Tuesday, February 25, 2014

I ditched the stich! - 36 wks 5 days

It's out, I'm so happy!  I was pretty nervous on my way there, and my husband was running late but luckily he arrived after I peed in a cup, was weighed, and had my BP taken but before they started with removal..  I just have to brag about my BP for a minute, so far it's been perfect everytime.  Thank God that has been one less thing I need to worry about.  Good job BP!

So then my doctor came in and got ready.  I kept telling her I was scared and she was like well it will be quick, and if for some reason we have issues we'll have you come back and do it in the OR.  I said how much I hate the speculum and why can't they make it out of nerf.  Everyone had a good laugh over that one.

So she got started....the speculum was, well as usual, uncomfortable and a bit painful.  She went in, snip, and said, it's out.  She checked to make sure I wasn't bleeding too much which I wasn't at all, took the speculum out and did a pelvic to check dilation (I am still only fingertip dilated) and that was it.  I was amazed.  From start to finish it took less than a minute.  I feel kind of silly now for being so nervous.  I mean yeah there can be complications, but that seriously could not have gone any smoother.

The nurse asked if I wanted to see the stich and my doctor was like no I get to show her, that's like the equivalent of holding the baby afterward, haha.  So she showed it to me....it was a loop with a braided section, it kind of looked like one of those friendship bracelets.  She asked if we wanted to keep it and I was like eh but my husband wanted it.  Haha, ok, so now we have this stitch that has been in my cervix for 5 months.  What exactly we're going to do with it I don't know.

So then they hooked me back up to the NST....I was a little worried at first, I thought I was going to fail it because her HR was so high, but she calmed down some.  Plus I told her she wasn't very active this morning and my doctor sounded concerned.  I mean, she is typically more active in the afternoon and evening, but this morning it really bothered me.  I am not sure why.  I wasn't sure if she really wasn't moving much or if I was just paying attention to it more.  She had a couple good thumps and bumps around 9am, but then not much until noonish so I ate lunch a little early and that got her going.

I had like barely any work to do today and the clock was barely moving, plus I was nervous about my cerclage removal, so I think overall that is why I was more on edge and bothered by her lack of movement this morning.  Tomorrow I could be busier at work and not even fazed by it.

So she went over with me how I will be induced.  She said first I'll be given misoprostol if I am not dilated at all, which will help ripen my cervix.  She said they also might use a foley bulb to help things along, and the pitocin would be used once I am actually in labor if I am not progressing fast enough.

So we're scheduled, unless she decides to come earlier on her own we'll be going in on March 18th at 6am.  I'm so excited to have a date set, that's 3 weeks from today!  I told her I would like to try to schedule it around her and the other doctor I like.  They were all joking that I wanted the girl team.    They don't have the schedule of who is on in the evenings, but my favorite doctor, Dr. P is on that Tuesday and Wednesday and then Dr. G is on Thursday.  She said they'll likely let me rest at night, so hopefully I'll deliver during the day and it looks like a very good chance of getting Dr. P, who also delivered Kayla.   I'm also happy because before knowing when which doctor was on, Tuesday was kind of the date I had in my head.

I didn't want Monday the 17th....I don't know, kind of silly but I hate St. Patrick's Day so I didn't want to purposefully chose that day.  My last day of work is the previous Thursday, so I didn't really want to chose Wednesday or Thursday and be off for an entire week before she comes.  Plus it made me nervous to get too close to 40 weeks. 

So then we had our growth scan.  It was pretty funny before she got started, Boo was pushing on my stomach and it made me lopsided, and then gave me a cone belly.  Ryan had never seen her do that before.  I think it was her butt, lol.  So she is still head down, yay!  Everything looked good, and they estimate that she is about 7 pounds right now.  Whew, not as bad as I feared.  I was afraid they would say she was already 8 or 9.  They estimate that she'll be in the high 7's or low 8's, maaaaybe 8.5 if she has a big growth spurt by then, but I'm pretty good with all that.  I was really scared of delivering a 9 or 10 pound meatloaf.

Three more weeks until I get to meet my little girl!

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