Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Our first solo trip

Emily and I went out by ourselves for the first time today.  I was a little nervous but everything went great.  But boy am I sore, who would have thought a few hours out would make me feel like I ran a marathon.  I'm super tired and my back hurts a little, which is crazy because I went the whole 9 months, even the last few with a huge belly and no back pain (no lower back pain anyway) and now just one day of getting her carseat in and out a few times and I'm in pain.

So first we went to my doctor appointment to check my incision.  My nurse said it looked great and I am healing well, and confirmed that my soreness is normal...there was a lot of pulling and pressure to get her out so it's normal to still be sore.  It's enough to notice, but I am not in extreme pain or anything.  The only time I am in a lot of pain is when she is crying and I jump out of bed without being careful, or when I sneeze.  I try to avoid sneezing at all costs.

I still had a ton of sticky crap all over my tummy from the bandages so my nurse got that off for me.  I was joking that they were going to think I never shower.  Ok, so I don't get a chance to shower often, but I did today and it was so wonderful to be clean and not smell.  I know, TMI, but between spilled breastmilk, formula and just regular yuck, I'm not feeling the sexiest these days but I guess that's the life with a newborn: you always smell.

So my doctor came in and right away she says, "you look like you've lost a lot of weight, are you eating"?  I said um, not really.  So I got in trouble for that, lol.  It's so hard though, either there is nothing in the house to eat, or I am busy with Emily or I am pumping or washing bottles or choosing sleep over eating, or like right now trying to cram in a few minutes of "me" time while she's blissfully sleeping.

I weighed myself the day after we got home from the hospital and I had lost 8 pounds, but according to the scale today I've lost 27!  I've been eating pretty crappy, but I only eat on average one meal a day.  The weight loss is great, but it's obviously not the healthiest way to do it.  But hopefully now that she's two weeks old and I'm starting to get a hang of things, I can start eating better and more often.  She and I went for a walk the other day, and again today so now that the weather is getting nicer hopefully we can get some daily exercise.  I got a picture with Emily and my two nurses; so glad they were both in today.  I love them and I'm so happy they got to see her and get a picture.  So now I have a picture with both my doctors and both nurses.

I've been trying to cut dairy since I think she is sensitive to it.  Since it's not out of my system yet she's been getting just formula (soy) and I've been freezing all of my milk.  I hope to be able to donate it, but it's so frustrating to pump multiple times a day (which I hate doing) and she can't even drink it.  Then today I screwed up and had a yogurt and cheese, so I guess I have to start to clock over again on how long I have to go with no dairy before I can give her breastmilk again.

So after the doctor we went to see grandpa.  He made me a fried bologna sandwhich and then we went for a walk.  He's so adorable with her.  Not that my dad is a hardass all the time, but he's not super mushy and emotional but he is a complete mushball with her.  He calls her sweetie pie and cutie and talks baby talk to her and snuggles with her.  It's really adorable.

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