Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Em has always had a rather distinct personality.  From the moment her personality began to show, she has been a funny, headstrong, determined little girl.  And I cannot explain how she is different in this past month or two, but it's like her personality has ramped up from a 3.5 out of 5, to a 6 out of 5.  She's saying more words than ever, she's speaking a lot more clear, and she just does such funny stuff.

The other night she was playing on the floor, so I laid down on the floor on my stomach to stretch my back.  She saw me and said horsie, and proceeding to sit on me and use my shirt as reigns.  Tonight she was at my dad's and my step sister has this fairly decent sized stuffed animal horse.  It was in the middle of her bed, and Emily somehow climbed up and got it and came walking out in the living room with it, all smiles.

For the rest of the day she scooted around on the floor, riding the horsie.  We have to be careful about leaving empty pop cans around, she'll take the tab off and put it in her mouth.  So she got a hold of a can the other day and my husband was coming in the room, so I said go take that to daddy.  So she walked over to him, acted like she was taking a big sip and then she goes, ahhhhh!  She just cracks me up all the time.

She's been saying mama and dada for like a year now, but always just kind of babbled it for no particular reason.  A couple months ago she would say dada if she saw his sweatshirt, or his work badge or something.  Then one day she saw an old picture of me on my time hop app and she said mama!  It's like ever since then she knowingly calls us mama and dada, and when we are not in the room she calls for us.  She says hi when you walk in the room now, if she gets hurt and you ask her if she is ok, she'll say yeah, but in a little pouty voice, like she's not, but she says she's ok.  She's not stringing any words together really yet, except her favorite, stop it.  But it's like her speech has gone from just repeating words, to actually understanding what people are saying and responding in a way that reflects that.  It's just very cool.

Most days I can get her to repeat almost all the alphabet letters as I say them, and I swear sometimes she fills in the next one before I can get to it, like I'll say L and she'll say M.  It's happened enough times that it cannot be a coincidence.  Tonight my stepmom was counting to 10 and she said 8, and Emmy goes 9!  I have no clue how she knew that.  We've barely even worked on numbers much because we're working on letters.  My dad is completely convinced she is the world's next mega genius.

Well I'm off to wrap the last few presents.  I'm so excited for Christmas this year.  I love that she was a little older for her first Christmas last year (8 months) so she kind of got into it, but this year is going to be so much fun watching her open presents and see her gifts.  It's so true, as a kid you think nothing is better than Christmas, but then you realize watching your own kids love Christmas is even better.

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