Sunday, May 1, 2016

Potting training day 7

Alright, I said I wasn't going to post anymore day to day, but there were a few moments that I thought were blog worthy today.

So she didn't have any accidents yesterday, and today went pretty well.  I always have her sit on the potty when she first gets up, one to create a routine, and two because I have no idea when she last peed in her diaper during sleep.  She didn't go.  I had some sort of weird stomach bug today, so I was occupied in the bathroom for a bit this further details are necessary.  Of course it's an open door policy since it's easier than her banging on the door the whole time I am in there.

So she runs and says pee pee.  I said you have to pee pee?  Hurry, go sit on your potty and pee.  I had no idea if she did or not until I was able to emerge, and there was pee in the potty!  I was so proud she did it all on her own without me even in the room.  Now granted, she was still naked from the waist down since she hadn't put her pants back on after trying first thing, and she did amazing on the naked days, but I still count it as a positive.

After nap she hadn't had many liquids so all of our attempts were futile.  She had a glass of milk with dinner and a few "water heavy" foods, so I figured she would have to go.  Nope.  I tried every half hour but she would just sit there.  She often gets too absorbed into watching TV or reading a book, so I am trying to get her to concentrate so she'll go.  Fifteen minutes before bedtime I saw her squatting a little....arg, I always miss the pre-poop signs.  I don't catch it until there is poop in the pants.

So I sat her on the potty but she was all upset because she got poo on the potty seat.  I got her cleaned up but insisted she stay on the potty because she had only pooped, not peed.  But then I felt the wet spot on the carpet.  But, I think all kids have a hard time with poop, and if she had just had to pee, I think she would have gone in the potty, but the pee accident came along with the poop accident.

So we're still in block two, but I need to grocery shop tomorrow, so I am torn.  If I wait until my husband gets up to watch her, I can't go until 4 or 5 and by then my energy to go has waned.  Maybe if I am really quick we can do it in under half an hour.  Especially if we go first thing in the morning, since she tends not to pee much before noon.  I also have to go to the Secretary of State to renew my driver's license.  It expires Tuesday and I forgot all about it.  For that I am going to go during her nap, there is no way I am going to take a newly potty trained child to the SOS and wait for God knows how long.  I can't wait to go buy her underwear.  I am hoping she'll be really into buying it and not want to pee on the characters.

Lately I've been itching to convert her crib to a toddler bed, but I know that's stupid to do right now when there is no reason to.  The past couple weeks she has gotten a lot better about going down for nap and bed easily since taking her bottles away, so why rock the boat?  I think she will do ok in a toddler bed as far as sleeping goes, but I foresee lots of getting up and playing when she should be sleeping, yelling for me to come get her when she cannot get her bedroom door open, plus I have to really go through her room and baby proof it better; anchor the furniture, make sure cords aren't as appealing, figure out how I am going to baby proof her closet door so I don't wake up every day to the entire contents of her closet pulled out into her room.  So as excited as I am to move on to the next step, I don't want to deal with that right now.  She only occasionally tries to climb out and she isn't even close to being successful, and most mornings she just happily plays in her crib once she wakes up.

For right now we are only day time training, so maybe in August or September we'll start nap and night time training, and then we'll convert her crib so she can get up to potty in the middle of the night.

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