Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I'm seeing spots

I had some very light spotting yesterday.  Which brought on two thoughts....A. dear God please don't let this be my period.  I'm going to the doctor on Friday for provera, (and my annual) if my period picks this week to make its long awaited debut, I'd have to reschedule my appointment...again.  I just want to go and get it over with.  Or B. maybe it's implantation bleeding.  I cringe just thinking that let alone typing it.  I know it's not....I hate when people post a thread about this, everyone says it's rare.  But I still couldn't help my mind going there.

If I just ovulated out of the blue on or around that day, yesterday would have been 7-9DPO-ish, which is around when implantation happens.  But how could I be that lucky?  Nobody is that lucky to ovulate out of the blue like that in a 120+ day cycle, and just happen to have sex (it wasn't even for baby making purposes, imagine that) and end up knocked up?  Ha, but of course if I wasn't trying to get pregnant, those are the exact circumstances it would happen in.  I immediately think of Miranda on Sex and the City getting knocked up with a lazy ovary and Steve's one ball.

I thought I got that lucky once before when I randomly took an OPK, found it positive, I Od for the first time in 70 some days, did the deed only once and wound up pregnant, and just in time to announce at Christmas.  Correction....I thought I was amazingly lucky, until I miscarried.  So I refuse to believe that something this miraculous could happen again, AND it would stick.  But a girl can dream right?

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