Monday, May 9, 2016

Mother's Day and allergies

I had a nice Mothers' Day.  I didn't get to sleep in since we had brunch reservations with family, and my husband tries to keep to his midnights schedule even on weekends, so he went to bed around 6am probably and got up at 9:30, so I had to get up and get Em ready while he slept as long as possible.

So from him and Em I got two new pandora charms for my bracelet.  One is a heart that says mom with a pink stone in the middle, the other is two little kids holding a sign that says happy mothers' day.  I love them.  I don't wear my bracelet often because bracelets bug me.  They pinch me and clang on the table when you put your arm down, but I love collecting charms for significant things in my life.  It will make a nice keepsake to pass on to Em someday.

He also got me a card from himself and one from the kids, and had Emily "sign" for both herself and Kayla.  So sweet.  I'm going to need a second keepsake box to keep all these cards in.  I used to only keep really special cards, but I am not sure I can part with any of them from Em, especially now that she can "sign" them.

So we had brunch with my inlaws.  It was nice, good food.  It was pricey though.  I am fine with paying more than usual for us, I mean it was Mothers' Day, the busiest restaurant day of the year.  But I was kind of pissed we had to pay the same amount for Emily as for us.  I mean, she probably ate like a dollar's worth of food.  They could at least charge half for kids 10 and under or something.  Such a rip off and they use holidays like these to soak people for extra money.  But what were we going to do, not go out with our whole family?  I also have a hard time paying that much for breakfast food.  I mean, have I ever eaten a bad breakfast at a restaurant?  Eggs, sausage, muffins,'s all kind of hard to screw up and pretty basic.  An egg at this place was the same as an egg at Bob Evan's.  I don't think we'll be partaking next year...or maybe we'll plan the meal and go to BE's.  But anyway, I did have a nice time.

After that we went home for a bit, Emily got a dreaded car nap on the way home so she wouldn't go down for a nap once we were home.  When I first put her down she was crying so hard she was coughing and gasping for air, so I got her up and I said she could snuggle with me in the recliner and watch Frozen.  Well she didn't want to stay on my lap and she was crumbling over the smallest things, so I knew she needed sleep.  I put her down again...she still didn't sleep, but at least this time she rested (mostly) quietly and just played and read her books, and I got a quick snooze in the recliner.

So then we headed over to my dad's to celebrate with them.  Oh, I had gotten my MIL a pandora charm in the shape of a heart with white crystals on one side, and a tiny picture of her and Emily on the other.  They are hugging and laughing in the pic, it's such a precious picture so I was excited to find that I could get this charm made.  For my stepmom I got her a giftcard to Charming Charlie's because she has never been and has been wanting to go, so now she can go spend that, and I also made her a little picture I found on pinterest.  It says Grammy's grand-babe-bees and you make little bees out of the kids' footprints.

I was going to have Em actually step in yellow paint to make hers.  But I of course had to use the print of Kayla's foot from when she was born, so I figured for consistency I would just use Emily's footprint from birth too.  Plus, Em's current footprint would be way too big next to Kayla's.  Kayla's is teeny tiny, but at least Em's birth footprint is a little closer in size.  I was going to print them out and paint them, but I wasn't sure if I had all the right colored paint, so I just uploaded the footprint and painted them using the Paint program.  It actually came out really cute, and since I am not too steady painting with a mouse, it actually looks like kids did the painting themselves.  It turned out really cute.  So I framed that for her, she really loved it.

Em got her first (and I am sure not last) skinned knees on Sunday.  She wore a dress, and was running into Baba's house and fell and skinned them up pretty good.  She didn't really cry, but later when she saw them as I was cleaning them and bandaging them she got upset and said uh oh boo boos.  So cute!  She's like me.  When I was like 5 I fell off my bike and split my chin open.  I was fine until my dad said it was bleeding a lot and he would have to take me to the hospital for stitches, then I started bawling.

So potty training is going ok I guess.  We're on day 15.  As long as I keep on top of things and make sure she tries to go, she'll go in the potty but on days that I accidentally wait too long, she pees her pants.  Which is to be expected I assume.  She has yet to have an accident out in public, which I think is pretty damn good.  So I think she only goes in her pants when she absolutely has to.  On Mothers' day I caved and put a pull up on her.  At least with pants, they can help soak up the pee and if there isn't a ton, the pants absorb almost all of it.  But with a dress on, I figured an accident would just gush everywhere, and I didn't want to deal with that.  But I still treated her as if she didn't have it on and took her to the potty.

