Friday, September 18, 2015

18 months

Emily turns 18 months tomorrow and STILL no walking.  A few days ago on two occasions she took a couple steps independently away from the furniture and fell down, and then didn't try again.  I so hope that is the start to her attempting to walk on her own.  I know not to worry, I know that while most kids fall into the 18 months and under category, there is bound to be the odd few that just don't feel like falling into these pre-determined age ranges for hitting milestones.  But it's so much easier said than done.

I really don't think there is anything physically or cognitively wrong, she just sees no reason to walk by herself when someone will always carry her, hold her hand, or she can get wherever she wants to go by crawling, butt scooting or cruising furniture.  But I am a mother, so that worry will always be there no matter how much I tell it to go away.  She was supposed to go to her pediatrician next week but I guess she won't be in so it has been pushed back a week.  Maybe this is divine intervention so she can learn to walk before then.  I would so love to walk into that appointment and say yes, she is walking.  Even if it is the damn day before.

But, if she is not, we will take up on any suggestion to take her to be evaluated.  If knowing if something was wrong were as easy as just observing the kid with no education, then we would all be physical therapists.  It will be nice to know for sure that there is nothing wrong, and maybe the PT can even work with her in ways that will help build her confidence to let go.  After all, you would never know now that she was born with congenital torticollis.

But whatever she may be lacking in the walking department, she has made up for in the talking department.  I've read that by 18 months a child should have at least six words, and I think Em has about 20-25.  She doesn't really string words together yet, but she definitely knows what you're saying to her 90% of the time.  One morning I was looking for her bottle in her crib and I couldn't find it.  I said Emily where is your bottle?  She looked around, moved her blanket and grabbed her bottle and handed it to me.  Most of her words she repeats a lot, like no and stop it (haha) but lately she has said a few words that she used in the correct context, but then I haven't heard them again since.  She grabbed my can of Coke the other day and when I tried to take it back she adamantly pointed to herself and said me me!

She's very interested in Nana's cookie jar and will stop and point and say cooka.  Every morning when I am trying to change her diaper, she stands up on her changing table, beats on the window and yells puppy puppy puppy at Nalah.  Oh yeah and she often says shoes when I am either putting mine on or hers.  She calls my dad Baba instead of grandpa, and last night she said something and he goes did you hear her, she said grandpa.  As if to prove him wrong she then said "Baba".  It's so cute, my dad has always been very vocal about being grandpa.  He said he doesn't want to be poppy or poppop or granddad, just grandpa.  But let me tell you, if that little girl decides that she wants to continue calling him Baba, he will happily be Baba.  I think he loves her more than he loved me, haha.

She copies everything we do.  I was picking her up from my inlaws the other night and they offered me some of their dinner so I had some.  I have to take my invisalign out to eat, and then put it back in when I am done.  I put them in, but then I have to press around to make sure they snap tightly on my teeth, and while I was doing this, Emily was staring at me with her fingers in her mouth.  I was like what is she doing?  Then I realized, she was "putting her braces in" just like mommy.  Sooo cute.

So I'll try to remember to update tomorrow with her weight and height....I forgot to check her height last month so hopefully I'll remember.  We're going to my niece's 18th birthday party tomorrow.  Her boyfriend loves Emily but she gives him a hard time, always glaring at him and won't let him hold her.  A few months ago he went when my MIL and all of them went to the zoo, and I guess by the end of the day Emily allowed him to carry her to the car.  He hasn't seen her since she started saying stop it, so I'm curious to see if she gives him shit again tomorrow, and tells him to stop it.  That kid is going to be such a pistol.

Funny story, yesterday when I got back from taking the dog for a walk, my husband informs me that Emily had gotten a hold of his pop and spilled it all over herself so he had to give her a bath.  He hadn't given her a bath since he helped me when she was like four days old, so I was like oh boy, how did that go.  He said good, and she was happily running around the house in her pjs and her freshly washed hair.  About 30 minutes later my husband was hugging her and he patted her butt and he goes oh no, I didn't put a diaper on her!  Thankfully she didn't go in that time, but I was like ah, there it is.  I was wondering how the first bath time went off so smoothly without a hitch.

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