Saturday, August 1, 2015

New discoveries

My sweet baby is just trucking along, seemingly doing something new every few days.  It is so much fun to watch her discover things.  I'm just amazed how before my eyes she has transformed from this helpless baby, to this little tiny human who can now recognize her favorite characters, problem solve to do something she wants done, and use words correctly with her own personality.  And boy does she have a personality.

So lately I think I've said she's been taking a few independent steps to lunge from one part of the couch to the other.  Well in the last couple days she has become quite fond of her Vtech sit/stand push toy.  She's been able to walk and push it for a while now, but it started as only doing it when we held on to it and pushed it with her.  We'd try to stand her in front of it and push it on her own but she wasn't having it, but now she'll go right to it, stand with no problem whatsoever and push it around the room.  She does have a hard time getting unstuck when she pushes herself into a corner, but she's doing so well walking with it.  I am almost 100% certain she doesn't need anything to hold on to.  I just wish she were as confident.

Just in the last couple days she's added a few words to her vocabulary, among them is baby, bubba (bottle) and nana (banana).  We went with my inlaws to cheer my husband on at his 5K tonight, and I packed some bananas for her to munch on.  When we got home we still had one left and she grabbed it and yelled out nana nana nana.  I was amazed.  She says words a lot, sometimes they are in the right context, sometimes not, but never has the context been so clearly correct as this was.

She's also been very cuddly which I just adore.  Tonight in the bath once I got done washing her I was going to just let her play for a bit but she stood up and whined a bunch, threw her arms around my neck and begged to be picked up.  Quite often when I try to put her down in the living room she won't let go and whines for me to keep holding her.  Sometimes it can be frustrating when I have to get things done, but I have to say, mostly I do not mind holding on to her for as long as she lets me.  I love to snuggle with her.  I am hoping napping with me will be in the near future once again.  She hasn't napped with me since she was about 10 months old.  Well, correction, a couple weeks ago she cut her finger on some glass and she was unusually snuggly and needed extra comfort that day.  I was really tired so I laid down on the couch with her and she laid her head on my chest.  She'd pick her head up and look around every few minutes before laying back down, and when she had her head on me I couldn't see her face.  I ended up dozing off for a bit so I am not sure if she slept too and for how long, but the snuggles were nice either way.  Often when my husband is holding her and she gets upset, she'll hold her arms out to me.  I feel bad, but I love it.  Besides, once she's a teenager she will hate me and worship him, so I get the love now.

I just hope she starts walking before the summer is over so I can take her to a splash pad.  I hope to be swimsuit ready next summer so I can take her to the city pool I worked at when I was 16.  I haven't been back there since whenever my last day that I worked there was, so it will be fun to go and take her.  My mom used to take me when I was a little girl.  It will be really fun when she gets older to take her on a tour of all the places I have lived and worked over the years.  My mom was very traditional, never worked again once she was married and went from her father's house to her husband's house, so it will be fun to show my daughter how independent her mama was and hopefully she'll follow in my footsteps.

I kept seeing this wall art that I loved for a baby girl's nursery, and seeing as how we are trying to trim our spending down, and I love pinterest I decided to make it.  It says "Let her sleep, for when she wakes she will move mountains".  I love it and it is so true.  I hope my baby girl moves all the mountains she sets out to conquer.

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