie.  So for this year I got her some pretty jammies with snowflakes on them, and Ryan and I will enjoy the popcorn and candy and the movie.  I'm so excited about the movie, I found a double one with The Rescuers and The Rescuers Down Under.  I don't remember a ton about the first one, but the down under one is one of my favorite movies.  My grandma has it and I watched it every time I went there for years.  It will be fun to do this for her every year and see her get more and more excited for it as she gets older and remembers the tradition.

Seeing how we're less than six months till her first birthday, I think it is perfectly acceptable that I have started planning it already.  I've picked the date, but that was kind of a no-brainer.  Her birthday falls on a Thursday so it just makes sense to have it that Saturday on the 21st.  Being the end of March, it could be a blizzard or it could be a fairly nice day.  Kayla's funeral was on March 29th and it turned out to be a rather warm sunny day so it's possible.  But I think we'll plan to have it inside and then a few days before depending on the forecast we can decide if we're moving it outside or not.  Although being Michigan, we'll have to literally wait till like the day or two before.  I remember the morning after Kayla was born there was a light covering of snow outside, and then just five days later we were outside with no coats on. 

Anywho, the only theme I like so far at Party City is lady bugs, but I'm assuming character plates and cups and all that is a lot more expensive than plain pink, and I found quite a few cute ideas on Pinterest for just a general "girlie, tutu, pink" theme, so we'll likely do that.  I figure unless she turns out to be a princess girl, my time is limited on how much longer I can get away with deciding what she wears and how much pink there will be, so I've got to do the ultra girlie birthday while I can.  Not that I dress her like a cupcake every she had on what I am pretty sure was a boy's blue Winnie The Pooh sweatsuit....but I like getting the frilly in when I can. 

So today started what is hopefully my new routine.  I had my husband wake me up before he left for work at 6:30am and I stayed up aside from the 30 minute nap I took with Emily this afternoon.  I actually enjoyed being up that early.  I had a good hour and a half before Em woke up, I was able to get all of my chores done before we went for our walk (granted, Wednesdays are my lightest day) and I'm hoping it will be a lot easier to fall asleep tonight.  Although tomorrow might be another story when the alarm goes off, the second day is always harder.

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