Sunday, May 25, 2014

Date night

Ryan and I went on our first date night tonight post baby.  It was fun, we dropped Emily off at his parents' house and we went to dinner at Applebee's and then we went to see the movie Neighbors.  We wanted to see the Bear movie, but it was only at one theater and it was a bit of a drive.  The movie was really funny, I'd recommend it. 

We had a nice time, but I kinda felt weird without her, like the nagging feeling that you forgot something.  During the movie whenever the music got really loud I kept thinking oh that's too loud for her...oh wait, she's not here.  I was excited to see her when we went to pick her up.  I missed my little pumpkin.  My niece and nephew were there also spending the night, so Nana and Papa were busy babysitters.  Emily was all snug in her pj's when we picked her up.  A successful night.  It brought back memories of being dropped off at my grandparents' house so my parents could go out.

When I bought my Petunia Picklebottom diaper bag, I rationalized why I needed it, and since I had coupons and giftcards and birthday money I rationalized the price, but it really bugged me that our other diaper bag would go to waste.  I hate wasting things....Ryan wouldn't carry it since it will be very very rare that he goes anywhere with her without me, at least for the next year anyway.

But as I was making a mental note of everything I needed to make sure I left at my inlaws for her, I had a stroke of genius.  The babysitter bag!  I packed the necessities and now we can just take that along and leave it when she stays with someone.  I'm so smart sometimes I can't stand it.

I went to Target today and made one of the best purchases ever.  I have a double electric pump, but I'm extremely lazy with pumping, I hate it.  The hands free bra is too tight to zip up so I have to zip it and put it on over my head like a sports bra, then I have to hook up the tubing and bottles, and if Emmy fusses at all while I'm pumping I just have to sit there and listen to her cry because I am all hooked up to the milking machine.  It's gotten to the point where I only pump once a day, and my supply has dwindled from 5oz per day to 4 to 3.5 and sometimes only 2 oz.  I dislike pumping just once so I couldn't force myself to pump any more frequent than that.

So I picked up a manual pump today.  Oh my God I love it.  Just twenty minutes at a time while I'm watching TV, I just sit and pump and if I need to stop for some reason I just stop and stick it in the fridge, nothing to unhook from.  So I'm going to try to use it twice a day and then use my electric at night as usual once Emily goes down.  Once I go back to work I can leave my electric at work and use that twice a day and then use the manual once a day.  That should hopefully get my supply back up some. 

I had bloodwork done the other day, and my diabetes is gone!  My doctor was worried I was actually an overt diabetic since my insulin dosage was so high during pregnancy, but I passed my two hour glucola test with flying colors.  I was pretty sure it would be ok since when I actually remember to test my bloodsugar my numbers have been great.  But, I still want to lose weight and get healthier.  I lost 32 pounds in the first two weeks after Emily was born, but now I've gained ten of them back.

I don't want to lose this head start, so I've got to get back on track.  I did great today....I had my usual GD breakfast, a morning snack, a healthy salad for lunch and an afternoon snack.  Ryan and I also switched to diet pepsi....but then we went out tonight and it all went downhill.  But, tomorrow is a new day right?  I hope to get on my bike tomorrow, I miss it so much.  A couple summers ago I was biking 10-20 miles a day a few days a week, and smaller 5-10 mile rides another few days a week.  I know I won't be able to do that much now with Emily here, but I'd like to get back into shorter rides here and there.

I only went a few times last year between the weather getting nicer and getting pregnant again, and once pregnant I was way too exhausted to continue biking.  She won't be able to use it till next summer, but I bought a bike trailer from a garage sale down the street.  It turns out the couple that lives there is expecting a baby girl in August.  I'd like to get to know them, it would be nice to have more couple friends, and it would be great for Emily to have a friend just two doors down that's only 5 months younger.  Fast forward five years, if this kid goes to public school they'd even be in the same grade.

The couple next door has four kids....their youngest boy is 15 months so they're fairly close in age too, and they have a 5 year old daughter, a 7 or 8ish year old daughter and a 10 ish year old son.  They could all be friends too, and like our neighbor pointed out, their oldest girl could even babysit Em in 5 years or so.  We get along really good with them, we smile and wave and we've chatted a few times, but it would be nice to get to know them better too.  Maybe we'll host a BBQ and invite the neighbors.  It sounds nice to have friends in your neighborhood and everyone watches out for everyone else's kids.  Actually those neighbors brought us a gift yesterday, a package of diapers, three packs of wipes, a potted flower, a frozen lasagna, and a box of cookies.  So nice!

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