Sunday, December 27, 2015

E's second Christmas

Christmas was nice, but not exactly what I was expecting.  Em wasn't really herself for a few days, I think she was pretty tired and overwhelmed by everything.  I was thinking she would be really into opening her presents, but after the first couple she kind of couldn't care less.  She likes her toys, but she went from her old toys, to boom, like 50 new toys in two days.

Ok, not that many, but that's what my living room looks like.  I am normally very happy to leave our tree up until at least New Year's Day and sometimes even later.  But Em is going to her aunt's house for the day on Wednesday, so if I get time, I might send it packing.  I am anxious to get the tree out so I can rearrange our furniture and see if I can make more room for her stuff.  Ha, I remember when all her toys fit in a little basket.  

I got her all dressed up on Christmas eve, the standard little girl christmas dress, white tights and black dressy shoes.  She was so adorable, but she never stood still long enough to really get a good picture.  She and I met my dad for church.  At first she just sat there, looking around, but once the music and singing started, so did the tears.  It seemed to scare her/make her sad.  Her lower lip jutted out and then came the tears.  She cried a few times off and on, but I held her for the entire service so she was mostly ok.  Just had no idea what was going on.

She hadn't been to church since last Christmas, and before that her Baptism.  I'd like to start going more regular, but my husband isn't such a fan.  But I do want her to grow up in the church, so by the time she is ready for Sunday school, he better be too.  Christmas eve we went to my brother's, Christmas morning we had our own little Christmas and then in the afternoon we went to my inlaws.  Em got a lot of great presents....lots of clothes and jammies, that elephant that blows the balls out of his trunk, a Sheriff Callie doll that talks and sings, a big hugs Elmo, lots of books, a wooden train set, some bath toys, and a beautiful Minnie Mouse dress she can wear to meet Minnie when we go to Disney.

Tonight was officially her last bubba.  Tomorrow I am washing them all and packing them away.  It made me really sad, tucking her in and seeing her drinking her last one.  I think it's going to be way harder on me.  It's like the line between being a baby and a big girl.  My baby isn't a baby anymore.  But it's looong overdue, she should have ditched them around one year.  I think if we have another I will aim for one year, but 15 months at the latest.  I'm praying bedtime goes ok without it.  I know she'll do good with her naps since she's already taken several naps without one, but bedtime is my biggest worry.

Luckily she is kind of out of sight out of mind with her stuff.  She weaned herself off her paci when she was like 10 months old.  If she finds one in her toy box she'll pop it in and walk around with it for a bit, but otherwise she doesn't really care.  Since she was old enough to start sleeping with a stuffed animal, she sleeps with Kayla Bear.  In the last few months she has started reaching through the bars and pulls her out in the mornings to carry her around the house, and sometimes brings her with us when we go places.  I was worried about her becoming like a wubbie and she has to have her all the time.  But she probably only brings her like 5% of the time, and she is usually fine without her.

Today she threw her between the wall and the changing table right before nap, and I didn't feel like fishing her out, so she slept with her little Minnie doll.  She went to sleep just fine.  So she likes things that bring her comfort, but she is fine without them too.  So I think once bubbas dissapear, she won't ask for one.  She gets excited when she sees one, but she never asks for one.  So yeah, delaying the bubba departure this long was definitely for my benefit, not hers.

Tonight she woke up crying an hour after I put her down, so I went in and tried to rock her but she just wanted to play.  Daddy was in the living room eating a late dinner and we had Despicable Me on TV, so I let her get up and play until the movie ended.  I just love to sit and watch her, running around the house in her little footy jams, hearing her diaper crackle as she moves.  Seeing her hair start to curl up at the bottoms.....ugh, I wish I could just freeze time and keep her this age forever.  She's still snuggly and oh so cute, but she's somewhat independent too.  The perfect age.

But then again, I've been saying "this is my favorite stage so far" for the last 648 days of her life, so more than likely, whatever age she is, will be my favorite age.

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