Saturday, March 16, 2013

Future soccer player?- 21 wks 1 day

My baby girl has been kicking pretty steady since about 17 or 18 weeks, but today for the first time I saw the kick!  It was so cool.  I was laying on the couch and my phone was on my tummy and suddenly out of the corner of my eye I saw my phone jump up a little.  So I moved the phone and stared at my stomach for like ten minutes and saw several little rise and falls as she practiced her soccer kicks.

Once Ryan got home and I was laying down again, I watched some more to see if she would do it again and she did, but of course when he came over and watched and put his hand on my stomach she stopped, lol, stubborn little thing.

Now for a warning, my mush-o-meter is about to go sky high.  I've always dreamed of having kids, despite always wondering if I was ready, kids was always something I wanted one day.  I've seen aunts and cousins and friends go through pregnancies, and I was always so happy for them, but I just had no idea.  I can honestly say I don't think I've ever been so happy in my life, and everyday I am just blown away by what a magical time this is for us.  Sure I have moments of discomfort and pain....I currently cannot feel my fingertips on my thumb and two fingers of my right hand, haven't been able to for weeks.  I am hungry but I still have to check my blood sugar in 25 more minutes so I cannot eat until then, and thanks to some pretty knarly constipation I've had some bathroom moments that makes me think I am being forced to practice childbirth.  But overall I have had a very smooth, uneventful pregnnacy and so far I just love being pregnant.  I don't know if I physically have it, but mentally and emotionally I feel the glow.  Ok, mushiness moment over.

Here I am this week at 21 weeks....I feel like I have really popped a lot in the last few weeks.
Ryan and I went on the tour of the perinatal unit at the hospital the other day.  I really enjoyed it, it was very informative and it was nice to see exactly where I will be.  I am also glad to hear that all of the rooms are now private so no worry of sharing with another momma.  I can't even imagine.  The mother-baby room (my room for the duration of the stay once she is born) that we toured was an old semi-private, so the tour guide joked that it's nice because there are still two TV's, so mom and dad can each watch what they want.  We're taking an Infant Care class next month, and a Breastfeeding class in June.  There is also a child birth class that Ryan thinks we should take, but I don't know.  The cost of that class is the same as the other two put together, plus it's an entire weekend, several hours each day.  Besides, I know what I know about child birth, and any other information will just scare me, so I'd rather not.

My FIL came over today and he and Ryan framed in and hung the drywall at the top of the closet in the nursery.  It took several hours, so that's likely the hardest longest part until we can paint.  So now over the next week or two Ryan can just mud and sand each day until it's done.  Then the closet doors can go on, and painting can begin!  I would imagine there will even be days when my FIL comes over while we're at work to get some painting done, that's what he did in our bedroom and living room when we first bought the house.  Well actually he didn't paint the whole rooms, just hung the molding at the top and painted the drop effect.

I came across this song on a fellow bumpie's blog, I really like it.  It's pretty fitting for us too.

Don't get me wrong, I know Ryan is thrilled to have our little Kayla...I mean he's always talked about having a daughter and has had her name picked out for years and years.  But since I got pregnant we both thought it was a boy, and he kept calling the baby he.  When we found out she's a girl, he called his friend and said "what the hell am I going to do with a daughter"?  But I know he is just intimidated.  He is familiar with boy parts, obviously, and knows what boys like.  But a girl, I think he is feeling a little lost.  But I know, just as in the song, she's going to have him wrapped around his little finger from the moment he lays eyes on her.  I think every man should be able to have a little daddy's girl.

I also kind of chuckle because I think someday soon Ryan is going to have a whole new understanding for my dad.  To say that Ryan and my dad don't get along is so not true.  But there is....tension.  Especially when we first moved in together and were getting married.  I think my dad was having a hard time letting go, and trusting someone else to take care of me and I think someday Ryan is going to know exactly what my dad was feeling.

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