Thursday, August 28, 2014

Baby weight be gone

Welll, ok so it's not baby weight.  It's "I was lazy and like to eat junk" weight from before I was pregnant.  While I was pregnant I was so proud of the fact that I didn't gain any weight, cause well, it's really hard not to.  But now when people see me that don't really know me, I'd almost rather people think my excess weight is baby weight.  Gaining weight from having a baby is more widely accepted than gaining weight because you're just lazy.

So since I became I stay at home mom, I've started tracking my calories again and working out.  In a typical week I walk four days a week and play tennis two days.  However summer tennis just ended, but I hope to start some indoor drills pretty soon.  Since I quit my job I have lost almost 5 pounds, so a pretty consistent loss of 1-2 pounds a week (last week I had a one pound gain, grrr).  But, after Em was born I lost 32 pounds, but I of course couldnt sustain it because I lost it due to nursing and not eating.  So I gained most of it back, but not all so in total I've lost almost 11 pounds since my 38 week weight.

So I'm pretty proud of myself.  One of the hardest things about losing weight is looking down that long road you have to go to get to your goal weight, but once you get a 5 or 10 pound loss behind you, its a lot easier to keep going.  Tomorrow is my weigh in day so I am really hoping for a pound or two loss.  I love Fridays....its weigh in and it's my cheat day.  Though lately the entire weekend seems to be my cheat day.  Luckily I am still fat enough that it doesn't really hurt me, haha.  But once I start to get skinnier I have to be more strict.  I hate when you look forward to weigh in all week, and then you have a bad weigh in and have to wait a whole 'nother week.  Fingers crossed for good news!

Ive decided when I get skinny again I am going to buy myself a cute little tennis skirt.  Some of the girls wear them at drills and they're all so cute.  Fun colors and different styles.  They are nothing like the ugly black pleated ones we had in high school.  I hated the skirts back I thought I was fat back then.  Ha!  If only I had known, I would kill to be back at that weight.  I don't even know what I weighed back then, maybe for shits and giggles I'll have my doctor look it up.  Just so I have some idea of what weight I am capable of being.  I wish I could go back in time and live my life with the realization that I wasn't fat then.  I mean, I was athletic, I was never a stick thin girl, but never have I wanted to be. 

We were going to do family pictures next month for Emily's six months pics, but I decided not to waste money on pics I will hate, so we're waiting until Christmas.  By then I hope to have lost 20 pounds.  Ill still have a ways to go, but maybe that will make enough difference to not loathe the pictures.  Im excited about the new studio we're going to, my friend takes her kids there and she loves it.  We went to JC Penny's last time, they were ok, the pics were nice, but I felt very rushed.  We had to wait 30 minutes past our appointment time, so Em fell asleep and then was all groggy and non smiley for her pictures, and then we only got like 5 maybe 7 minutes.  It also takes two weeks to get the pics back.

This other place gives a window of one to one and a half hours, they encourage a wardrobe change and you get to take most of your pics home with you that same day.  My friend's aunt gave Emily this adorable dress so she's going to wear that for one pose, but we also want her pics with Kayla bear.  Kayla bear is pretty fru-fru and would likely clash with most outfits so I think I'll put Emily in a simple pink onesie and maybe a simple headband.  I think those will look fantastic.

The last couple days Emily has taken an interest in her tummy time toy, trying to grab it, eat it and knock it over.  Today she was trying to grab the little animals, but they're ball shaped and everytime she would just barely reach it, she'd end up just knocking it away even further and she'd get pissed, it was really cute.  Earlier she had a dirty diaper, I didn't catch it in time and she's technically grown out of her size 1 diapers, I just have a few left I want to use up before we switch to size 2.  So it was all over, and I told her ewww you've got poop everywhere and she laughed.  So I said poop again and she laughed again.  So I said poop poop poop and she laughed even harder.  Haha, my sweet baby is a 12 year old boy.

I know I will eat my words when it happens since she'll be into everything, but I cannot wait for her to crawl, I'm so excited.  I'm so proud of everything she does, so I'll likely burst into proud mama tears when she crawls for the first time.  I was watching her on the monitor tonight while she was trying to fall asleep and she almost rolled from back to tummy.  I love watching her do new things, and I am so happy I get to be home to see them.

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