Friday, September 11, 2015

Female teacher, male student

I don't often watch Dr. Phil, but today I had some time so I sat down to watch.  The issue was a high school teacher, Joelle Ogletree, and one of her accusers, a former student who claims she had inappropriate sexual relations with him.  Now, I don't know all of the details because prior to today's episode, I had never heard of the case, but I just have to say that I am pretty appalled by how much of the audience sided with her.

Of course I don't know for sure if she is guilty or innocent, but from what I saw on the show, some of her actions were very very poorly thought out, so I do not think it is much of a stretch to think the allegations are true.  Her court case resulted in a mistrial for whatever reason.  First, she admits that the boy had been over to her house on at least one, if not two occasions (to help move a piano, the one time they both agreed that the woman's husband was at home).  She admits to driving him someplace at least once, maybe twice I believe, and she admits to writing him three notes in code.

I think this happened about 5 or 6 years ago, so around 2009, 2010.  In this day and age, how stupid does a person have to be to put themselves in situations that could easily look bad to others?  There is no reason a teacher should have a student in her home, regardless of who else is there, give him rides places, and write him coded notes.  No reason at all.  The notes were written with the first letter of each word, so one of them read ISWYWJFM.  The student says the note meant, I sometimes wish you would just fuck me.  The teacher claims it says I sometimes wish you were just funnier Matt.

I'm sorry, but her version just doesn't make sense, and is a weird thing to say to somebody.  Regardless though, it is totally inappropriate to write a coded, flirtatious note to a student like that, regardless of what it says.  She was their teacher, not a fellow student exchanging immature notes.  I also found it telling that she didn't submit to a lie detector for the show, stating that she had already taken and passed one before.  Hmm, was she perhaps afraid she might not pass it this time?  Just like Matt took one for the show and failed, but took one previously that he passed?

There is a reason why polygraph tests are not admissible in court.  Maybe he was lying, but maybe he wasn't.  I don't think I would do well on a polygraph.  I get very nervous is situations like these, I often can't wipe the shit eaten' grin off my face when people do not believe me, even when I am 100% telling the truth.  I got interrogated twice by loss prevention in retail jobs (once because the LP officer was a dick and thought I did something wrong, which I did not, and the second time just because I was working the day something happened and they had to interview everyone that was working that day).  Both times I knew I didn't do anything wrong, the second time I hadn't even known there was an issue, but I was still nervous and sweating.  I wouldn't be surprised if my nerves made it appear that I would lie on a polygraph.

But I think the thing that enrages me the most about this whole case is the majority of people do not believe the boys.  But what if it were the other way around?  What if it were girls, accusing a male teacher?  The lynch mobs would be out in masses.  And when it is female teacher against male student, most peoples' attitude it, what's the problem, getting it on with a hot female teacher is every teenage boy's fantasy.  Well that may be in some cases, but that doesn't make it any less wrong for an adult to behave in that manner with what is legally a child.  Women do a lot of complaining that we are not treated fairly in this world, but this is definitely one case that I do not agree with the double standard of acceptance that female accusers receive vs male accusers.

Of course I can never say if the teacher really did do these things, and I think it is horrific if she is innocent and these boys made it all up.  But, she admits to having put herself in the situation that no teacher or person of authority over children should be in, so by her own doing, she did not paint a very good picture of her integrity and responsibility as an educator.  I think more than likely the boys did exaggerate things, and start rumors.  Hopefully no physical action was ever taken, but I do think she absolutely flirted, and made sexual innuendos to these students which was beyond inappropriate.  I read somewhere that she was 24 at the time, so just 8 years older.  Young yes, but old enough to know better, especially given her position as an authority figure.

It should also be noted that she herself married her former high school teacher.  Does this automatically make her a pedophile?  No, but it does cause one to scratch their heads.  If she was already married to him when this took place, they must have married when she was quite young, meaning, not very far out of high school herself.  Which begs the question....did they have some sort of inappropriate relationship when she was in high school?  Maybe not sex, but was there a flirtatious, "one of the kids" relationship between her as a student and her husband as her teacher?  Is that perhaps why she thought it was ok to behave that way with her own students?  It makes you wonder.

