Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Potty training day 9, block 3

So I guess we're in block 3 now because I have been going out for longer trips, not necessarily because I want to, but because I want to live my life and not be chained to the house anymore.  But I might have to re-evaluate this going commando thing.  I understand the reasoning behind it, but I feel like she is just as inclined to go in her pants commando as she is underwear.  But I think maybe if we make a big deal out of buying character underwear, maybe she won't want to pee on the princesses.

She did well yesterday, no accidents.  Actually she hadn't had an accident since like Friday.  But then today she had two.  We were outside playing while I was cleaning up the yard, and suddenly I can see pee trickling out of her pants.  That was kind of my fault though, I can't depend on her yet to tell me when she has to go, and I overestimated how long we could play outside before taking a potty break.  I'm still in training as much as she is, I am so used to the freedom of diapers and not having to worry about it.

At least it was outside though and all I have to clean is her pants.  So I got her cleaned up and put Frozen on for her.  It had been about 45 minutes and we were getting ready to go out to dinner, so I was going to wait until just before we left to have her go potty.  I left the room for a minute and when I came back her pants were soaked.  Maybe my fault again?  But it hadn't been that long, her pee outside seemed to be a lot of pee so I figured she was done for a while.

But the good news is, we went out for three hours tonight and she didn't have an accident, and she even tinkled a tiny bit in a public toilet.  I thought for sure the size and the fact that the auto flusher went off once while she was sitting, would freak her out.  Then when we got home I put her on the potty and left the room for a minute and when I came back she had peed in the potty.  Yay!  Maybe I am still just expecting too much too soon.  I got over confident from how well she did naked.  But still, I do think her pants make her feel like she can go in them.  So if to her, pants feel the same as a diaper, and underwear feels like a diaper, then it wouldn't hurt to try underwear, and hope that the character factor will work.  Maybe I will take her shopping on Friday and let her pick out some big girl undies.

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