Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Here we go again

Well I'm officially into the "provera range" of my cycle.  I am on CD62 today and no O.  I am currently waiting to hear back from the nurse at my doctor's office so see if they will refill my prescription.  They gave me a hard time last time, wouldn't do it over the phone so I had to wait until my annual, then I had to have a urine preg test, a blood test and an ultrasound to see if my lining was thick enough.  I guess I can understand not giving it over the phone the first time, but I really hope it isn't an issue this time.  I so do not want to have to take time off work to go in and have another ultrasound.  Until I can get back down to a decent weight, I am thinking I will need provera again in October, and possibly again after that so it would be awesome if they'll call it in for me and give me a few refills.  I mean, clearly I am not some patient they don't even know looking to get my hands on it for whatever reason.  I've been a patient there for over 10 years and it should be in my chart that we're TTC and plenty of women take provera often to jumpstart their cycle.  I thought I was golden because the person I talked to took all of my info, got my pharmacy name and then said, ok I'll have the nurse call you.  Dammit!

The weightloss thing is going ok, I lost two pounds last week.  This week hasn't been quite as good....we were supposed to go out for our 5 year anniversary on Sunday but we got in a stupid fight so we didn't go and I got McDonalds instead.  Not the best choice, but I didn't eat much that day otherwise and I went on a 500 calorie bike ride.  Yesterday I am not sure how I did...I logged breakfast and lunch and was doing well, but then my dinner was awful so I didn't eat it.  I don't think I ate bad last night, but I snacked, that was my dinner.  Aside from a few cookies I had, the snacking was mostly healthy.

We're going out for our anniversary dinner tonight, so I am not logging it since it's a pain, but Aarabic food is at least fairly healthy.  I didn't go to tennis last night because I wasn't feeling well, but then again I did come home from work at noon, ate lunch and slept for 5 hours.  I could not stop sneezing...today I feel pretty ok.  So it's not like I skipped it out of pure laziness, I really was sick.  My tennis class is going out to Buddies tomorrow night after class for pizza....they do this every summer and I've yet to go.  I was really going to go this year, but I am thinking I shouldn't jeapardize my diet again, especially when every day this week has been iffy.  Plus, class gets out at 8:30, if I go out with them I won't get home till like 10 or later, call me old but I don't like being out that late when I have to work the next day.  I don't like their pizza so I would have gotten an antipasto salad, but who knows how many calories that it.  Logging food is so hard when you eat out.

So I am hoping, if I can lose 25 pounds by January and get my cycles back on track, that I will be pregnant by my birthday.  That will give me 4 months to get pregnant if I am Oing regularly every month.  That sounds like a long time from now, but hopefully I am estimating too long.  Who knows, maybe only losing 15 pounds would be enough, even if it's not enough to O regularly but it could maybe be enough at least to make me O now and again.  Right now I'll take anything over no O for 8 months. 

Come on nurse, call me back (with good news)!

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