Thursday, October 16, 2014


I just want to write about this real quick before I forget.  Emily goes to bed around 7:30 or 8 and she gets a bottle right before.  Then I give her another bottle around midnight.  She normally dream feeds, or she's partially awake during but goes back to sleep easily right after.  When I put her back in her crib, even though she's asleep she does a lot of fidgeting to get comfortable again.  I usually stand there and watch her for a few minutes because she is so beautiful when she's sleeping....well, she's always beautiful, but especially when sleeping, so looks so peaceful.  It's also funny to watch her wiggle around; she pulls her legs up and slams them back down on the mattress, she shakes her head back and forth, she stretches and rubs her eyes, it's so funny and cute.

As I'm standing there watching her, it dawned on me how much she looked like Kayla just then.  Both girls look like me, and I've always thought since the first time I saw her that they shared many of the same features, but in that moment, it was like I was looking at Kayla.  Can someone's heart actually burst from loving so much?

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