Tuesday, September 25, 2012

First RE appt

Whew, well my appt is done, thank goodness.  I was excited up until yesterday and then I got nervous, and was very nervous this morning.  But I like my doctor, she is very nice and the entire office is really good about explaining things.

So when I first went in I met with a nurse in the exam room.  She did the usual stuff, weight, b/p, asked a few questions.  Then she took me in to meet the doctor in her office where she asked a ton more questions and then explained what the game plan will be.  So she did just a quick culture and pelvic exam, she wants to skip the HSG for now since it's pretty obvious the main porblem is that I am not Oing.  She said after 2 or 3 cycles if I am not KU by then she'll do the HSG to rule out blockages.  I am content with that and while some may disagree, it makes sense to me. 

After the exam, which wasn't bad at all I met with another nurse who went over all of the paperwork and prescriptions.  They gave me an rx for provera, but they want me to wait until I get my blood test results back.  I am not normally one to go against doctor's orders, but I know they are just erring on the side of caution.  I KNOW I am not Ku, and last time it took a full week for my period to start after my last pill, so if I can get things rolling just a few days earlier I would like to.  She also wants me to increase my metformin to three times a day provided my kidneys and liver look ok.

So once I get AF I'll of course go in for CD3 bloodwork and u/s, but then she doesn't want to see me back until around CD25.  I was thinking I would start the clomid this next cycle, but my guess is since (and I didn't think to ask at the time) I have Od here and there in the last year and a half, she wants to see how things look after the provera and also to see if the increased metformin did anything.  So I am guessing I will start clomid the next cycle, so hopefully by the end of October.  That's not that far away, and I am sure it will go much quicker than it seems now.

Ryan has to get his SA done soon....actually they want him to have two done. 

So as I've stated before, we've decided to let our families in on what is going on.  We decided anytime after our anniversary will be good....we don't want to keep them in the dark any longer as I am sure they are going nuts wondering when we're going to have kids.  Since it sounds like I won't be starting clomid until the end of October, I would like to tell them once that cycle is over if I don't get pregnant right away.  I'm cool with them knowing, but since we'll be starting something soon that will could actually give us a shot at getting pregnant, we might as well give it one try before telling them the so-far bad news. 

So I feel good, I'm happy and I'm excited to get project "get Amy pregnant" underway. 

Edit:  I heard back from the office, they've already got my bloodwork results.  I love this place!  My kidney and liver are fine so I can go ahead and increase the metformin dosage.  That would be nice is that alone made me ovulate and hopefully I tolerate it well and don't get sick.  I did ok increasing it from 1 to 2 so hopefully it will be the same.  Also my preg test was negative of course, so now I don't have to go against doctor's orders, I can go pick up my provera tonight and start it in the morning.  So if it goes like last time, I'll hopefully get my period around October 5th.  I'm hoping CD3 falls on a weekend so I don't have to take time off work for the bloodwork and u/s. 

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