Saturday, February 15, 2014

Baby Clothes- 35 wks 2 days

I went to my Godson's second birthday party today and my friend's Aunt Dee was there.  She has kind of adopted me as a niece, so she was invited to the shower but she couldn't make it because of the snow so she gave me a present today.  She got Boo this adorable frilly dress.  It is a 3-6 mo and we hope to get her baptized this summer so this cute little dress may need to make an appearance afterward at the luncheon.

Speaking of her baptism, my stepmom's brother-in-law gave us the christening gown that all of his kids were baptized in.  He figures he won't be having any grandkids so he wanted to pass it on to someone that could use it.  It's really pretty but it's all croched with pretty heavy yarn.  I don't want her sweating her butt off in that, so I think we're going to pass on it.  Plus Ryan is pretty sure his mom still has his gown so that would be nice if she could be baptized in the same gown her daddy was.

We got a couple outfts from our shower that just won't work, so I took those back today and got three onesies, a footy pajama, two packs of socks with six pairs each and a pink piggy bank....not a bad trade off.  There was a children's resale store right next door and I was so tempted, but I didn't go in.  I think she's got enough clothes now, at least to make it thru six months anyway.  I got my Godson's birthday gift from Old Navy yesterday, my friend requested clothes since between him and his brother they have soooo many toys.  So while I was there I picked up a few outfits for Boo.

One is a onesie that says Miss Sassy Pants, and I got these cute little yellow shorts to go over it that kind of look like bloomers.  I also got her this little blue romper thing with eyelet designs at the top, it's so pretty.  I have to actively search for non pink clothes since her closet is overflowing with pink right now.  I got our registry completion coupon from Babies R Us the other day.  Ryan wasn't too thrilled about going and likely has to work tomorrow, so my future SIL and I are going to buy the remaining stuff we need.  We're also going to Bed Bath and Beyond to finish her wedding registry since my brother doesn't feel like going.  Slackers!

I'm a little worried about where to put everything I am buying tomorrow.  I went through all of our gifts and got all of the clothes and anything that needed to be washed, so those are either hung up in her closet, or folded in laundry baskets in the basement and was able to condense everything to one corner of the living room.  But tomorrow's haul is definitely not going to fit in the corner.  Maybe when our living room is full of baby stuff again, that will light a fire under my husband's ass to get the furniture assembled so the nursery is set up and we can put stuff away.  I'm itching to get the nursery decorated and put together, hopefully Boo doesn't decide to come early.

I put our jogger stroller together last night.  I love it, it's so nice.  But wow am I glad we also got a smaller lightweight stroller for everyday use.  That jogger is huge and not very light.  Ryan is running a 5K a few weeks after Boo will arrive.  Last year it was the first race he ran after we lost Kayla and all the guys sported bracelets with her name on them and ran in her honor.  So this year, since Boo will be too little to go jogging, he's going to "ghostride" and run with the empty stroller in Kayla's honor.  That's going to be very emotional to see him crossing the finish line.  Since he'll have the carseat on the stroller (that way people don't really have to know the stroller is empty) I guess I'll try out the little pouch carrier thing while she and I wait for daddy to finish the race.  Hopefully the weather will be warmer by then. 

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