Sunday, February 9, 2014

Nesting-34 wks 3 daya

I think nesting has set in.  I have been cleaning all weekend, and I cannot stop.  I've cleaned nooks and crannies that I didn't even know could get dirt in them, but I cannot stop seeing dirt everywhere I go so I just kept scrubbing.  Yesterday I did the bathroom and half of the kitchen, and today it took me 4 hours to finish the kitchen.  I intended on doing the living room as well, but just as I finished the kitchen my husband wanted to go out and do something. 

Finishing my cleaning job would have been nice, but my husband isn't always a fan of going out these days, so when he wants to, I drop what I am doing.  So we went to dinner at Five Guys Burgers, and then drove around looking for something to do.  It was going on 6 on a Sunday, so our options were limited.  We ended up going to Rock of Ages which is a CD/record/rock and roll memorbilia and pop culture stuff store.  So we walked around for a bit, laughed at the rock 'n roll onsies they had.  There were funny ones, but we're just not the kind of people that dress our baby in Rolling Stone or Sons of Anarchy onsies.  My friend at work sent me a pic of a cute onsie, it was orange and made out to look like a prison uniform and it said "I just did 9 months on the inside".  Ha, though I am not sure who felt like they were in jail more, me or her.

  After that we just came home because we couldn't think of anything else to do.  On the way home we stopped at Tim Horton's and got a bagel to share and we each got donuts.  I got a chocolate glazed which I am eating now with a glass of milk and it's heavenly.  I did well with my numbers today, plus after a marathon session of cleaning I felt I deserved it. 

I hope I have the energy to clean the living room tomorrow.  It's so nice to have an 85% clean house.  My problem with cleaning is I have two extremes.  Pig, or neatfreak.  I either do nothing and the house is completely disusting, or I go on rampages like I did today (though today was slightly more extreme fueled by nesting drives) and I have troubles stopping, and I freak out about every little speck of dirt after having spent all day cleaning.  A super clean house is nice, but I have trouble relaxing in it because I keep seeing more and more that needs to be cleaned.  I feel better when the house is presentable, but lived in.

But once I get it all clean, hopefully I can get back to my daily chore schedule to maintain it.  Boo must have liked my cleaning today though because every time I sat down to take a break, she would kick like crazy.  My constant movement and cleaning must have lulled her to sleep all day.  Well, 20 minutes until the season premier of The Walking Dead, so I'm outta here. 

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