She wouldn't pee at the restaurant (the huge commercial toilets freak her out a bit) but I am pretty sure she peed in the potty when we got home.  But then for the rest of the day she didn't pee in the potty at my dad's, and her pull up was dry, but I know she must have had to go, she was drinking quite a bit.  She probably held it until I put her diaper on for bed time.  So today she had an accident because I thought we could have lunch before I took her to the potty again.  That was a mistake; pants full of pee and poop.  But this afternoon I tried to get her to go before we left the house but she didn't, we made it through grocery shopping, and then she peed in the potty when we got home.  So I call that a success that she had go to but didn't until we got home.

I bought her some underwear the other day, so she's been wearing that.  It almost seems like she has had less accidents with the underwear, than with going commando.  Maybe just a coincidence, but I certainly haven't seen an increase in accidents since the underwear.  She really likes her Frozen underwear and she is getting really good at putting them on herself.  So we'll keep on trucking, she'll completely get it someday.

So she was at my MILs all day Wednesday, and then Thursday morning when she was sitting on the potty I noticed her one thigh was really red, but I brushed it off, assuming it was just from laying on something in bed.  But a few hours later when I changed her pants it was still all red, and warm to the touch.  Then I noticed other spots...some were just small spots, some were large massive areas.  I freaked out, not knowing what they were.  I called her doctor and they said they would send her a message.  But then I remembered when she was first born I had pinned an article about kid rashes, so I looked that up.  From the description and everything it sounded like hives.

I text my MIL asking if she had noticed redness the day before.  She said no, but come to think of it she said she had been scratching her ankle quite a bit.  So it must have started sometime Wednesday.  She cannot think of any new food (besides rye bread, but what would be in rye bread that she hasn't had in other breads?) or laundry detergent.  When I finally spoke to the doctor she agreed that it sounded like hives and told me to do 5ml of benedryl three times a day for two days and then as needed.  I had already looked it up online and had given her 3ml, so I gave her 2 more and within 20 minutes they looked a lot better.  Her doc said it could have been something she ate any time in the last 72 hours.

The ONLY thing I can think of is she had a few bites of my granola bar which had almonds in it.  But I am certain she has had bites of that kind before and was fine.  I asked a friend whose son has a tree nut allergy and she said food allergies are weird like that, and she could have had them before and been fine, but now the allergy has developed.  So until I can get her tested, I have been trying to avoid tree nuts.  My God, there are almonds in like everything!  My dad called today and mentioned that his rice that we had at dinner last Friday had almond slivers in it (which I know, I eat that rice all the time and completely forgot about the almonds) and he had given her some.  And that night we had cake and ice cream for my birthday....I was a few bites in (as was Emily) when I asked what kind it was and my dad said Rocky Road.  I asked what the rocks were, so he looked it up....almonds!  Gah!

The hives have come and gone since then but never as severe as the first day I noticed, so I would think if she has a tree nut allergy, she would have broken out really bad all over again after the rice and ice cream on Friday.  I don't know.  I guess I'll just take her in to be tested so we can either confirm or rule it out.  Then I was thinking, my inlaws just got new furniture.  I know stuff like that often has fumes, and chemicals on them at first.  I can remember as a kid I spent a few days sneezing after we got new carpet.  So maybe some chemical on the furniture irritated her.  She's been over there at least three times since they got it though, but who knows, maybe she didn't crawl around on it much those other days.

Well, she goes back to Nana's this week so I'll just have her be very conscious of what she gives her and see if she breaks out again.  She could have just come into contact with something that bothered her and it was a one time thing.  I hope so, because I'd really hate for her to have to go through life with a food allergy.  I couldn't even give her some of my chocolate covered pretzels today because they are made on a line that could also process food with tree nuts in them.  And yesterday she kept begging me for a bite of the candy bar Ryan gave me with my gift, but it too had almonds in it.  I never realized how almonds are taking over the culinary world!

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