Saturday, July 11, 2015

My loves

I went to the grocery store today and since it is right across the street, I stopped at Kayla's grave.  I don't go every time, but this is often when I go.  I usually leave Emily in the car because of the hassle of unbuckling and re-buckling her in the seat, but I figured she is getting older, I want to start building her knowledge of her sister, so that she will always have known she has a sister in heaven, instead of one day just being knocked over with the news.

Her Nana had put a large pinwheel at her grave in the spring, and everything was still when we got there.  I kneeled down next to the grave, and like I have many times before, I told Emily that that is her big sister, and that she watches over her.  I told Kayla that we love her and miss her, and as it often happens, the wind picked up a little to spin the pinwheel.  I always feel like when the pinwheel spins, it's Kayla saying hello.  So as we got ready to go I blew a kiss and waved and asked Emily if she would too so she was blowing kisses and waving and then the wind really picked up and the pinwheel was spinning really fast.  It was a special moment.

Tonight I gave Emily a bath and afterward I was getting her ready for bed and brushing her hair when she just stood up, wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me the biggest hug.  Ah, two heart melting moments in one day from both of my girls <3

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