Tuesday, June 5, 2012


So I went to my doc yesterday and got my metformin increased from 1 500mg pill to 2 a day.  I'm really hoping this helps with my weightloss and ovulation, and if it helps with weightloss then that in and of itself will help with ovulation also.  I'm really praying it doesn't make me sick....I took my first second pill last night and my stomach was upset this morning, but I doubt it would kick in that fast.  Besides my stomach has been feeling less than stable the last couple days anyway.

My stupid ovulation scope showed a bunch of ferning this morning.  It's very early but I got hopeful, thinking maybe I will actually O this cycle and at this point, nothing would be out of the norm for my body, even Oing on CD10 or before.  I hadn't ate or drank anything yet so I tested again and nothing, not even a tiny bit of ferning.  Ugh, I really hate that thing sometimes.  It's like the scope that cried O.  I tested with OPKs twice today and of course the test line barely even registered.  I was going to wait until at least CD10 or 12 to start using OPKs but of course my scope bullied me into it.  I hate that I have no idea when to use OPKs.  When you have no idea when or if you'll O, you hate to start too early and waste an entire shipment, but then again I don't want to miss O.  This wouldn't be such a problem if we have a more normal sex life, but lately we've both had the libido of slugs. 

So now since I am taking a metformin at night and in the morning, I have to take my prenatal at lunch time because it can cause absorbtion issues if taken too close to the metformin....or is it my thyroid meds?  I don't remember, but there is some reason I take it at night, seperate from all my other pills so I'll just keep them seperated (ha, had a little Offspring moment there).  So I want to try to start drinking green tea...I've never noticed an overabundance of CM so I figure it can't hurt to up that a little but then I read that it has to be drank hours away from the prenatal because it can interfere with your body's ability to absorb iron....for crying out loud, I have so many schedules of when to take what.  But it will all be worth it if it results in getting KU.

I'm going to the doctor today with my husband.  He's got a nagging cold that won't go away, but we're also going to inquire about an SA while we're there.  I don't know what to expect, are they going to hand him a cup and do it today, will they schedule it for another day?  If so, I hope it can be a situation where he can just do his business and deliver the cup to the office.  It is impossible for him to get to appointments because his work schedule is so crazy, he is barely making it to this one.  I am on vacation next week so that would work out to get it in the early morning and then I could just run it up to the office. 

So my provera induced period wasn't very long, but I am happy with it, I was afraid it would only be one real day.  I spotted for a day, had two days of medium, one day of light and then one day of barely there spotting.  Hopefully it will make an appearance again next month (and if not hopefully it's for a good reason).

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