Wednesday, October 15, 2014

October 15th

For those that don't know, today is pregnancy and infant loss awareness day.  The time has already passed in my time zone, but everyone is invited to light a candle from 7am to 8pm in your time zone to remember all of the babies who have left this world too soon.  My candle is still burning.  Today I remember all of my friends who have angels in heaven, especially our angel Kayla Kathryn, and our little baby B.  Mommy loves you!

I wanted to go see Kayla today but I didn't get time.  Emily and I have to go run some errands tomorrow, maybe we can stop and visit.  Em and I finally got out today for a walk, we've been stuck inside for the last two days because of rain.  I love that I have a gym in the basement, but too many days down there and I go nuts.  With the exception of unseasonably warm days and days we go mall-walking, we'll be stuck in the basement all winter so I am trying to stay outside for as long as I possibly can.

Em has had a big week, just in the last few days she has gotten much better at holding her bottle and sitting up.  She's still not great, but it is mostly due to laziness.  Why hold the bottle and feed herself when I will do it for her?  But when she does do it, she holds it perfectly fine.  She's doing well enough to be able to mostly feed herself in her carseat on walks and in stores, which is a huge help to me.  I hate having to stand in the middle of a store, not getting any shopping done to feed her.

She's been sitting up like a big girl too.  She does really good sitting straight up and leaning forward slightly.  If she sways to either side a little she can correct herself but any more than that and over she goes.  But I think we'll be sitting on our own very soon, and that makes mommy so happy.  Oh and she can also ride in the big kid part of the grocery cart now.  This makes trips to the store soooo much nicer.  She can sit in the cart pretty well and thanks to the little belt on the cart, it does the rest of the job.  I love love love not having to haul the carseat into stores and try to figure out where to put stuff because the carseat is taking up all the room.

I've been doing some crafty projects lately when I get time here and there.  One of them is making yarn balls.  My SIL got me a decorative bowl from Ikea last Christmas, but I had nothing to put in it.  It killed me to pay $10+ for decorative balls to sit there and do nothing, so I am making them.  I got some yarn from Michaels, one is dark brown, one is tan and the other is a mix of dark brown, tan, and white.  So far I've made 4; I think 2 more and my centerpiece will be complete.  I'm also making a big picture frame out of an old room divider.   I can't wait until Emily is old enough to do arts and crafts.  Just to be prepared, I've already starting pinning stuff we can do.

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