He was in the audience at the Dr. Phil show, and let me tell you, he looks quite a bit older.  Legal as it may be, it always makes me say hmmm when a much older man has an interest in a younger woman, especially when that woman was once his student.  I would say there were lots of mistakes, poor judgement and wrong doing by all parties in this case.  If the boys are lying, even a little bit, then shame on them.  But as the adult and teacher in this case, the burden fell on her to not let things get to a point where rumors could fly.  Hearing things like this always make me nervous as a mom, knowing that there are people out there like that.

When I was in the 8th grade, I had a shop teacher who always acted a little funny with me.  He never did anything so glaring that it gave me reason to report him for anything, but he always made me uncomfortable and made me wonder if he was capable of doing something that crossed the line.  I had him for 7th grade woodshop which was a required elective, and then again in 8th grade when I choose it as an elective.  Much to my dismay, other girls do not tend to take woodshop when they don't have to, so it was just me and another girl with a class full of boys, until she moved away and I was last girl standing.

Ordinarily I think it would have been fine, most of the boys were nice and helped me, or were impressed when I didn't need the help.  But my teacher began showing favoritism toward me.  He probably thought he was being nice to me, but in reality he just singled me out, giving me special treatment and letting me get away with things that the boys didn't, which just made them dislike me and treat me bad, when they never did before.  We weren't allowed to have pop in class, but one day he came in and scared me by coming up behind me and putting the cold can against my neck, and then offering it to me.  I already had an A, but he gave me extra credit tasks to do, when kids with lower grades who needed the extra credit couldn't get it.

Our final projects were graded by him placing them on A, B, C, and D tables without knowing whose was whose.  Mine was originally placed on a B table but when he saw it was mine, he moved it to the A table.  He supposedly took all of his A students to lunch at McDonalds on the first day of summer (I say supposedly because I don't know if this was something he ever did before, and I am sure it was not ok'd through the school), but I didn't show up.  There weren't many other A students in the class, and I was worried that they either wouldn't show and I would be stuck alone with him, or perhaps he might have told the others it was a different day or something.  Regardless I knew he made me uncomfortable enough to be skeptical so I didn't go.

As an adult, I look back and think maybe I should have said something to somebody.  But he never really did anything concretely bad.  I mean, maybe the school wouldn't have been ok with him taking us to lunch, but I never felt like he did anything bad enough to get him in trouble.  But I definitely wish I had approached him and told him his preferential treatment of me, while appreciated because I know he felt sorry for me being the only girl, was only making things worse for me.  Of course I know many students go through so much worse, and I don't by any means consider myself to be a victim of any sort.  But it is frightening to know there are teachers out there that act less than honorably, and it makes me wonder how close they are to crossing the line over into criminal if given the chance.  I feel bad for Mrs. Ogletree if the allegations against her are not true, BUT, maybe it was a blessing in disguise.  Perhaps thid has given her a wake up call to stop behaving in these inappropriate ways with her students.  Maybe next time she wouldn't be so lucky to have her case dropped, or maybe one day she would take things too far and actually cross that line, if she hadn't already.

Like I said, my teacher never actually did anything that would be considered criminal, but if I ever heard that he was accused of anything like this, I have to say, I would not be surprised in the least.  At a minimal, I would assume he at least acted in such a way that put him in a position to be accused of more.


  1. Replies

  2. my God you are a fucking idiot! You clearly didn't watch part 1 or 2 of the show or your dumb ass would know that both boys who offered to take polygraph tests FAILED THEM! The last student involved in this bullshit mess RECANTED his fucking statement! This woman was WRONGFULLY accsused of sexual misconduct with LYING ass students and her life (as fas as I know) is forever tarnished because of these creppy little bastards!I hope the accusers, you, and everyone else who ridiculed this poor woman serve an eternity in hell you pieces of shit!

    1. I think you are the one that needs help. Why so angry? Nowhere in my post did I say she did it or didn't do it. My post was not a witch hunt, saying she did it. I don't know, I was not there. You don't know,you were not there. I DID say I had not read any other information about this case, so I was basing my opinions on what I saw on this episode. I DID say if the boys are lying, shame on them, and I DID say she acted innappropriately based on things SHE admitted to on the show. It is NOT appropriate to have a student alone in your car, it is NOT appropriate to have a student over to your house, and it is NOT appropriate to pass notes to students, regardless of what they say, in code. Cussing and swearing and calling me names for my opinion makes you sound uneducated and quite frankly, unstable.

