Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Potty training day 3, block 2

As I suspected, clothes mucked it up.  Today did not start out well.  I did all the explaining when she first got up, telling her we were taking off her nighty diaper because we pee and poop in the potty when we're awake, and that we were putting clothes on today and she would need to pull her pants down to use the potty.

The first attempt right after she got up, she sat on the potty with her pants still on.  I told her no, she needs to pull her pants down first.  Nothing happened for the first couple hours, then suddenly she got a weird look on her face, and I saw pee trickling out of her pant leg.  There goes the first pair of pants.  So I calmly told her, you peed in your pants, the next time you need to pee in the potty.  I did try to get her over to the potty, but by then it was all on her pants or the carpet and none was left for the pot.

I gave her some more liquids, and an hour or two later I left the room to go get her lunch.  When I came back, her pants were wet.  Pair number two, bites the dust.  So she had lunch, and went down for a nap.  She again pooped during her nap.  I think if she hasn't pooped in the potty by Friday I will research what to do.  I know it's very normal, I can remember when my niece was potty training my SIL was like omg this child is never going to poop in the potty.  But if I can do something to shorten that time, I will.

Once she was up, I had her practice pulling her pants down and sitting on the potty, and pulling them back up.  She did ok, but of course has some trouble getting them down and back on.  I guess we won't be wearing jeans for a while until she gets this down.  I had to take the cat to the vet so I tried to get her to go before I left, since I was afraid if she peed her pants while I was gone, I would come home to find my husband had put her in a diaper.  But she wouldn't go.  I was gone about an hour but he said she hadn't gone while I was out.

So he and I both kept prompting her to use the potty.  Finally she listened, but she took her pants all the way off and ran around for a few minutes naked from the waist down.  Then she went and sat on the potty and peed.  So I am not sure if that counts, since technically she was naked when she did it, so that's kind of retreating back to block one territory.  I want her to realize that just because she has something on her bottom, doesn't mean she can pee in them.  When I first read that she had to be commando for a few weeks because underwear still feels too much like a diaper at first, I was surprised.  I was like come on, underwear is thin, it must feel like nothing compared to years in a bulky diaper.  But I see that even having pants on and going commando is enough to make them feel like they can just go as if it's a diaper.

So we had dinner, then watched TV for a bit, cleaned up our toys and then I wanted her to try to potty one last time before bed.  It's funny how kids are all different, and things that the experts say doesn't always hold true with all kids.  When I was in school for early childhood and working at a daycare, all I ever heard was, never ask a child if they will do something, tell them to do it.  Never end your sentence with ok, because if they so no you have no where to go from there.  When I became a mom I heard it all again, never ask if your child wants to do something that you want them to do.  But typically that is the only way my kid responds in a positive way.

If I flat out tell her to do something, or say, we're going to try to go potty now, she either ignores me, or she says no.  But when I say, we're going to try going potty now, ok?  She says ok, and then does it.  So before bed I told her several times to pull down her pants and try to potty again, but she would say no, or run around and climb on the furniture, or walk around all weird with her head cocked to the side.  Finally when I said, it's time to pull down your pants and go potty, ok?....she happily said ok, and did it.  So she peed four times today not including in her diaper.  Two of the times were a bust, once was sort of a success, and once was a success.

This morning I was not feeling too optimistic, but I am thinking today went pretty good after all.  It went much like day one of block one went.  She went in her pants/on the floor a couple times, and then eventually realized what she is supposed to do.  So hopefully tomorrow she will follow suite and continue doing well and not go in her pants, and by Friday she should be a pro....or at least getting much better, I hope.  We'll stay in block two for a while, just doing small trips here and there.  Except Sunday will be a longer trip to go to the flea market, but I will cut down liquids in the morning and take lots of potty breaks to compensate.

She woke me up twice last night, once around 2 and again around 4.  That's so unlike her.  I am thinking it has something to do with potty training.  Maybe just the fact that we are going through something new has her sleep a little off, or maybe when she peed in her diaper in her sleep it woke her up because she is now of the mindset that she should be going in the potty.  So she was asking for everything under the sun.  She wanted guppies (Bubble Guppies), Callie (Sheriff Callie), eat, milk, and outside.  The milk I could do, so I got her some in a cup and gave her a few sips with the straw.  I rocked her for a little bit and read her a story, and then tucked her back in.

