Monday, August 17, 2015

Words and more words

Emily and I were at my dad's tonight, he watches her on Monday nights when I play tennis.  I went in her room to change her diaper, and as I was looking for a diaper I came across an old size 2 (she is in 4's now).  Oh my God, it was so tiny.  And that was a 2!  I think if I saw a newborn diaper I would pass out from the adorableness.  That's when my dad was like well if you think they're so cute you should have another one.  Ugh....I was like I don't think I will get another newborn like Emily though, and he said well that's ok.  Yeah but I am not sure I can deal with her now, AND a newborn that is not as easy as she was.

Speaking of, I decided to go back on the pill.  I said I never wanted to go back, but I think it is right for us for now.  I am still undecided on having another baby.  Our Disney trip is in February, so I really don't think I would want to try until after that if we decide on another.  After Vegas I vowed to never again fly when I was pregnant if I could help it.  And who wants to trek all over Disney even one day pregnant, ugh.  But I do know I definitely don't want to be pregnant right now, and tracking ovulation as a form of BC just isn't going so well.  I am seeing how there are so many oopsie pregnancies when relying on this method only.  One month I seem to be on track, and then the next month I am all over the place.  So back on BC I go, and hopefully if we do try again this winter, I will be down to my goal weight so I will have less troubles regulating my cycle.  Though how I am ever going to get to my goal weight is beyond me.  We had Del Taco for dinner tonight.  Sigh....Everyday I say I am going to do better, and every day I blow it.  I don't know why I can't get my shit together.  Before I became a stay at home mom, I thought the house would be spotless, I would be super skinny and I would have dinner on the table every night at 5pm.  Psssha, things didn't exactly work out that way.

Speaking of, I applied for a job the other day.  I don't know, I am still iffy about it, but if they call for an interview I will at least go and see what it entails.  I am bored at home and I miss being on a schedule, but at the same time, I don't want a job, haha.  But it is part time, and only 20 or less hours per week.  Depending on what the schedule is like, it could be a really good thing to get me out of the house some, get me back on a schedule and then I would enjoy my time home with Em more.  We're not used to living on just one income, so a little extra money a month would be nice too.

So we have new developments in the "when the heck are you going to walk" saga.  She doesn't love it, but she will now walk holding just one of our hands instead of both. And she just tears the house up with her push toy.  She'll be 17 months on Wednesday.  This kid really is going to make me a nervous wreck and not walk until right up to 18 months isn't she?  But her vocabulary is coming along very nicely.  We can now add to the list Baba (grandpa), hi, yay, and bye.  She has since said bye several times, and even today she said buh-bye, but the other day when she said it the first time, my stepmom was leaving and she goes bye Emily, and just clear as day Em goes, bye!  We were all like whoa!  I just love watching her learn new things.  Oh, I forgot one, she also says stop.  Her dad loves to mess with her, and just bug her (he does the same to me) and she'll often slap his hand away and now she tells him stop, haha.  Though today she was saying that during her diaper changes.  She is not fond of those.

I realized the other day, for like the first time ever, I am not looking forward to summer ending.  I like summer, but I hate really hot days.  I hate sweating all the time, and I have no energy.  But I'm realizing how much easier it is to get around with kids in the summer.  Most days she wears tank tops and shorts, I haven't been bothering with shoes lately since she isn't walking, and I just slip on my flip flops and go.  It's easy to get her in her car seat, and then just plop her in a cart when we go shopping.  But in the winter I have to put on real socks and shoes and put a coat on, then get her in a coat and hat and gloves and socks and shoes and then try to cram her in her car seat with all that crap on.  I think the same elves that steal socks are also going at night and tightening the car seat straps.  It makes no sense but during the winter it can be perfectly easy to get her straps buckled, but the very next day, wearing the same coat, it's hard to buckle.

But I got her a cozywoggle for this winter.  They are these super cute winter coats that unzip on the sides and down the arms.  So when they are in their car seats, you unzip the coat so you can buckle the car seat straps underneath their coat, but still keep the coat on for warmth.  Then when you get them out of the car, just zip it back up.  I was really pissed off when I first heard about the no puffy coats in car seats thing.  I was like oh come on, every parent I know keeps their kids coats on in the car.  Plus this is Michigan, there is no way I will be taking her coat on and off at every errand we run.  But of course once she was here, her safety took precedence over convenience, and I found these coats online.  I am hoping it will fit her for two winters since they are kind of pricey, but that's probably wishful thinking.

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