Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A plan

I told my gyn the other day I wasn't ready to go on clomid or anything like that, and he understood, he said it's best to wait until I am ready.  I'm still not, but I decided on a time frame of when I will go.  I would of course like my husband to go with me, at least to the first few appointments for moral support and to give his family history and stuff, but it is almost impossible for him to get a day off work.

He gets laid off every winter, so he'll likely be done a couple weeks before Christmas and then he'll have most days free to come with me to appts.  Nobody wants to think about going to an RE right before Christmas, so I'll wait until the first of the year.  That is also the time when I *should* be to my first mini goal of losing 25 pounds, so I figure January is a good time to plan to go.  Either I will have lost the weight, will be Oing again and do not need to go, or the weightloss will not go so well at which point I will need to seek help, or I will have lost the weight but still am not Oing. 

I also went online and found a female RE in my hometown about 20 minutes away.  I was worried it would be difficult to find one, but it was pretty easy.  She looks nice in her picture, she is affiliated with the same hospital my OB is and the one I plan to give birth at and she accepts my insurance, sign me up!  I found a few ratings for her and she seemed to score pretty high so I feel confident with her, gotta start somewhere I guess.  There are also two male doctors at the practice but I'd rather a female.  My OB is a guy and I love him, it's not awkward or anything....if I were to get stuck with a guy it would be fine but if I have the choice I would prefer a woman.  Plus the two guys were eh...I didn't feel particularily drawn to them in their pictures.

I feel like a huge weight has been lifted.  It made me nervous to think about going anytime soon, but to have it dangling out there in the future also left me anxious so I feel better having a date in mind.  It also is great that Ryan's lay off and the time that I should be at my goal weight all coincide so it seems like the perfect time to go.  So I think in November I will call to make the appt for January and also see if they can see what my insurance covers.  It feels good to have a plan.

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