Thursday, April 17, 2014

Bath time success....sort of

So far Emily does not like bath time.  But man does she sleep well after one.  We take a bath, we get warm in footy pajamas and a swaddle and then we have a bottle and she's down for the count.

She hated the first few baths in the sling because she was cold and maybe even was afraid she was going to fall.  So I was excited the other day to give her a bath immersed in the water since her cord had fallen off thinking maybe she'll like it better if she was warmer.  It was a disaster.  I had her in the baby tub in our tub.  I was bent over trying to wash her but she kept sliding down the tub seat and I had a hard time washing her and keeping her upright, her tub kept sliding around and it was a very awkward position for me.

She was still cold because I didn't make the water very deep, and it's a good thing I didn't because if it were any deeper her head would have gone under one of the times she slid down.  So yesterday I used a hand towel in the tub to keep her from slipping which worked pretty well, and she cried a little less because I used a warm washcloth to cover her tummy to keep her from being too cold.  I'd call it a least as well of one that we'll have until she's old enough to sit up on her own.

Speaking of sitting up, I think baby girl is going to be very strong (and smart :)  Since the day she was born she's been very good at lifting her head when I have her on my chest.  Yesterday she was pretty fussy so I picked her up and "stood her" on my lap.  Of course her legs kept collapsing but sometimes she was damn near standing with her own strength for several seconds.  I don't know if all 4 week old babies can do this but I was pretty impressed.

Things are getting smoother, we're all getting into a routine.  She's sleeping quite well at night, usually sleeping through to each feeding.  I am no longer getting upset when she cries a lot, before it pained me so much when she was cry and have pain on her face, but I'm getting better with that.  Night time is also better, I've been looking forward to putting her down and having an hour of me time before I go to bed rather than dreading bed time and being so scared I couldn't relax well enough to sleep good.  In fact last night I had just put her down, I was getting a snack and was going to watch some TV when I heard a baby crying.  I was like oh fuck, thinking she was was just a baby on TV.  Haha funny how I never noticed crying babies before, now suddenly my mom ears perk up and I assume it's mine.

I cannot wait for Saturday, we went appliance shopping the other day and got a new (used....well not used, from the Sears outlet, so new but a few dings to make it a great price) fridge, stove, and washer....and we'll likely get a new dryer once the gas version of the matching one comes in.  I'm giving myself until Monday and then Emily and I are going grocery shopping and I'm going to start cooking again and eating healthy.  I've enjoyed the last month of eating every carb under the sun and rebelling against diabetes.  But it's time I get my butt back in line or I will undo all of my weightloss so far.

As I've said before, I didn't gain any pregnancy weight (I just had to brag about that one last time) and thanks to nursing and not having an opportunity to eat most of the time, I've lost 32 pounds already.  But it's not a healthy way, and I'm starting to get more time to eat more often and if I keep eating the junk I've been eating I'll gain it all back.  Besides, with a new fridge and stove there is no excuse to not stock it with healthy foods and cook, especially since I am off work.  And our new fridge has ice and water in the door so I need to start drinking water again.  Especially since my milk supply has seriously dwindled in the last few weeks.

My baby has outgrown her first newborn outfit and wore her first 3 mo onsie today.  I'm so sad.  All of her newborn stuff still fits fine except her footy jammies, she's too long.  Her newborn onsies still fit but there are a bit tight and hard to get on, so the 3 mo ones are much easier to get on.  Sigh, my baby is growing up....I know she's not even one month yet (Saturday) but this past month has already gone so fast, so I fear how quickly the coming months and years will go.

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