Thursday, April 28, 2016

Potty training, Day 4, block 2

This will be short and sweet.  It's late and I am sleepy.  Today was good, I suppose.  She wasn't very willing to use the potty when I asked her to, and she sat on the potty many times with no results.  I want to say she only peed in the potty twice.  BUT, she did not pee in her pants at all.  So that is a victory.  I didn't give her many extra liquids today, so waiting around for her to pee was painful.  If she drinks a glass of milk for breakfast and another one at lunch, she usually will not pee until in her diaper during nap.

My brother needed me to come over today for something, and since we hadn't have any accidents yet today I figured it would be a good time to try a small outing.  I took her potty ring with us so she could use the potty there.  I tried to get her to go before we left the house, and as soon as we got there, but that was a no go.  She also was not a fan of sitting on the big potty.  On the way there to protect the car seat I put a puppy pad under her.  Our dog never used them, so I finally found a use for them.

Finally before we left his house, she sat on the potty and went.  Whew!  So another success, she did finally go on the potty, she didn't pee her pants the whole time we were there, and she didn't pee in her car seat on the way or on the way home.  First small outing (I count it as small since the ride was about 25 minutes each way, and it wasn't a HUGE deal if she wet her pants at his house, though we were there for several hours) went pretty well.  Tomorrow she will go to her Nana's house, so she gets to deal with the potty training for a few hours, I need a break!

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