    2. Please read this interview and maybe watch both episodes of the 2 part series Dr. Phil did on this story. There is alot more to the story than many think. They need an improved system when it comes to allegations and all involved from the school, students the teacher and her family deserve compassion and psychological help regardless. The court, Dr. Phil and many more do not believe the boys. Either way I hope they all get the help they need.

    3. Please read this interview and maybe watch both episodes of the 2 part series Dr. Phil did on this story. There is alot more to the story than many think. They need an improved system when it comes to allegations and all involved from the school, students the teacher and her family deserve compassion and psychological help regardless. The court, Dr. Phil and many more do not believe the boys. Either way I hope they all get the help they need.

    4. You also need to remember that this is a small town...things like being alone in a car with a teacher is not uncommon. I grew up in a small area and having a teacher run you home when you didn't have a ride or whatever happened fairly frequently.

      I believe the teacher. Not because the students are boys but because they didn't seem to be truthful. Their stories changed repeatedly and listening to the boy that appeared on the show, he was so clearly lying that I was a little in shock that Dr. Phil didn't call him out on it.

      The school district should very much be held accountable for the way they handled the entire situation (interviewing the boys together, firing her before even allowing her to defend herself, not allowing her to volunteer in her daughter's class, etc.) and shouldn't be able to get away with it.

      How is the fact that she is married to her former HS teacher more or less incriminating if you don't know the facts surrounding that relationship? Do you know if they had any sort of relationship while she was still in school? If not, then it's irrelevant. They may not have started dating until she was long out of school.

      I feel very bad for Mrs. Ogletree and honestly, I would probably flip the entire town the bird and move away. Then again, I've always been pretty contrary and would probably stay just to piss them off.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This incident came up in 2007 and they proved that the boys lied and that during some of the supposed incidents she was no where in the area and at other appointments ie. the doctor's in another town over an hour away when the boys said it happened. She was acquitted, and maintains her licence as a teacher and 2 of these boys had several different versions of their stories and one admitted this was boys will be boys in the locker room talk that grew legs and got away from them and felt they felt they had to maintain the lies. Regardless she was acquitted. Leave her and these boys in peace. She may have made some poor judgement moves but she was a beginning teacher who accepted responsibility for her naivety and inexperience. There were many mistakes made in this case and these boys need help regardless. This woman's life, family and career were turned upside down because of a rush to judgement. A little more time spent fact checking before judging and charging her could have avoided a huge mess and alot of misfortune circumstances for all involved.

  5. I just watched the Dr. Phil show about this teacher, and quite frankly was appalled at the entire episode. It was not IMO suitable fodder for a talk show. Secondly, how does one reconcile contradictory lie detector tests taken by the boys, one set showing they had spoken the truth, the other set showing they lied (not to mention the incongruity of the teacher being unwilling to take a lie detector test on the show)? The contradictory results of the lie detector tests is the very reason such examinations are determined unreliable by the courts, and I am speaking as a practicing attorney. Finally, as a former junior high teacher and junior college instructor, I can unequivocally say this particular teacher exercised extremely poor judgement. A teacher must keep a certain professional distance from students. A teacher can be a mentor, a tutor, an instructor, a counselor to a student - but is NOT one of the student's "pals". Passing notes, no matter how innocent, is juvenile conduct unbecoming a teacher. Nor should a teacher be inviting individual students for rides in her car or asking students to her house to do chores for her (instead hire someone or ask a neighbor or adult friend for assistance). I don't know what happened between the boys and this teacher - only they know for certain. But these young men never should have been placed in compromising situations by this teacher, nor should Dr. Phil have put these boys on the hotseat to be exploited for ratings. These boys have their whole lives to live and certainly don't need this sort of notoriety hanging over their heads as they try to head down the path of becoming productive citizens. My hope is this teacher never stoops to such unprofessional behavior again, and now fully understands exactly why such conduct as she exhibited can have terrible repercussions.

    1. The teacher was advised by her lawyer and the lawyer on the show to not take the polygraph test. She had already taken one and passed. Why take one for the show?

  6. I will never write another thing on Dr. Phil's site again. My comment was drastically changed, with someone else's comments interspersed in amongst mine.

  7. After watching both episodes I just don't believe that these boys are telling the truth. Matt was the last one and his story literally changed on stage. Shame on them and especially their parents÷!!!!
