Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Story time

So the very next day after I bragged about what a good eater Emily is, she had to prove me wrong.  I made her egg salad for lunch which she has had two or three times before and loved.  I gave her a bite, she made a face like I just fed her poop. Thinking maybe it was a fluke, I tried a few more bites.  Same face, and then she threw up everything she had just eaten.  And how is it food can be in a baby's system for like 30 seconds, but smell SO BAD when it comes back up?

Luckily my dad came over to visit so he got an egg salad sandwich .  Otherwise I would have had to cheat on my diet and eat it.  I couldn't eat it all the time, and a couple months ago was the first time I had had it in years, but I am so obsessed with it right now.

I took Emily to her first story time with my brother and SIL today.  Today was my SIL's birthday so we met them for breakfast and then went to story time.  Sigh, I guess I am just not that "story time mom".  I found it to be annoying as hell.  There were two ladies leading it, and they both read the stories.  Of course it is pretty hard to read perfectly in sync with someone else, so the one woman was always a few seconds behind the other.  Why?  Why must you both read it?  Can't you take turns?

Then during the songs and stuff they got soooo animated and loud, my eyes hurt from rolling them so hard.  But, I am a stay at home mom and this is what I am supposed to do, take my kid to free shit at the library.  But next time I am trying the library by us, maybe that will be less annoying.  I couldn't tell if Emily liked it.  Mostly she looked confused and overwhelmed by all the kids and the noise.  But it's good for her to be around kids more, and it gets us out of the house a few times a month and it doesn't cost me money, unlike my other "get out of the house" activity.

Emily occasionally sees our friends kids, my best friends kids and my niece and nephew, but I suppose it is time she starts meeting more kids and some her age.  And who knows, maybe I will meet a mommy friend.  If nothing else, I can rent some movies while I am at the library.  I never really think about that, but the library we went to today had some pretty decent movies.  And hello, they are free.  We went on an on demand spree last week and racked up like $40 in on demand movies.  We hadn't rented any in forever but still, if we can get them for free, why not.  I really don't feel like getting a job any time soon, so we need to start skimming some things from our monthly expenses.

Emily was playing on the floor today, and she was doing her butt scoot, but the past few days she's been leaning forward a little more.  Then suddenly she went into a crawl position and took like one or two crawl "steps" and then went back to scooting.  So I got down on the floor with her and crawled around, hoping she would follow.  She did the scoot, crawl, scoot thing several more times.  So maybe she is testing out the waters, making sure it's not scary and will do it for real soon.  Hot damn, this kid may still crawl.

I know I will eat my words, but I really wish she would start walking.  She's 14.5 months, it's time.  I know she'll do it when she is ready, but the longer she goes, the more I worry.  I just feel like some things will be easier.  When she is getting too heavy I could put her down to walk, when she is trying to jump out of my arms I could put her down and let her walk, we could go to splash pads when it's really hot out.  People keep saying, oh just you wait....but she's got to walk eventually, I can't keep her butt scooting forever and I already got a few extra months of her not being super mobile, so she might as well start.  Plus I would just feel so much better if I could tell her pedi that she is walking at her 15 month appointment.

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