Amazingly the last few nights I have actually been ready to go to sleep when I go to bed, I've fallen asleep pretty quickly and I wake up feeling mostly refreshed.  I haven't been napping lately, and I am making an effort to take all of my medications each day and at the right times.  I would imagine taking them at odd hours and skipping pills and such could make you feel really tired and sluggish.  I've been doing well with my metformin, taking one in the morning and one in the evening and not skipping doses.  I cannot be sure because I am not temping or using OPKs, but I was pretty sure I felt ovulation pain on CD14 and again on day 16.  That would be great if I did and my cycle is regulating since I have been taking the metformin more regularly.  And CD14-16 is damn near textbook for Oing.  We'll see in two weeks if I was right.  We are not TTC, still undecided, but it would be nice to know when I O so I can know when to expect my period.

When she woke me up at 4 I was so tired.  I had no clue what she wanted this time, so I thought maybe changing the disc in her projector would make her happy.  It's a new projector, her old one crapped out (it was our second one, both died the same way) so we just got a new one, and she hadn't seen what is on the other two discs, so I put the fish one in.  She was all excited, she kept pointing and saying fish.  So I told her to lay down so she could watch the fish.  She did, and I covered her with a blanket and said goodnight.  Hopefully she doesn't get me up at all tonight.  It's not unheard of for her to wake me up in the middle of the night every once in a while, like maybe once every three months.  But twice in one night, what are you, a newborn?  If I have to deal with the terrible two's and potty training, at least let me enjoy my sleep and being out of the "up multiple times a night" newborn stage.

In other news, I got a job!  It's part time, roughly ten hours for now (could increase in time, but maybe not) and it's work from home.  I will be doing medical billing.  I am so excited.  I was on the fence about getting a job.  I miss the satisfaction working gave me, I missed the importance I felt and responsibility working gave me, and of course some extra income is always nice.  But I hated the idea of leaving Em, even for part time, and I had no clue how I was going to juggle house work, taking care of Em, and working outside the home.  But this is the best of both worlds.  I can feel productive, I can still be home with Em, and I can bring in some income.

I start next Wednesday, I have to go to the boss's house for training.  A part of me is like ugh, I only have a week left and then I have to actually go to work for the first time in almost two years.  But then I remind myself that it's JUST for training.  If I had gotten any other job, I would have to go to the job however many hours a week.  Training could take a couple months to get in everything we have to go over, but I am certain I won't be going 40 hours a week to train.  Hopefully just 2 or 3 days a week and not for the entire day.  But even that, once it's done, it will all be from home and I won't have to go anywhere. Maybe once in a blue moon for a meeting or something, but that's it.  I'm excited.  I knew I missed having a job when I got excited to say, I have to drop Em off next week so I can go to work....or when I think about adding it to my resume, or having a company email.  I don't miss working 40 hours, but I think this will be really good for me.  Plus, how freaking lucky am I to have found a legit work from home job, AND be offered the job?

This is exactly what I have been looking for.  It took longer than I had planned, I said I was going to give myself a year off with Em, and then I would have to go back to work if nothing worked out.  I had been off for a year last July, and I didn't start applying for jobs until August or September, and here I am 3 months from hitting the two year mark, but thankfully I got this and it was worth the wait.  The logistics of the job are perfect, and I think I will really enjoy the work too.  Since Em goes to her Nana's every Wednesday, I can get in at least four hours of work then.  Then I could just do an hour at nap and/or an hour once she goes to bed most days.  That's totally doable.  They also stressed that I should not answer emails when I am not "working".  So if I don't plan on working until 2pm-3pm that day, I shouldn't answer any emails until that time period.  That is nice to know, because I tend to get anxious and worry people are wondering what is taking so long for a reply if I don't answer right away.  At my old job, I would deal with emails as they came in, even if I was in the middle of something else.  This often was counter-productive because it broke my concentration of what I was working on.  I should have set two to three time periods through out the day to check and answer emails.

The two women I interviewed with were very nice and easy to talk to.  The one that did most of the talking at the interview is the one I will be training with at her house, so I am glad I have already met her and clicked well with her.  I am not really nervous about training and learning the job.  Hopefully I don't have to go train every Wednesday though or I will miss my diabetes class.  I missed today because of Em's potty training, and I have to miss next week for job training.  Hopefully we can work it out so that I either don't train on Wednesdays, or maybe we start earlier so I can be done in time for class, or start later in the day after class.

Fingers crossed that Em continues to do well tomorrow!

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