Thursday, May 22, 2014

2 month vaccinations

Emily had her 2 month check up today.  She's doing great, her doctor said everything looks good and she noted how alert and active she is already.  She loves to look around....I think that is why she is so good in public, there are lots of new things to look around at.  I'm going to call it now, I think she is going to be somewhat shy and introverted like me.  She just already strikes me as someone who will do a lot of observing and be introspective.

She is now 12 lbs 5.4 ounces and is 23.25 inches long.  She got her vaccinations today.  My poor baby, she screamed and cried for 10 minutes or so.  I hate to see her in pain, it really breaks my heart.  But she was calmed down by the time we left the office and she slept while I did some shopping.  That was nice of her.  I stopped at Target on my way home to get her some Tylenol when she decided she had been out long enough and was irritable from the shots.  It was pretty funny because we were in line and she was screaming and I was buying baby Tylenol and Excedrin Migraine.  The cashier was like ah one for baby and one for mama.

Once she got the Tylenol she seemed a lot better.  She hasn't had a fever yet so that's good, and later when we went out to dinner with my brother she slept very well.  She's sleeping right now and snoring just a little bit, it's so cute.

I go back to work two weeks from tomorrow.  I cannot believe how fast this time went.  I'm very sad about it, I don't want to go back and leave her.  I never wanted to work full time once we had kids, but I didn't think I would want to stay home either.  I thought maybe part time would be great....I could still have time with her, but still get out in the world with adults.  But I am really liking being home.  Some days we go back to bed for a little bit or have a lazy day at home, other days we get up early and we go out and run errands, meet people for lunch, or go for walks.  I've had time to keep the house clean and cook real dinners.  I love being able to make appointments for any day at any time and not have to try to schedule it around work.

So we've decided that at some point, I'm going to quit my job and take a year off.  During that year I will pursue online teaching.  Not only would that job be great because I could work at home and be home with Emily, but I think I would really enjoy it.  I loved being in school, just didn't always love the stress of it so I think teaching would really appeal to me.  I can't start looking for teaching jobs now though because I will likely need to be hired by several colleges to get enough classes and make enough money, and with taking care of Emily, working 40 hours and everything else I have to do in a day, there would be no time to also do online teaching.  So I'll give myself the year to make that work...if  by the end of the year I have enough classes and I'm making enough money then I'll just continue doing that.  But if it doesn't work out for whatever reason, then I'll have to look for a new job.

We haven't decided yet when I will do might be a month after I return, or it could be 6 months to a year from now.  I've worked since I was 16 years old, sometimes two jobs along with school and internships.  So it will be very weird and a little scary to leave my job of 9 years for a job that may not work out, and one I cannot even apply for until I quit.  But I think the payoff if it works out is totally worth it.  Even if it doesn't work out, it will have been worth it to be home with Emily for an entire year, and I am fairly confident I'll be able to find a new job that I like.  But it definitely makes returning to work in two weeks a little less dreadful knowing it may not be forever.

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